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2                                    March 4, 2016                         
                                                                                        CHAPLAIN’S CORNER
   Volume 81, Number 9                  Keeping the faith is resiliency tool
 452 AMW Public Affairs
14560 2nd Street, Bldg. 2640            by Senior Master Sgt. Rita Houchin              struggles in stride.                           had beautiful music, prayer and affection-
 March ARB, CA 92518-1852               452 AMW Chaplain Corps team                        Then one day my co-worker and close         ate memories from the young folks. It was
DPZSDZRUNÀRZ#XVDIPLO                                                                                                             also laced with their culture, but seemed
                                           If you read Chaplain Richard Given’s         friend called me up out of the blue and        much healthier.
        fax: 951-655-7070               introductions to the 452nd Air Mobility         told me that her beautiful son had commit-
     phone: 951-655-4138                Wing Chaplain Corps team in last month’s        ted suicide. That is a senseless tragedy that     Both moms suffered a sudden and trau-
                                        Beacons, you would have seen my photo           somehow one must grasp. A short time           matic loss, yet the mom who embraced her
          COMMANDER                     and learned that I was a mechanic in the        later, another co-worker lost her son, a pas-  faith appeared to me to heal at a drastically
 Brig. Gen. Russell A. Muncy            Marine Corps in the 1980s who returned          senger of an erratic driver on Grad Night.     different pace, and fare much better than
                                        to service as a chaplain assistant after Sep-   Yes, the sudden loss of my friends’ sons had   the other mom did.
CHIEF OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS                 tember 11, 2001.                                me thinking about life and death. But, it was
     Capt. Perry Covington                                                              their funerals that I attended which had a        Although this happened a long time ago,
                                           For a good portion of my life I was a        profound impact on me, and helped to dras-     and at the time, I did not understand that
   CHIEF OF OPERATIONS                  very unlikely candidate for becoming a          tically change my attitude toward faith.       I was observing resiliency, the ability to
          Ms. Linda Welz                chaplain assistant. For example, I used to                                                     bounce back, I had come to the personal
                                        get angry when I saw religious fish sym-            My two friends had two very different       conclusion that faith was a vital component
       BEACON EDITOR                    bols on cars because I felt as if I were being  funerals for their sons. One was at a mortu-   and that perhaps it could even save lives.
          Mr. Sean Dath                 preached to by a bumper sticker.                ary with no music or prayer that I can re-
                                                                                        member, just fond memories from young             There is it, my long and winding path to
452 AMW EDITORIAL STAFF                    So what happened? As is the plot in          friends sprinkled with odd talk about a        a career field that is not just about religious
 Master Sgt. Megan Crusher              many movies and books, life was beating         fringe culture.                                freedom, but also about helping to provide
Staff Sgt. Heather Cozad Staley         me up a bit. But, having been a Marine I                                                       tools for resiliency, a listening ear, and the
   Staff Sgt. Osmin Suguitan            learned to take most hardships and life            The other funeral took place at a church,   many benefits of having faith.
Senior Airman Kevin Mitterholzer
Senior Airman Joseph Dangidang          First sergeant appointed to
Senior Airman Russell McMillan          California Veteran’s Board

    The Beacon is published by          by Linda Welz                                   Thornton the opportunity to help Veter-        ans as well as members of the 452nd AES.
Aerotech News and Review. Aero-         452 AMW public affairs                          ans, not just individually, but in the com-    Her positions complement each other,” he
WHFKLVDSULYDWH¿UPLQQRZD\FRQ-                                                    munity as a whole, she said. This was her      said. “She sees the basic needs as a first
nected with the U.S. Air Force, un-        Master Sgt. Carla J. Thornton, acting        chance to be more instrumental in ensur-       sergeant and is in touch with what’s really
der exclusive written contract with     first sergeant, 452nd Aeromedical Evacu-         ing that California Veterans are getting the   going on.”
the 452nd Air Mobility Wing. This       ation Squadron, was appointed to the Cal-       best benefits available, she added.
