Page 3 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, September 18, 2020
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2 September 18, 2020 Commentary DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa news September 18, 2020 3
Preventing suicide — starting with myself Red Horse Group remembers 9/11
by Glenn S. Robertson are missed terribly by many people every day,
F.E. Warren AFB, Wyo. even 11 years later.
For those of you who have made it this
There is rarely a day that passes when I far and cannot relate to anything written
do not think of ending my own life. above, I have a request for you as well. Go
Some days, my depression is an over- to
whelming weight to bear and it takes nearly and read about some of the programs
everything I have just to push the thoughts and other resources available. If you see
away and get on with my routine. someone who’s clearly not themselves,
Other days, and even on good ones, struggling with some unseen torture, ask
the thought creeps up out of nowhere – an them how they’re doing. Ask them to get
insidious sense of doubt. Of worthlessness coffee or grab lunch. Sometimes all it takes
and a sense of purposelessness that whispers to support someone in this situation is
in my ear and tells me that I will never ac- just being there. Or you can go a few steps
complish the goals I have set for myself. The further and learn the signs. Sign up for
thoughts that make me ask why I shouldn’t A.S.I.S.T. training through the chaplain’s
just call it quits and end the sadness that office or take a similar program that will
plagues me. help you notice warning signs before they
I am just one of nearly a quarter of the become tragedies.
population who has suffered with this ill- I’ll bring this to a close with this. Suicide
Air Force photographs
ness for most of my life. Just like all of them, is an epidemic among military members Airman from the 820th Red
depression is present nearly every day of and veterans, with those individuals at Col. Peter Feng, commander of the 800th Red Horse Group
every year. If this sounds familiar to you, higher risk and taking their lives in higher Horse Squadron at Nellis Air at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., addresses Airmen during
you are not alone. There are millions in numbers than the national average. If some- Force Base, Nev., salute the a ceremony remembering the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist
this country who know the daily struggle Courtesy graphic one you know is showing signs of self-harm raising of the U.S. flag. attacks. The 800th is comprised of the 820th Red Horse
of depression. or you feel their life may be in danger, get Squadron at Nellis, the 819th RHS at Malmstrom AFB,
But I do not and I will not allow this to suicidal ideation, which can complicate options in between, there are people — real help and don’t leave that individual alone. Mont., and the 823rd RHS at Hurlburt Field, Fla.
disease to define me — and I ask anyone finding a solution for an individual thinking people — out there who want to bring you September is Suicide Prevention Month,
reading this who might be going through about hurting themselves. back from the brink and help you realize but there is no timeline on reaching out to
hard times to do the same. Maybe your Whatever personal challenge you’re that life is too precious to turn your back on. someone in need and you can learn how to
situation is different. Maybe Post-Traumatic fighting with, please do everything you can I have lost three people I considered friends, be more aware of the subtle signs shown by
Stress Disorder haunts you and the things to remind yourself that life is worth living. including one as close to me as a brother, to those at risk twelve months a year. You may
you’ve seen and experienced make you It’s a challenge and often even a struggle, suicide. I will never forget the day I received be the one to save a life.
never want to open your eyes again. Maybe absolutely. But, no matter what you’re strug- the message that he died. It has stuck with me Editor’s note: This commentary was origi-
the stress of your job or your life seems to gling through, there are people who care for 11 years now, a dull ache of loss for a friend nally published Sept. 6, 2018.
be too much to bear and you can’t see any about you with the resources available to torn away too soon. I ask myself if there was • Nellis Chaplain — 702-652-2950
end in sight. Overwhelming anxiety. Brain help guide you through the darkness. more I could have done to keep him from this • Creech Chaplain — 702-404-0891
injury. The effects of substance abuse. So Whether it’s an anonymous phone call to end. He, and each of the others, left holes in After duty hours, contact the Nellis Com-
many different mental troubles can lead a hotline, a visit a chaplain or a whole host of those left behind when they died, and they mand Post at 702-652-2446/2447.
tactics, from Page 1 The AGR-20A is a fraction of the cost of the ulated cruise missiles, and the 82nd ATRS’s approach in partnership with all the ser-
AIM-120 missile commonly used for cruise QF-16s played vital roles in other experiments vices across the Department of Defense. That
“This test, and others like it, can shape the missile defense. Additionally, the AGR-20A during the Onramp. broader effort is known as Joint All-Domain Members of Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.,
future of the MQ-9, as we continue to increase can be loaded faster than an AIM-120 and “We often say the 53rd Wing is responsible Command and Control. When fully realized, Staff Sgt. Colleen Burger performs Taps at Honor Guard raise the American flag during
its relevance in great power competition and an aircraft can carry two-to-three times the for bringing the future faster, so it makes sense senior leaders say JADC2 will allow U.S. forces the 9/11 remembrance ceremony. the 9/11 remembrance ceremony. Members of the 820th Red Horse Squadron stand at attention during Reveille.
