Page 6 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, September 18, 2020
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6 September 18, 2020 news DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa news September 18, 2020 7
THuNDeRBIRDS INcoRPoRaTe cITy FLyoveR VASNHS highlights #BeThere campaign for veteran suicide awareness
September is Suicide Prevention Month, a time where
into Las vegas arrival route VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System stresses the im- Share Resources and Support
Suicide is preventable. If you know a veteran facing a
portance of suicide prevention and connects veterans and
hope and support. These include:
their families with the resources they need. tough time, there are resources that can help you provide
The U.S. Air Force Air Demonstra- will depend on operational and mis- With the stressors of 2020, VA is encouraging friends • S.A.V.E. Training: This online suicide prevention train-
tion Squadron, the “Thunderbirds,” sion requirements, air traffic, aircraft and family to #BeThere for veterans. ing video teaches you how to talk to Veterans who may
are flying over the Las Vegas metro- availability and weather. Every day, nearly 20 veterans or active duty service be at risk for suicide
politan area during their return to Residents along these routes can ex- members take their own lives, but of those, about 14 are a-v-e/.
Nellis Air Force Base from air shows pect to see white, non-hazardous smoke either not connected or have not received recent VA care. • Community Outreach Toolkit: This resource can help
outside the city limits. emitting from the high-performance To help reach those veterans, VASNHS wants to raise anyone host or participate in events to raise awareness
The Thunderbirds, in conjunction aircraft and a few seconds of jet noise awareness about how to recognize the signs and how to about mental health and suicide prevention (https://
with McCarran International Airport as the aircraft pass overhead. intervene through #BeThere.
and Nellis Air Force Base, are inte- The Thunderbirds welcome and “Suicide prevention is everyone’s business,” said anSuicideIsEveryonesBusiness.pdf).
grating the flyover to showcase their encourage viewers to tag the team on VASNHS Chief of Staff Ramu Komanduri. “We can all play • Social Media Safety Toolkit: This guide includes best
appreciation and support to the city, social media in photos and videos of a vital role in suicide prevention by reaching out to some- practices and sample posts for responding to social
provide inspiration to local residents their formation with the hashtags #AF- one who is exhibiting warning signs of crisis or suicide media content that may indicate that someone is in
and visitors and strengthen the Air Thunderbirds and #LasVegasArrival. risk and by showing our support. Helping someone feel emotional distress.
Force’s partnership with the local It is important to note that the included can make a big difference during a challenging • More resources can be found at www.BeThereForVeter-
time. The #BeThere campaign is focused on simple yet im-
community. Thunderbirds will not fly over the Las pactful ways we can all reach out to and engage veterans.” • VASNHS also offers several local, in-person resources.
“We’re excited and honored to Vegas metropolitan area upon return
VASNHS encourages veterans and their loved ones
incorporate a flyover of Las Vegas from routine flying training in the to take action, start a conversation, and share available or plant those ideas—and it can reduce the stigma of All VASNHS sites of care provide same-day services for
veterans with urgent mental health needs during regular
into our flying operations,” said Lt. Nevada Test and Training Range. resources when the signs of suicidal ideation are apparent. suicide. business hours, as well as after-hours care in the Emer-
Col. John Caldwell, Thunderbirds For more on the team, follow @ Take Action • Visit for important guid- gency Department at the North Las Vegas VA Medical
commander and leader. “This route afthunderbirds on Facebook, Twitter, Your support can give hope to a veteran going through ance on how to safely communicate about suicide. Center.
change allows us to provide a visual and Instagram. a difficult time. This support includes: Start the Conversation
display of our appreciation, commit- Upcoming air shows include: • Direct veterans to appropriate resources, such as safe Help prevent suicide by starting a discussion. Learn how If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide,
ment and support to our hometown Oct. 17-18: Fort Worth, Texas gun and medication storage, to work towards suicide to start the conversation at www.starttheconversation.veter- contact the Veterans Crisis Line to receive free, confidential
on a routine basis.” Oct. 24-25: Rome, Ga. prevention in your community. Ask someone if they are having thoughts support and crisis intervention available 24 hours a day, 7 days
The flyover will typically occur on Oct. 31-Nov. 1: Orlando, Fla. • Normalize and speak openly about suicide with veter- of suicide and promote discussions about current life chal- a week, 365 days a year. Call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, text
Mondays between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. ans. This does not make them want to die by suicide lenges, such as financial hardship or relationship strain. to 838255, or chat online at
when the squadron returns from an
air show or event outside of the city
limits. It will feature six to eight F-16
Fighting Falcons flying close in pre-
cise formation, soaring approximately
400 miles per hour at low altitudes
between 500-1,000 feet above ground.
The Thunderbirds will use one of
the following flight paths for their
return to Nellis Air Force Base:
• South Arrival Route: the forma-
tion will start flying at low altitudes
at South Point Casino before soaring
eastbound down the Las Vegas strip
into North Las Vegas and landing at
Nellis Air Force Base. This flyover
will last approximately 2 minutes.
• East Arrival Route: the forma-
tion will start flying at low altitudes
at Fiesta Station and head west be-
fore turning right at the South Point
Casino. Then, it will soar eastbound
down the Las Vegas strip into North
Las Vegas and land at Nellis Air Force
Base. This flyover will last approxi-
mately 4 and 1/2 minutes.
• West Arrival Route: the forma-
tion will start flying at low altitudes
over downtown Summerlin and head
south past Ikea before turning left at
the South Point Casino. Then, it will
soar eastbound down the Las Vegas
strip into North Las Vegas and land
at Nellis Air Force Base. This flyover
will last approximately 3 and 1/2
The arrival routes were coordi-
nated and selected to maximize ef-
ficient air traffic flow and cover key Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Cory W. Bush
Las Vegas landmarks. Additionally, The United States Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron “Thunderbirds” fly over Las Vegas, Nev., April 11, 2020. The Thunderbirds are
the formation and route selection now flying over the Las Vegas metropolitan area during their return to Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., from air shows outside the city limits.