civilian enterprise Air Force news-     ifornia Veteran’s Board by Governor Ed-                                                           Being involved in her community helps
paper is an authorized publication      mund G. Brown Jr. on February 11, 2016.            Most board members are from north-          Thornton serve as role model for her sev-
for employees and members of            As a veteran, member of a military orga-        ern California, Thornton said. The board       en-year-old daughter and other military
U.S. military services, retirees and    nization, and California resident, Thorn-       is lacking representation from this area,      members, she said.
family members. Contents are not        ton met the requirements to serve on the        women, and other groups. Her appoint-
QHFHVVDULO\ WKH RI¿FLDO YLHZV RI  board and applied in 2012.                      ment will diversify the board, she said.          “We should be active participants. It’s
or endorsed by, the U.S. Govern-                                                                                                       my life-long value system to be involved
ment, the Department of Defense            It wasn’t until the current California          “My input will hopefully bring about        in the community,” she said.
or the Department of the Air Force.     State Appointments Secretary Mona Pas-          more change for Vets who live in this re-
                                        quil provided training in the local area,       gion,” she said. I’m still trying to grasp        Thornton, who will receive a small
    The appearance of advertis-         that Thornton (who attended that training)      things, but a high priority is the Veterans’   stipend to compensate her for travel to
ing in this newspaper, including        asked Pasquil if her 2012 application had       homes, with each being represented by a        and from meeting locations throughout
inserts or supplements, does not        been received.                                  board member. I’ve been assigned to the        the year, earned a Master of Social Work
constitute endorsement of the                                                           Lancaster home,” Thornton said. “My job        degree from the University of Southern
products or services by the De-            “She contacted me after the training, I      is to keep its residents healthy, provide      California School of Social Work, and
partment of Defense, the Depart-        filled out the application, provided letters     them with resources, and ensure they are       a Master of Arts degree in management
ment of the Air Force or Aerotech       of recommendation, and then it moved up         living in a safe environment.”                 from the University of Redlands. She said
News and Review, Inc.                   from that point,” Thornton said.                                                               that in addition to her social work degree,
                                                                                           Thornton spends her Reserve time as         her sub-concentration was community or-
    Everything advertised in this          “I consider myself a community ser-          an acting first sergeant, and is also a vol-
newspaper shall be made avail-          vant, helping 1.8 million vets in CA            unteer victim advocate. Through those                               See SERGEANT page 9
able for purchase, use or patron-       by serving as their voice on the board,”        positions she has become more familiar
age without regard to race, color,      Thornton said. “Helping the California          with benefits that the Veteran’s Adminis-
religion, sex, national origin, age,    Veterans Department to continue to pro-         tration provides to individuals who have
marital status, physical handi-         vide outstanding benefits is what being an       experienced a sexual trauma, which, in
FDS SROLWLFDO DI¿OLDWLRQ RU DQ\   active community participant is all about.”     turn, helps her understand and be able to
other non-merit factor of the pur-                                                      explain those benefits better.
chaser, user or patron.                    Thornton, 37, of Moreno Valley, will
                                        attend her first meeting in Sacramento at           “Based on her disposition and her ex-
    Editorial content is edited, pre-   the end of this month, although her senate      perience, she is an ideal first sergeant and
pared and provided by the staff         confirmation, which involves reviewing           spokesperson for Veterans,” said 2nd Lt
of the 452nd Air Mobility Wing          applications and conducting interviews, is      Jim Lambert, assistant director of opera-
3XEOLF$IIDLUV RI¿FH DW 0DUFK$LU   pending and could take up to six months.        tions, 452 AES. “She is a voice for Veter-
Reserve Base. All photographs
in the Beacon are Air Force pho-           Being active at the state level gives
tos unless otherwise stated. For
advertising, contact Aerotech di-
rectly at 877-247-9288.

Aerotech News and Review
  456 East Ave. K-4, Suite 8
      Lancaster, CA 93535
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