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6 February 26, 2016 News BULLSEYE
Tax changes could affect service members, families, DOD official says
By Terri Moon Cronk have multiple 1095s, depending on their they are stateside or deployed, Kan said. osks are available at some installation tax
individual circumstances. The online IRS Publication 3, the centers and offer self-service computers
DOD News, Defense Media Activity so service members can prepare and file
Taxpayers without minimum essential Armed Forces Tax Guide, addresses a their own tax returns, assisted by VITA
WASHINGTON — Several tax law health care can incur IRS penalties, Kan wide range of issues that might affect certified tax preparers who are onsite
changes could significantly affect how said. In addition, taxpayers who enrolled members of the military, Kan said. In to help.
service members and their families file in the Health Insurance Marketplace and addition, state tax guides will soon be
their 2015 income tax returns. had advance payments of the Premium available through Military OneSource, Third, members can use Military
Tax Credit paid directly to insurance installation tax centers and legal assis- OneSource from home, assuming they
“It’s probably the biggest set of changes companies on their behalf, such as mem- tance offices. are filing very simple tax returns with-
in many years” said Army Lt. Col. Samuel bers who worked in the civilian sector and out such deductions such as passive
W. Kan, executive director of the Defense then joined the military in the middle of Visit a tax center and learn what loss carryovers on rental property, he
Department’s Armed Forces Tax Council, the year, will need to file their tax return documents to bring to a tax preparer noted. Service members who want to use
which oversees the military’s Volunteer to reconcile those advance payments. before scheduling an appointment, Kan Military OneSource from home should
Income Tax Assistance program. Some ‘extenders’ permanent advised, adding that it’s essential to bring be sure to read the instructions before
last year’s income tax return to ensure starting a return to make sure they don’t
For example, this is the first year Service members should be aware that members get all the tax benefits to waste their time by starting a return and
service members received an IRS Form that certain “tax extenders” – once which they may be entitled. then realizing that the return cannot be
1095-C, which documents their 2015 temporary measures to stimulate the File for free properly prepared, Kan noted.
minimum essential health care coverage economy – have become permanent, Kan
and shows their compliance with the Af- said. Some of those important perma- Free tax-filing and preparation assis- Although service members can pre-
fordable Care Act. nent changes include the state and local tance for service members is available in pare their own tax returns and do the
IRS Form 1095-C general sales tax deduction, especially a variety of ways, he said. First, “brick- necessary research by using search
for those members from states without and-mortar” tax centers on installations engines and the IRS web site, Kan said,
“People haven’t seen these forms a state income tax, the educator expense educate military members, while VITA due to the many changes in this year’s
before,” Kan said, adding that service deduction for members who teach and certified tax preparers accurately prepare tax code, self-filers should show their
members must keep the 1095-C with their incur expenses, and the American Op- and file the member’s income tax returns returns to an tax preparation expert at
tax records, and bring it with them if they portunity Tax Credit, for members with while they wait. Legal assistance offices an installation tax center to make sure
use a tax preparer. Service members who college expenses, he said. also can give advice on other tax services they haven’t missed any benefit to which
entered or left the military in 2015 or had Lots of resources for help provided at nearby installations, even they are entitled. Few things are worse
other life-changing circumstances that though they may be operated by other than leaving your own money on the
created a health care coverage lapse have Many resources exist for service mem- armed services, Kan said. table, he added.
an issue that must be addressed with a tax bers to file their 2015 tax returns, whether
preparer, he added. Those members might Second, Military OneSource tax ki-