Page 3 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, July 23, 2021
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2 July 23, 2021 Commentary Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Desert lightning news s. nevaDa news July 23, 2021 3
Techniques for feedback up the chain of command AF releases Nellis’ F-22 accident investigation report
by Col. Timothy Monroe, Chief Master Sgt. Finally, conciseness ensures that the key point of your mes- might not be the right time for non-critical feedback. If your An F-22A was damaged after experi- and review fault-reporting codes. This
“Jimmy” Williams, and Senior Master Sgt. Joshua sage is not overlooked or lost in translation. feedback is pertinent to the resolution of a crisis, the CART encing an overheat condition in the aux- prolonged the duration of the over-
Shaw AFB, S.C. The “Bonus” C, Candor: As suggested in the introduction, methodology still holds true. iliary power unit exhaust bay on Oct. heat condition. Another maintenance
any leader worthy of their title values honesty or the quality of Colin Powell once said, “Bad news isn’t wine. It doesn’t member in the vicinity then shut down
If you’re in the Air Force, you have likely attended a com- straightforwardness. Your leaders will appreciate your efforts improve with age.” In other words, if your feedback reflects 30, 2020, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. the APU manually.
mander’s call where all attendees are encouraged to leverage and contributions to your organization. Remember: com- poorly on the unit, the leader, or perhaps most intimidatingly… The aircraft involved was assigned The Accident Investigation Board
open-door policies, speak truth to power, and provide feedback munication is a two-way street; be open to feedback yourself! on yourself, the message will not magically become positive to the 422nd Test and Evaluation president found that the cause of the
up the chain of command to help accelerate the changes needed Accuracy: Powerful feedback may impart rapid changes, at a future time. In the military, this type of news sometimes Squadron, Nellis Air Force Base, Ne- mishap was improper maintenance
vada, 53rd Wing, headquartered at
in today’s Air Force. and should therefore be accurate and supported by verifiable falls under Commander’s Critical Information Requirements Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. The aircraft procedures resulting in the start of the
While most professional education programs focus on facts. criteria, and requires direct routing along with high priority APU while the unit’s mixing exhaust
leadership, few offer methods to prepare and up-channel effec- Depending on the nature of the professional relationship information. was maintained by the 757th Aircraft duct was removed. The AIB president
Maintenance Squadron, 57th Wing,
tive feedback as a responsible follower. Culturally, most career between you and your leader, don’t be offended if they use a Other feedback may fall into a medium priority bin, which Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. also found four factors that substan-
fields have well-ingrained debrief methodologies concentrated ‘trust but verify’ mantra, especially if the feedback will impact still requires a sense of urgency, but does not immediately im- tially contributed to the accident: (1)
on the tactical tasks, but lack structure in up-channeling in- policy, strategy, or risk calculus. Acquiring accurate data may pact life, limb, or mission and can be deliberately formulated Two days prior to the accident, the the culture of the mishap unit, includ-
formation commanders need to hear. Therefore, what follows require some old-school research through publication scrubs, and delivered. However, most feedback can be scheduled at a APU mixing exhaust duct was re- ing limited use of circuit breaker col-
is a framework to support how best to work with leaders at all interviews, or documented observations. Still, it will be time favorable time to allow for sufficient discussion. After all, you moved so the aircraft could undergo lars and inconsistent use of warnings;
levels to better our organizations. well spent to address questions a leader will likely need to prepared concise, accurate, and relevant feedback…now it is troubleshooting for a modification. (2) the design of test instrumentation
Before we get started, and to help calm any second-thoughts answer before taking action. time to communicate the feedback with your leader. However, applicable circuit breakers
about reading further, know this: open-door policies are com- Before starting research, you will benefit from thinking Suggestions: The final step to any meaningful up-channeled were not collared and proper warn- on the aircraft which obscured ac-
cess to applicable circuit breakers; (3)
monplace in the workforce because seasoned leaders know that through and listing ‘traps’ that will throw you off an objective feedback is suggesting improvements, changes, or modifica- ings were not applied to the aircraft the extensive nature of the aircraft’s
what you have to offer is crucial to mission success. Leaders route. Cognitive pitfalls such as assumptions, biases, specula- tions. A common pitfall in elevating issues or feedback to senior or its digital forms as required by the Air Force photograph modification; and (4) the distractions
deserve to understand and account for your feedback as they tion, and preconceived notions are good to keep in check leaders is forgetting where the knowledge to fix something technical order.
