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Vol. 81, No. 9                     March Air Reserve Base, California                                                           Friday, March 4, 2016

 NEWS BRIEFS Major Accident Response Exercise tests readiness


   The March DEERS office
(ID Card office) is moving back
to Bldg. 2314, now that the
renovation is complete. There
will be NO DEERS access or
ID cards processed during the
scheduled move from March
7-11. The DEERS ID office is
projected to re-open March 14.

      APRIL MONTH                                                                                                                                                                       U.S. Air Force photo/Marvin Tucker
       CHILD EVENT                 Local ambulances, to include those from Mercy Air, the American Red Cross, Riverside Regional Medical Center, and Riverside
   Announcing the 3rd Annual       Community Hospital line up during the Major Accident Response Exercise conducted by organizers at March Air Reserve Base,
April, Month of the Military       February 18. It is standard operating procedures to conduct a MARE prior to a big event, such as an airshow to allow all agencies
Child event in Los Angeles on      involved to work together in case of an accident or incident.
Sunday, April 17 from 1:30
- 4:00 p.m. This event held at     by Major Colleen Iardella                         The MARE was a great opportunity           how each agency works, confirming op-
the Los Angeles Public Library     452 AMW inspector general                      to assess how the installation’s emergen-     erations go smoothly, which makes a dif-
- Downtown, is a collaborative                                                    cy responders and local area responders       ference on how each entity responds to a
effort by members of the Los          March members tested their first re-         would work together in a mass casualty        real-life accident or incident.
Angeles Veterans Collaborative     sponder capabilities February 18, dur-         event. The response teams included vari-
- Families & Children Working      ing a Major Accident Response Exercise         ous agencies, such as fire, medical and law       Key players during this MARE includ-
Group. There will be activities    (MARE) in preparation for the upcoming         enforcement from numerous organizations       ed the March Field Fire and Emergency
and goodies for children up to     March Field AirFest, April 16 and 17.          and jurisdictions within the region. Some     Services, the 452nd and 163rd Security
age 12 years, but all are wel-     Participants practiced their responses to      of these agencies will be staged on base      Forces Squadrons, March Emergency
come to attend. Share this invi-   a simulated aircraft crash to ensure they      during the air show in order to achieve       Management, Riverside Sherriff ’s Depart-
tation with your military-con-     are ready to quickly react should the real     maximum preparedness and response in          ment, Riverside County Coroner, Moreno
nected families. Last year they    thing occur.                                   coordination with March emergency re-         Valley Police Department, CAL FIRE,
hosted children from through-                                                     sponse organizations.                         Riverside and Perris Fire Departments,
out the Southern California           Practicing for numerous emergency                                                         17 ambulance services to include Mercy
area. Complete the online reg-     situations allows response agencies the           With hundreds of thousands of specta-      Air, the American Red Cross, Riverside
istration to assist with planning  opportunity to test readiness, evaluate        tors anticipated to attend the air show, ex-  Regional Medical Center, and Riverside
for this event. Children regis-    emergency procedures, alleviate possible       ercises like these are specifically intended   Community Hospital.
tered by March 4 will receive      issues and, in the rare event something        to test the base’s response to a disaster.
a certificate from the Office of     does occur, to save lives. The installation’s  The leading focus is to safely respond and       While there are many players in mak-
Mayor Eric Garcetti. Registra-     emergency responders worked alongside          mitigate the emergency. It is extremely       ing sure the air show is a success, knowing
tion closes on April 10th. For     partnering agencies from around the com-       important to run exercises like this recent   that the first responder teams are prepared
more information or to register,   munity, a critical relationship throughout a   MARE to provide the opportunity to see        to answer the call makes March that much
contact Deborah J. Hayes, de-      disaster, to ensure unified operations.                                                       more safe and enjoyable for all involved.
You may also donate items in
support of this event, (chil-
dren’s books, gift cards, small
toys, etc.)


   The March Retiree Activi-
ties Office is in need of volun-
teers who can donate just three

             See BRIEFS page 3
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