Page 2 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, December 4, 2020
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2 December 4, 2020 Commentary Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Desert lightning news s. nevaDa news December 4, 2020 3
Developing a Resilient Warrior Mindset Creech upgrades to HPCON Charlie
by Lt. Col. Paul Fredin cussions from combat veterans can help Upon continuous assessment of CO-
Scott AFB, Ill. prepare our Airmen for deployments. The VID-19 trends on base and within the
Tactical Readiness Skills lane here at Scott local area, Creech Air Force Base, Nev.,
As a commander, one of my greatest AFB creates this type of training environ- has upgraded the Health Protection
responsibilities is to prepare my Airmen for ment. The TRS lane provides our Airmen Condition to Charlie, and is effectively
deployment in the service of our country. To training against chemical, biological or a RED installation in accordance with
do this, it’s necessary that Airmen develop nuclear weapons, along with Tactical Com- DOD guidelines.
and maintain a resilient warrior mindset. bat Casualty Care and combat movement Also, the installation’s Public Health
Mechanical vs. mental combat skills techniques all in one course here at our Emergency is reactivated, but will ter-
I’ve served in the Air Force for 19 years Warrior Training Area. minate automatically within 30 days
and have deployed five times. My second We need Airmen with a resilient warrior unless renewed.
deployment was to Iraq as part of an embed- mindset in combat zones. These skills may Airmen are also urged to abide by
ded military training team. I was the team be even more important after leaving the the following, in-line with the latest
leader and convoy commander for a Joint battlefield. Given the level of psychological State of Nevada guidelines:
team of Air Force, Army, Navy and Marine damage that returning veterans may have, • Beginning Nov. 24, in accordance
Corps members. developing these skills early on may help with the Statewide Pause, private social
Although we traveled in three, up- them to cope with their experiences for the gatherings are restricted in Nevada to
armored Humvee gun trucks, and received rest of their lives. 10 people or fewer from no more than
instruction for operations “outside the wire” Resilient mindsets save lives two households, whether it’s indoors
through 60 days of combat skills training, Helping Airmen develop resilient war- or outdoors
we could have used more training on the Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Tara Stetler/Air Force illustration by Airman Isaac Olivera rior mindsets can save their lives. If our • Keep six-feet distances from people
mental effects of direct personal engage- Airmen engage in direct combat, they may not within your immediate household
ment of the enemy. The human element of combat els. This is not the kind of thing you see in have lingering psychological issues from • Wear masks inside and outside
We trained extensively on the mechanics I believe that the focused study of the hu- the movies, let alone talk about. It does not the things they did and the things they when around people not of your im-
of engaging the enemy, but were we pre- man element of combat is critical to ensure make the Airman a coward, and knowing did not do. mediate household
pared to engage another human in combat? that Airmen know what to expect when what to expect can help our Airmen prepare Reconciling your personal beliefs be- • Wash and sanitize hands fre-
That is the ultimate question and having they get into a hostile situation. Many of our against devastating self-doubt and blame fore enemy engagements can pay huge quently ing with family for the holidays, we Travel, please act quickly to ensure spread, to minimize this risk please
this discussion with our youngest Airmen Airmen have never seen combat up close, that feeds post-traumatic stress disorder. dividends, as even defending yourself from • Take self-inventory of your well- understand the importance of seeing your movements are not impacted. review the graphic.
is tremendously important. and yet we expect them to be able to make Realistic training plus discussions another human being who is actively trying ness, don’t come to work if sick family and recouping this holiday sea- It is critical for every member of the As always, engage with your chain of
We are the best trained fighting force the the split second decision to take the life of about coping strategies to kill you can be mentally destabilizing. • Upon consultation with your chain son. Personal travel is NOT currently Hunter Family to stay safe and com- command for unit-specific restrictions,
world has ever seen. We train Airmen to hit another human being if necessary. Taking life, in any form, does not come Extreme human aggression and violence of command, telework when able restricted for those who are healthy; ply with CDC, state and command and please keep up-to-date with the lat-
the target with personal and crew-served We train them to hit paper silhouettes naturally. Any moment of hesitation could based on two opposing forces and ide- For more on the latest statewide- however, if undergoing a TDY or PCS guidelines before, during, and after any est Creech COVID guidelines by visit-
weapons, but we generally do not prepare and pop up targets with their rifles, but we cost an Airman his or her own life. How- ologies is very different from the crime of pause guidelines, please see the graphic. you will have to engage with leader- holiday gathering. Traditional holiday ing:
them for the moment they need to engage do not discuss the psychology of pulling ever, proper preparation can be lifesaving murder, and working with Airmen to think For those who are traveling or meet- ship to sign an Exception to Policy for activities increase the risk of COVID COVID-19/
without hesitation. the trigger when it is another human be- in high-threat combat situations. Realistic through these challenges before they are
We teach Law of Armed Conflict train- ing in their sights. Grossman said in these combat training is critical for preparing our engaged in them is the key.