guide the organization forward, so get on with it! Our goal is to throughout your research phase. resides. On the day of the mishap, the air- ognizing that the APU mixing exhaust ing diverted out of the aircraft. With caused by several non-standard events
demystify the process of pushing up feedback and encourage Accuracy is the difference between “our manpower doesn’t Consider this, senior leaders do not get where they are craft’s APU Emergency-Off Switch duct needed to be installed before the smoke emanating from the exhaust bay, scheduled on the day of the mishap.
the reader to provide it across various issues to any superior support increased mission tasks” and “we are authorized 54 because they know everything. On the contrary, most have was incorrectly set to “Normal.” A unit could be used. Once the APU was the maintenance member selected the The estimated cost to replace dam-
confidently. positions and only have 40 personnel assigned, which means risen through the ranks because of hard work, dedication, maintenance member used the APU started, hot exhaust gas flowed directly wrong course of action by making an aged parts and repair the aircraft is
One technique anyone can use to elevate valuable feedback that our team will have to work an average of two additional and leadership. Depending on the issue, they likely have some in order to defuel the aircraft, not rec- into the exhaust bay rather than be- improper attempt to run diagnostics valued at $2,690,000.
to supervisors or leadership is one centered on five core feed- hours per day and risk 28 days of leave.” Even if you think knowledge, but not nearly the same level of knowledge you or
back necessities: Conciseness, Accuracy, Relevance, Timeli- numbers are small, the key is providing precise data your leader your coworkers possess. So when you present your concise, tour, from Page 1 our Hunters are healthy and ready to do
ness, and Suggestions, or CART-S. These five concepts can and can make an accurate risk decisions with, which ultimately accurate, relevant, and timely information, follow it up with their mission.”
your suggestions.
they feel will balance people and mission.
should be applied to various situations and requires mature, Relevance: Stop, pause, and think! Now that you have In the military, we frequently hear, “all options are on the 432nd Wing’s mission and scope of the Miller and Kolczynski received a mis-
objective thinking on the part of followers. 99th Medical Group’s responsibilities. sion briefing, toured the Hunters Medical
If executed properly, you will provide a powerful message gathered accurate data, reassess your direction, and verify the table.” Someone had to come up with those options, and that is Since the 432nd Wing at Creech does Clinic, and got a chance to experience the
that crosses the symbolic bridge between “complaining” and feedback’s relevance by asking ‘so what?’ what we are referring to here. No one is more qualified to solve not have its own medical group, Airmen mission hands on with aircrew in an MQ-9
You may find the feedback you initially thought was ap-
the problem you identified than you! We rely on professionals
“improving the organization,” which is actionable by leaders. propriate for one person is better suited for a different person, who leave no stone unturned, who dig for answers, and who from the 99th Medical Group support Reaper simulator. Before leaving for the
Providing feedback can genuinely be that simple; package or department, or leadership echelon altogether. Even more excit- seek to make us better by being problem solvers. The best way 432nd Wing Airmen at the Hunters day, they met with Airmen from the 432nd
“CART-S” your feedback into focused communication and ing, you might discover that the issue is something within your to get to the desired end state is by working objectively through Medical Clinic. Wing Human Performance Team.
deliver it to your intended audience. authority and span of control to action, without ever needing the CART approach and rounding it off with your suggestions. “The support we receive from Nellis is Airmen walked Miller through the
Conciseness: Time is a precious resource. Although the to elevate to another leader’s level. Finally, part of living a well-balanced life means reflecting outstanding,” said Col. Eric C. Schmidt, Hunters Medical Clinic, discussed their
responsibility to invest and manage time is not exclusive to However, if you find that your initial audience is still ap- on words and actions. Providing feedback is no exception. A 432nd Wing commander. “However, as duties, and how each section supports the
leaders, what is unique to a leader is balancing time between propriate, then begin to scope data-driven feedback in terms of few days or weeks after a feedback session with your leader, the 432nd mission continues to grow more than 1,500 aircrew that fly missions
people’s needs and talents with an organization’s mission organizational priorities or the leader’s focus areas. Examples think back to how you communicated. Were you concise, we need more support to ensure that every day at Creech AFB.
