Page 11 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, August 2021
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10  High Desert Warrior
 August 2021

                                                                                           Personalized attention
 August’s AUSA corner                                                                           and Proven results

 The Association of the U.S. Army notes  alone or teamed with other devices or human
 operators in different environments.   NEWSPAPER  ADS WORK.

 1. Pay Raise Equity  The lead researcher, Derek Paley of the
 The fiscal 2022 defense budget asks Congress to approve 2.7% pay  Maryland Robotics Center, said the goal is   6 10 newspaper readers who

 increases for both uniformed service members and federal civilians,  “to migrate the dangerous, dirty and dull   out  read a home services ad   The Law Office of Kerrie C. Justice Inc, A.P.C.
 breaking a long practice in which civilians would receive a pay raise  work to the autonomous platform,” but   of  took action after   With more than 20 years of total experience, we have
                                               seeing the ad.*

 linked to inflation and service members would receive raises that keep  there will always be a human operator   the skill and knowledge to handle delicate cases with
 pace with private sector wage increases. If approved by Congress, the  involved at some level.          the utmost compassion for the clients’ peace of mind.

 across-the-board pay hikes could take effect on Jan. 1, 2022.   4. AI Threat  THE TOP ACTIONS ARE >>>

 2. Buffalo Honors  The bipartisan National Security   >>> Gather more information regarding service/product

 Efforts are underway in Buffalo, New York, to rename the Central  Commission on Artifi cial Intelligence   >>> Save the ad for future reference
                         >>> Visit advertiser’s website

 Park Post Office for Indiana Hunt-Martin, an Army veteran who  warns the U.S. has a narrow window for    Your case is unique, and it deserves personalized attention
 served in World War II as part of the 6888th Central Postal Direc-  success. “For the first time since World   from a seasoned staff. Our practice limits our number of clients

 tory Battalion, the first all-Black unit of the Women’s Army Corps.  War II, America’s technological predomi-  All Together Now  As our nation looks to reopen, rebound and resurge,   so that we may provide you with more individual attention.

                         our advertising representatives are here to help your business. Hire us to help get your
 Hunt-Martin, who died Sept. 21 at the age of 98, used the Central  nance—the backbone of its economic and   customers back and your employees ready. Nobody cares more about your success than we do.
 Park Post Office, which was close to her home. A bill to rename the  military power—is under threat,” says its   Nobody delivers a more engaged audience than we do. Our growth online,   •  Child Custody/Visitation Disputes    •  Grandparents’ Rights

                         combined with print, is impressive as more readers turn to us for local news.
                                                                                         (Including Move-Away Cases)

 post office is pending in the House of Representatives and endorsed  fi nal report. “China possesses the might, tal-  Newspapers are your best investment.   •  Child Support Including Arrears   •  Guardianships

 by Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown, who said it would honor her and  ent, and ambition to surpass the United States as   We care about local.  & Overage Determination  •  Legal Separation
 other Black women who have served and continue to serve in the  the world’s leader in AI in the next decade if current   •  Dissolution of Marriage  •  Nullity of Marriage
 U.S. military.  trends do not change.”     NEWSPAPER POWER.                           •  Domestic Partnership Termination  •  Parentage Proceedings
 3. AI Partnership  The commission recommends creating a dedicated Digital Corps,   Print, Digital & Social Solutions for our advertisers.  •  Domestic Violence  •  Property Division

 A new partnership between the U.S. Army Research Laboratory  modeled after the Army Medical Corps, with special policies for   •  Stepparent Adoptions
 and the University of Maryland focuses on autonomous systems and  recruiting, pay and promotion that could attract and keep experts.   Service Areas: Victorville, Hesperia, Apple Valley, Phelan, Adelanto, & Barstow
 artificial intelligence. It seeks devices and technology that can work  It might also have part-time workers.

                                                                                              15427 Anacapa Rd, Victorville, CA 92392
                                                                                         (760) 955-9746 •
            Design by Metro Creative Graphics, Inc.
            *Source: Coda Ventures Newspaper Ad Effectiveness Service
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