support the National Defense Strategy,” said number weapons, directly supporting the that our squadrons play such a vital role in from all services — as well as allies — to re-
Chmielewski. “I am extremely proud of the National Defense Strategy’s priority of reform ABMS,” said Col Ryan Messer, 53rd Wing ceive, fuse and act upon a vast array of data
squadron’s efforts to make this a success.” the Department for greater performance and commander. “Like all experiments, this On- and information in all domains at the speed volunteer search leads reservist to impactful opportunity
In addition to the MQ-9 efforts in ABMS, affordability. Through this test in the AMBS ramp required countless hours of work and of relevance.
the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron also Onramp #2, the team generated valuable planning to make execution possible, and our The 53rd Wing provides tactical advantage
continued the 53rd Wing’s work in develop- test data that will be used to work through teams are filled with the experts and profes- to the warfighter at the speed of relevance.
ing tactics, techniques and procedures for critical sensor and other limitations that will sionals required to help bring a vision such as By testing new, operational capabilities, by Natalie Stanley bone marrow donor program that gets However, shortly after getting the multiple venues on base, including
cruise missile defense. Working with mission ultimately move the U.S. Air Force forward in ABMS to reality.” evaluating fielded capabilities, and optimiz- Nellis AFB, Nev. people on the national bone marrow appropriate approval, COVID-19 hit, squadrons.
partners, the 422nd TES overcame countless developing this tactic. ABMS is the top modernization priority ing electronic warfare capabilities, the wing is registry. halting any progress he had made. “We now have the procedure set up
obstacles to plan and execute the first overland In both the previously mentioned tests, for the Department of the Air Force with bringing the future faster while answering the When researching volunteer op- For Cervantes-Martinez, the program “The greatest challenge was the pan- and the location, we are just missing the
Air-to-Air AGR-20A Advanced Precision Kill and in others during ABMS, the 82nd Aerial a budget of $3.3 billion over five years and warfighter’s demands for integrated, multi- portunities, Staff Sgt. Jesus Cervantes- was a deeply personal opportunity to demic,” he said. “When I learned how manpower to make this happen,” he said.
Weapon System live fire test. Targets Squadron provided the BQM-167 sim- will be the backbone of a network-centric domain capabilities. Martinez, 926th Aerospace Medicine give back. COVID was transferred I thought ‘we’re The team is looking for volunteers
Squadron medical readiness at Nellis “I had a cousin who had leukemia and going to need a new procedure for doing across Nellis AFB to help set up and
Air Force Base, Nev., knew he wanted she was very dependent on these proce- this’.” handle the documentation, with the swab
to make a big impact and do something dures,” he said. “There are a lot of people After much delay, Cervantes-Mar- itself being handled by medical profes-
Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and For all submissions, a name and phone number
published by Aerotech News and Review, a private Review of the products or services advertised. of a person to contact must be included in the event outside the norm. that rely on these types of donations to tinez and the Nellis AFB Salute to Life sionals.
firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force. Everything advertised in the publication shall be questions arise. “I hate getting voluntold for things,” continue living.” team has now been given the green light Cervantes-Martinez hopes to see at least
Contents of Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition made available for purchase and use of patronage All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity Cervantes-Martinez said. “When I find The process of getting the program to set up modified events across base. 10 percent of each squadron join the regis-
Desert Lightning News Staff are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national and conformity to the Associated Style Guide, to
Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government, origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political include military ranks and proper writing etiquette. something I am passionate about, I get to back up and running at Nellis was a Adapting to the circumstances, the try during the five day event starting Oct. 5.
Stuart Ibberson, Editor the Department of Defense or the Department of the affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the Corrections: Desert Lightning News staff see results instead of just checking a box.” daunting task, said Cervantes-Martinez, original plan to set up a single registry “At the end of the day it is extremely
Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout members strive for accurac y each week . His search for an impactful volunteer but after much perseverance he was able line at the Base Exchange had to be impactful,” he said. “Just registering for
Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales Air Force. purchaser, user or patron. If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert
The appearance of advertising in this publication, The deadline for submissions to Desert Lightning News staff at 334-718-3509, or e-mail opportunity led Cervantes-Martinez to to get base leadership approval to set up scrapped, and they are moving forward the list opens up the possibility that you
cOntact: editorial staff at 334-718-3509 including inserts and supplements, does not constitute Lightning News is no later than Monday, 4:30 p.m.,
For editorial staff: e-mail an endorsement by the Department of Defense, the the week of desired publication date., and we will consider Salute to Life, a Department of Defense registration events. by spreading out donation sites across can legitimately affect someone’s life.”
publishing a correction when appropriate.
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