demands. To deliver effective feedback, followers and leaders may include policy, strategy, risk, resource utilization, quality candid, accurate, relevant, and timely with feedback? Did you
alike must carefully choose words to focus on crucial points, of life, retention, the risk to force/mission, behaviors, or even follow up feedback with reasonable suggestions for change?
and provide them in a digestible format. effectiveness in a given approach. What could have been done better? How would you change
A common technique in written military communication is A word of caution, just because you are personally passion- the message with additional time to reflect and gather new
“BLUF,” or bottom line up front. The idea of a BLUF is to com- ate or invested in a particular issue does not necessarily mean data? Did anything come from the feedback? If so, did the
municate the critical point of a message in one or two sentences that your organization or leader has the same viewpoint. Be results match intent?
at the start of communication and then provide details in the careful not to conflate something personally relevant to you If the leader did not appear to act on your feedback, consider Air Force photograph by Senior Aireman Bryan Guthrie
body of a communication. Depending on the time or format for something universally applicable to the organization. following up to get their perspective. Second Lt. Charmagne Verano, 99th Surgical Operations Squadron clinical nurse, briefs Lt.
allotted for feedback, the concept of a BLUF can help guide As you polish final feedback points (concise, accurate, and As you finish reading this, we’ll end with the bonus “C” Gen. Robert Miller, U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force surgeon general, and Chief Master
your entire communication. If you only had two sentences to appropriate at this point), understand and account for the from earlier: Candor. If you forget everything else in this ar- Sgt. Dawn Kolczynski, U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force chief medical enlisted force,
communicate your feedback…what would they be? importance of timing. ticle, remember the Air Force’s first core value: Integrity First. at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., July 13, 2021. They visited the University Medical Center,
Another metaphor for this concept is the “elevator pitch,” Timeliness: “Timing is everything,” is an old adage and Be candid, straightforward, and truthful with your feedback. the Mike O’Callaghan Military Medical Center and medical facilities at Creech AFB to see
or a memorable 20-30 second speech designed to clearly, con- remains valid for effective feedback up and down the chain As long as your motives are pure and designed to help the firsthand all the capabilities the hospitals offer to Nellis, Creech and the Las Vegas Valley.
cisely, and memorably deliver an idea to another person in the of command. organization, its mission, or its people, leaders will appreciate
time it takes to ride an elevator. Realize how the height of an emergency, tragedy, or crisis your honesty and integrity!
When discussing the future of medi- the most valuable asset of the 24/7/365
cal support at Creech AFB, Miller said, Remotely Piloted Aircraft mission -- the
“There are always opportunities to im- human weapons system.
Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and For all submissions, a name and phone number
published by Aerotech News and Review, a private Review of the products or services advertised. of a person to contact must be included in the event prove what we’re doing … It’s about hav- “Creech and Nellis are separate bases,
firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force. Everything advertised in the publication shall be questions arise. ing the right facility, the right number of but they are one team, all supported by
Contents of Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition made available for purchase and use of patronage All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity medics, and the right type of medics.” the 99th Medical Group,” Kolczynski
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Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government, origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political military ranks and proper writing etiquette. After the tour of the clinic, the party said. “The men and women we’ve met
Stuart Ibberson, Editor the Department of Defense or the Department of the affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the Corrections: Desert Lightning News staff moved on to the flight simulators where with today have educated us so we can
Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout members strive for accurac y each week .
Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales Air Force. purchaser, user or patron. If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert Air Force photograph by Senior Airman William Rio Rosado they were also briefed about the care pro- better train and equip them as they con-
The appearance of advertising in this publication, The deadline for submissions to Desert Lightning News staff at 334-718-3509, or e-mail Lt. Gen. Robert Miller, Surgeon General of the Air Force and Space Force, asks a flight instructor vided by the Human Performance Team, tinue to adapt and change to meet today’s
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