Page 6 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, December 4, 2020
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6 December 4, 2020 news Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Desert lightning news s. nevaDa news December 4, 2020 7
lfte, from Page 1 _____________ F-15Es and F-16s from the vAlOr, from Page 3 ___________ Col. Stephen Jones,
422nd Test and Evaluation 432nd Wing/432nd
The TIPs included: EC-130H elec- Squadron fly alongside him a rundown of recent procedures and Air Expeditionary
tronic attack vs. datalinks whilst pre- a KC-46 over the Nevada required medications. Wing commander,
serving Link-16, 4th and 5th genera- Test and Training Range First thing first, he recalled, level out pins the Command
tion suppression of enemy air defenses on Nov. 17, 2020, for Large her blood sugar and get her to take her Civilian Award for
contracts, Combat Search and Rescue Force Test Event 20.03. medications. Valor on John Orosz,
consequence management and CSAR LFTE 20.03 is a premier Without being able to check her blood fire emergency
in offensive counter air with A-10s joint operational test sugar content, Orosz requested small services captain,
and HH-60s, and 4th to 5th and 5th event hosted by the 53rd snacks and beverages to elevate blood at Creech Air Force
to 4th electronic attack effectiveness. Wing that validates tactics sugar without overwhelming his patient. Base, Nev., Oct. 2,
Prioritized tests included F-15E Eagle in a combat relevant The flight attendant brought some water, Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Lauren Silverthorne 2020.
Passive/Active Warning Survivability Air Force photograph by 1st Lt. Savanah Bray environment. orange juice and peanut butter to Orosz,
System, F-16 APG-83, and counter-tac- who then helped the passenger take these
tics against enemy Passive Detection with her medication. Squadron fire chief. “His ability to remain Looking back, Orosz felt thankful to
calm during intense situations is only one have been in the right place at the right
Systems. The LFTE culminated in a The next step was regulating her of his great strengths.”
joint, 20-aircraft multi-MDS destruc- breathing, which remained labored de- time.
tive suppression of enemy air defenses spite the use of a bag-valve mask. For the rest of the flight, Orosz con- A few months later, after having settled
tinued to monitor the passenger’s vitals back into the daily grind at Creech, Orosz
engagement with Link 16 degradation. To increase the flow of oxygen, he and helped keep her calm through light was presented with the Command Civil-
“We owe it to the warfighter to test
like we fight,” said Col Ryan Messer, moved to a non-rebreather mask, and conversation about family. The oxygen ian Award for Valor by Col. Stephen Jones,
commander, 53rd Wing. “It is only proceeded to make an unexpected request. and assisted respiration had improved 432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary
through realistic, massed force, fully In addition to being a full-time fireman, the passenger’s outlook, and the food and Wing commander, Oct. 2, 2020.
integrated, high threat density envi- Orosz is also a trained pilot and used his drink helped improve the patient’s level “As firefighters, we are faced with a
ronments that we can do that, and knowledge of cabin pressure to the pas- of awareness. variety of stressful situations, on and off
LFTEs are essential stepping stone senger’s aid. With the female passenger’s Because her condition improved, Orosz duty. Each emergency presents levels of
events as we formalize what the future breathing shallow, and limited medical was able to recommend to the pilots not complexity and requires us to make life
of testing like we fight looks like.” equipment on board, Orosz requested the to divert for an emergency landing, and altering decisions,” said James Drake, Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Lauren Silverthorne
Large Force Test Events, and simi- pilots to fly at a lower altitude to increase continue to their scheduled destination. 432nd Support Squadron assistant fire Col. Stephen Jones, 432nd Wing/432nd Air
lar future test events, are developed Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Isaiah Soliz the oxygen level in the cabin. Upon landing in Las Vegas, her care chief of operations. “Orosz’s reaction to Expeditionary Wing commander, presents
to fulfill the 2018 National Defense An F-35 from the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron “Routine emergency medical training was relinquished to an emergency medi- the situation on the plane was an example the Command Civilian Award for Valor
Strategy, and its important call and takes off over Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., on Nov. 17, 2020, and years of experience gave Orosz the cal response team. Orosz recalls feeling of how he approaches each emergency he to John Orosz, fire emergency services
reminder that, “Success no longer goes for Large Force Test Event 20.03. LFTE 20.03 is a premier skills needed to provide the proper care,” confident that the woman’s condition was is faced with while on duty. He heard the captain, at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., Oct.
to the country that develops a new joint operational test event hosted by the 53rd Wing that said Ramon Fitzgerald, 432nd Support stable and she was in good hands. need and answered the call.” 2, 2020.
technology first, but rather to the one validates tactics in a combat relevant environment. Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Zachary Rufus
that better integrates it and adapts its The 53rd Wing patch is displayed on an F-16 prior to
way of fighting.” Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Zachary Rufus taking off at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., on Nov. 17, 2020,
“Ensuring the Combat Air Force is for Large Force Test Event 20.03. LFTE 20.03 is a premier
lethal and ready starts with the 53rd joint operational test event hosted by the 53rd Wing that
Wing ensuring that we’re validating validates tactics in a combat relevant environment.
and fielding the most lethal, integrat-
ed, and modern tactics,” said Messer. LEFT: Two F-22s from the 422nd Test and Evaluation
“We cannot do this without events Squadron fly over Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., on Nov.
such as this and the combined effort 17, 2020, for Large Force Test Event 20.03. LFTE 20.03
of an effective team of teams — from is a premier joint operational test event hosted by the
operators to maintainers to security 53rd Wing that validates tactics in a combat relevant
personnel and so many others.” environment.
Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Zachary Rufus Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Zachary Rufus
A pilot from the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron prepares for take off at Nellis Air A HH-60G from the 88th Test and Evaluation Squadron takes off at Nellis Air Force Base,
Force Base, Nev., on Nov. 17, 2020, for Large Force Test Event 20.03. LFTE 20.03 is a premier Nev., on Nov. 17, 2020, for Large Force Test Event 20.03. LFTE 20.03 is a premier joint
joint operational test event hosted by the 53rd Wing that validates tactics in a combat operational test event hosted by the 53rd Wing that validates tactics in a combat relevant
relevant environment. environment.