Page 4 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, July 23, 2021
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4 July 23, 2021 news Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Desert lightning news s. nevaDa veterans’ news July 23, 2021 5
AF ushers in new era for Multi-Domain Test Force American Forces Travel privileges extended to eligible veterans
by 1st Lt. Christine Saunders Lt. Col. David Levene, nity to add to the Air Force and DOD’s DOD News erates revenue to support criti-
cal quality-of-life programs for
Nellis AFB, Nev. Multi-Domain Test test enterprise and help shape and ensure On July 16, the Department
Force commander, the effectiveness of the next generation of Defense announced a policy service members and families.
The Air Force Test Center ushered in a addresses the crowd of warfighting capabilities,” said Levene. change to the current shopping To access the exclusive mili-
new era of the Multi-Domain Test Force, at the Air Force Test Forging partnerships and relation- privileges on the American tary discount pricing on travel
appointing its first military commander, Center Detachment ships within the developmental and Forces Travel website. products, visit the American
Lt. Col. David Levene, at the AFTC De- 1 MDTF Assumption operational test communities will be a As directed by acting Under Forces Travel website. Proof of
tachment 1 and MDTF Assumption of of C o m ma n d top priority for the MDTF as it grows Secretary of Defense for Per- eligibility is required.
Command ceremony July 9, 2021. ceremony July 9, in capability. sonnel and Readiness Virginia About Military Community
The MDTF will take residence at Nel- 2021, at Nellis Air “To the Warfare Center, to the Air S. Penrod in a memo signed and Family Policy
lis AFB, Nev., with future employees set Force Base, Nev. The Force and joint acquisition communi- April 12, 2021, the department Military Community and
to additionally operate out of Edwards MDTF will serve as ties, to our friends in the departments will extend online access to the Family Policy is directly re-
Air Force Base, Calif., and Eglin AFB, the connective tissue of the Navy and the Army, to the Air website to honorably discharged sponsible for establishing and
Fla. for test environments Force Major Commands, the Combat- veterans of the uniformed ser- overseeing quality-of-life poli-
“The need for a test environment to that aim to bridge ant Commands, and many other future vices. cies and programs that help our
support joint, all-domain, warfighting air, land, maritime, mission partners,” said Levene, the new On average, customers save service members, their families
has been recognized for years, but left to cyberspace, space, MDTF commander. “We are excited to 35-40 percent compared to and survivors be well and mis-
the innovative airmen in our test squad- and electromagnetic work with you, because while this is an commercial travel pricing by sion-ready. Military OneSource
rons to create for themselves ... until the Air Force photograph by 1st Lt. Christine Saunders spectrum domains. Air Force unit, Multi-Domain testing is using AFT. This includes dis- is the gateway to programs
standup of the MDTF,” said the presiding inherently joint.” and services that support the
official, Maj. Gen. Christopher Azzano, new paradigm, an adaptable, evolving geographically agnostic organization, The MDTF will aim to fill in the counted rates on hotels (up to Courtesy graphic everyday needs of the 5.2 mil-
Air Force Test Center commander. team…a mindset for collaborating across people and capability based,” said Klug. seams in test organizations, identifying 60 percent), airfare, rental cars, lion service members and im-
The MDTF will serve as the connec- the vast talent of the test center and our “Things that were questions 1, 2, 3 years needs to connect, collaborate or create vacation packages, event tickets, DOD civilians, and other pa- life programs to our military AFT launched in 2019 as mediate family members of
tive tissue for test environments that aim mission partners.” ago, are now answers.” new technological capabilities at the and cruises. trons who are already receiv- community, which includes our the only official joint service the military community. These
to bridge air, land, maritime, cyberspace, Air Force Test Center formally stood The group of new hires set to work at speed of relevance. “Sixteen million veterans ing the benefit,” said Deputy honorably discharged veterans.” morale, welfare, and recreation DOD services can be accessed
space, and electromagnetic spectrum up the MDTF Oct. 1, 2020, at Edwards, Nellis, Edwards and Eglin will serve as MDTF will work alongside Large will now be able to access the Assistant Secretary of Defense The change will not affect leisure travel website exclusively 24/7/365 around the world.
domains. under the leadership of Christopher the core nucleus to support and enable Force Test Events such as the 412th American Forces Travel website, for Military Community and access for existing patrons, and for DOD patrons. In addition The American Forces Travel
“The MDTF is an enduring pursuit, Klug. thousands of testers who make multi- Test Wing’s Orange Flag, the 96th Test joining the 10 million active Family Policy Patricia “Patty” the increased customer base will to improving access to DOD’s website can be accessed at
not a new building, new people, or “At the stand-up we said what the domain test happen. Wing’s Emerald Flag, and the 53rd duty, Guard and reserve service Montes Barron. “We are com- allow AFT to negotiate better MWR benefits, every booking https://www.americanforce-
new equipment,” said Azzano. “It’s a MDTF would be: a service, domain, and “The MDTF’s mission is an opportu- Wing’s Black Flag. members, family members, mitted to providing quality-of- prices for its customers. on American Forces Travel gen-
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