ing and brief on the rules of engagement, but situations, Airmen may experience auditory Airmen to fight. Keep talking! 432nd WG firefighter saves life in-flight, awarded for valor
we generally do not prepare Airmen on how exclusion or visual impairment, they may The Air Force offers intense combat We need to continue to talk about the
to handle the psychological damage that have slow motion time sensations, or they training using rubber bullets fired from psychological rigors of combat, both before
can result from direct, close range combat. may freeze and be unable to act. an M-4. These bullets, a third the size of and after each deployment so they have a by Robert Brooks “Once I got to her, I could see, she
Just-in-time training is great, but long If Airmen know what to expect, they can paintballs and traveling twice as fast, leave variety of tools they can use to deal with was in respiratory distress, with shal-
term commitment to professional devel- react faster than the enemy could in real welts on any part of the body not covered by any circumstance they may find themselves Creech AFB, Nev. low breathing, very short broken speech
opment of resilient warriors is much more combat. They will understand that even in a protective gear. Needless to say, this train- in. While most Airmen may never have It’s a firefighter’s day-to-day to answer and low blood pressure,” Orosz said.
effective. This will give our Airmen the gunfight, they may not hear anything. They ing provides motivation to move quickly as to engage the enemy in direct combat, we the call when an emergency hits. “She was perspiring profusely as well as
unflinching ability to engage in close com- will be prepared for the possibility of tunnel a team, with good tactics, and covering fire still need to work to reduce the incidences For John Orosz, 432nd Support Squad- having a weak rapid pulse and massive
bat, understand the physiological effects vision and know they may not see enemy to avoid getting shot. Although we cannot of PTSD and suicide while making our ron fire emergency services captain at amounts of swelling in the feet.”
that occur during combat, and allow them soldiers coming at them from their flanks. get everyone through this level of tacti- Airmen stronger and more effective at the Creech Air Force Base, Nev., it isn’t any Orosz sat beside her and introduced
to limit the psychological effects of close They will know that if they train to put cal training in the Air Force, we can talk same time. different. A firefighter and emergency himself, aiming to keep her at ease while
combat after the event. an expended magazine in their pocket after about the realities of combat and help our Helping Airmen become more resilient medical technician of 15 years, he has he checked her vital signs.
I recently completed a professional devel- firing only three rounds in training at the Airmen be prepared to shoot if necessary. carries over to their daily lives and can help been trained to be prepared for the un- Next, he assessed the aisle. It would
opment session with my CE officers, reading range, they might well do the same thing in The unfortunate loss of our Air Advisors them deal with the stresses at home, as well. expected. be difficult to assist her, or make her
and discussing the book, On Combat, by Lt. a combat situation even though the enemy in Afghanistan from an insider threat in It is my belief that we can become even However, emergencies don’t only hap- comfortable, while she sat cramped in
Col. Dave Grossman. He is a tremendous is still advancing. 2011 is the clearest example of why this is more effective through purposeful train- pen while on-duty. her window-seat; he decidedly requested
scholar and his book goes into great detail, Finally, a large proportion of combat so important. ing of our Airmen to develop a resilient In March of 2020, Orosz and his fam- nearby passengers to move to other seats
but I will only touch on the main themes. veterans report losing control of their bow- Realistic training coupled with dis- warrior mindset. ily boarded a commercial airline flight to to better control her care.
return home after visiting family. “I motioned for the flight attendants
During the flight, Orosz’s attention was to bring out medicine, oxygen, first aid
Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and For all submissions, a name and phone number pulled by the sound of a shaky voice over kits, as well as set up a bag valve mask
published by Aerotech News and Review, a private Review of the products or services advertised. of a person to contact must be included in the event the intercom. A flight attendant, audibly to track the patient’s breathing in case
firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force. Everything advertised in the publication shall be questions arise. upset, was pleading for anyone onboard her condition continued to get worse,”
Contents of Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition made available for purchase and use of patronage All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity
Desert Lightning News Staff are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national and conformity to the Associated Style Guide, to Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Lauren Silverthorne with medical experience to come forward. Orosz explained.
Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government, origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political include military ranks and proper writing etiquette. John Orosz, fire emergency services captain, center, stands alongside his family and Without hesitation, Orosz and his wife, However, before he took action, Orosz
Stuart Ibberson, Editor the Department of Defense or the Department of the affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the Corrections: Desert Lightning News staff 432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing leadership at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., Cassandra, a nurse practitioner, moved to began to delve into her medical history.
Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout members strive for accurac y each week .
Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales Air Force. purchaser, user or patron. If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert Oct. 2, 2020. During a commercial airline in-flight emergency, Orosz used his skills as a the front of the airplane where flight at- A travel companion was able to give
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CONtACt: editorial Staff at 334-718-3509 including inserts and supplements, does not constitute Lightning News is no later than Monday, 4:30 p.m., trained fire emergency services technician to provide medical aid to a female passenger tendants were gathered around a female
For editorial staff: e-mail an endorsement by the Department of Defense, the the week of desired publication date., and we will consider experiencing life-threatening cardiac arrest and hypoxic symptoms. passenger. __________ See vAlOr, on Page 7
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