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2 February 26, 2016                                        Commentary                                                                                                                                 BULLSEYE                                                                                                                                               

Security Incidents, a Year in Review

By Kimberly McGlade                                        cybercriminals into protected systems. The                   dent involving failure to comply with secu-                    tion Protection Office. Failure to report a
                                                           unique missions at Nellis and Creech Air                     rity requirements which cannot reasonably                      security violation is in itself a security vio-
99th ABW Information Protection Office                     Force Bases certainly make us prime cyber-                   be expected to result in the loss or potential                 lation and may raise serious concerns with
                                                           crime targets, but when we make mistakes                     compromise of classified information.                          the member’s integrity, trustworthiness and
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — 2015                      or fail to follow security protocols, we make                                                                               reliability,and may jeopardize their security
proved to be a year of catastrophic electronic             a cybercriminals job even easier.                               A security violation is an incident that                    clearance.
security breaches in the United States, with                                                                            reasonably could be expected to result in
electronic media being one of the biggest                     We had a combined total of 49 security                    the loss or potential compromise of clas-                         Do not wait to report potential incidents
contributors to violations of security pro-                incidents in 2015, a significant increase from               sified information. Deliberate acts are also                   for any reason. Contact your security man-
cedures.                                                   the previous year’s total of 37.                             categorized as security violations.                            ager or commander as soon as you become
                                                                                                                                                                                       aware. If it turns out to be a false alarm, no
   Last year, we saw an Office of Personnel                   Security incidents are incidents involv-                     While each situation is different, the                      harm has been done. All offices involved
Management data breach of approximately                    ing classified material and our failure to                   resulting investigations have a common                         have Department of Defense mandated
20 million government employees’ back-                     properly secure it. This includes leaving safes              theme; failure to follow established proce-                    reporting and investigation timelines.
ground investigation information. The                      open, sending classified via non-classified                  dures. More than half of last year’s security
Ashley Madison scandal, which threatened                   internet protocol (NIPR), insecure materi-                   incidents would have been avoided if mem-                         Information security is everyone’s re-
to release the inappropriate behavior of                   als, as well as exposing classified materials                bers simply completed required end of day                      sponsibility. Stay current on your security
thousands made headlines and just recently,                to additional risks by failing to follow estab-              security checks.                                               training. If you don’t know, ask your unit
the U.S. voter registry was hacked, stealing               lished procedures.                                                                                                          security manager. When dealing with clas-
191 million people’s information.                                                                                          Reporting potential incidents was also                      sified information, stay focused on the job
                                                              There are two types of security incidents:                a concern in 2015. Several incidents were                      at hand. Security is a team sport, but it starts
   These incidents and many others were                    security infractions and security violations.                delayed in required reporting (24 hours/                       with you.
the result of covert operations, by skilled                                                                             next duty day) to the installation Informa-
                                                              A security infraction is a security inci-

A resolution for a lifestyle

By Senior Airman Nicole Sikorski                           to my diet and training for only a month,                    tine, so the changes that made the biggest                     slipping up due to unforeseen circumstances.
                                                           big changes happened which pushed me to                      difference weren’t actually huge changes.                         Resilience has been key in reaching my
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs                           set a bigger goal.
                                                                                                                           After four months of hard work in the                       goals. At my first competition, I looked at the
   RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany                                 Before stepping foot in a gym, I had a                    gym and eating only what was on my plan,                       winners,and thought,“wow they muststick
— Are you one of the millions of people                    gymnastics and competitive cheerleading                      I didn’t end up placing well in my show, but                   to their plan 24/7,” or that they never face
who started this year with a resolution to                 background. I was used to working on                         at the end of the day, it wasn’t about a trophy                adversity and surprise. After meeting many
improve your life? Maybe you promised                      my tumbling skills, trying to accomplish                     at all. I had changed my body and finally felt                 successful people in the fitness industry, I
yourself that you would lose weight, fit into              something new that I could bring to my                       a sense of accomplishment.                                     now know that is not true. The difference
those old favorite jeans or even improve                   team. With gymnastics no longer in my                                                                                       between someone who finishes the race
your physical fitness test score. You, along               life, a bikini competition was a great avenue                   A New Year’s resolution changed my                          and someone who doesn’t is that they kept
with many others have done this—so how                     to focus my drive for improvement. It was                    life in many ways. I learned to push myself                    going. That doesn’t mean that it never hurt
do you stick to it?                                        very intimidating at first because this wasn’t               beyond what I thought were my limits, and                      to keep running, or that they were never out
                                                           a team sport—just me against me.                             it made me an athletic and confident woman                     of breath—but they didn’t give up.
   For me, it started three years ago with a                                                                            three years later.
new year’s resolution to get fit and compete                  Finally realizing that I could create some-                                                                                 After a couple of years off of the stage, I
in my first bodybuilding contest.                          thing based on the food I put into my body                      Being an Airman requires you to be fit                      haven’t given up either, and am preparing
                                                           and the way that I trained, I got to business.               physically, socially, spiritually and mentally.                for another show this coming March. I don’t
   The goal of competing was not out of                                                                                 Fitness is a great way to maintain elements                    know what the end result will be, but I will
the blue—it all started with a desire to be                   Contest preparation wasn’t something                      of RUfit. It has helped both physically and                    not stop running.
healthy.                                                   I fully understood when I started. It was a                  mentally in how it has taught me the dis-
                                                           different level of discipline that I sometimes               cipline to do what is necessary to reach a                        The biggest way to stick to your resolu-
   I really didn’t know where to start and                 struggled with. My diet wasn’t always per-                   goal. Balancing the duties of an Air Force                     tion is to have a plan. Are your goals at-
found the gym intimidating. I also didn’t                  fect, and it was a real adjustment learning                  photojournalist and bodybuilding is not                        tainable, time-bound and realistic? These
know how to use any of the machines and                    to eat six meals-a-day that required me to                   always easy and requires a plan.                               are important considerations to take before
was afraid to get in people’s way during their             prepare my food in advance.                                                                                                 setting a goal, as is being flexible. Moving
workouts—until I met a mentor.                                                                                             One way that I stick to my plan is keeping                  forward isbetterthannotmovingatall.You
                                                              Though it took some growing pains, I                      food with me no matter where I am. I prepare                   need to walk before you can run.
   She helped me prepare a meal plan and                   learned to make my routine a habit. That is                  meals in advance so that it’s less tempting
gave me the advice and support needed. Al-                 what allowed me to fully change my lifestyle.                to cheat on my diet. As Airmen, we have to                        So if you have fallen off the wagon from
though the gym was uncomfortable for the                   When things got strict as the show got closer,               be ready at a moment’s notice to get the job                   your resolution, don’t worry, just get back
first month, I got used to doing my workouts               weighing and measuring food and eating                       done. When there is a last-minute job, having                  up and keep going. You will get there if you
there and soon felt more at ease.                          clean and healthy meals was already a rou-                   my meals with me lessens the possibility of                    keep going. What is your plan?

   After listening to her guidance, sticking

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