Page 1 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, December 4, 2020
P. 1
vol. 4, no. 27 Serving Southern Nevada’s military community, including Nellis, Creech and NTTR dec. 4, 2020
LFTE 20.03
An Aerotech news And review publicAtion •
sets standard for future test events
Air Force photograph by 1st Lt. Savanah Bray
F-22s, F-15Es and F-16s from the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron fly
alongside a KC-46 over the Nevada Test and Training Range on Nov. 17, 2020, for
Large Force Test Event 20.03. LFTE 20.03 is a premier joint operational test event
hosted by the 53rd Wing that validates tactics in a combat relevant environment.
by 1st Lt. Savanah Bray well as various high priority tests.
Nellis AFB, Nev. “In summary, the 53rd Wing de-
signed this LFTE to validate tactics
“Large Force Test Events are in a contested environment, further
essential to the how we test and de- refine electronic attack tactics using
velop the most advanced tactics in updated capabilities, and optimize
the Air Force, and LFTE 20.03 was large force interoperability between
no exception,” said Maj. Theodore 4th and 5th gen fighters with standoff
Ellis, 53rd Wing Weapons Officer, electronic attack platforms belonging
and LFTE director. to the Air Force and Navy,” said Ellis.
LFTE 20.03 integrated ten “It is also an opportunity to investi-
weapons systems, including the gate the best methods to mitigate risk
F-35, F-22, F-15E, F-16, A-10, E/A- to our CSAR forces to ensure we know
18G, HH-60G, EC-130H, KC-46, how far we can go to retrieve downed
and KC-135, from the U.S. Air
Air Force photograph by 1st Lt. Savanah Bray aircrew without causing more
An F-15E from the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron refuels from a KC-46 over the Nevada Test and Force and U.S. Navy on Nov. 17, losses. LFTE 20.03 did exactly that”
Training Range on Nov. 17, 2020, for Large Force Test Event 20.03. LFTE 20.03 is a premier joint operational 2020, to test four Tactics Improve- ________
test event hosted by the 53rd Wing that validates tactics in a combat relevant environment. ment Proposals, known as TIPs, as See lfte, on Page 6
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