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5 Christian worldview thoughts on suicide Army program o ers support to victims of sexual assault
ensure a client is not alone as they work through the military SVC if the victim quali es to receive SVC services, including
By CPT Jonathan Z. Wan
but so is God. “God is spirit.” He is neither ourize that thought “you will be Sexual assault is one of the most pressing and di cult issues justice process. contact information.
In addition to the right to consult with an SVC, victims
e SVC’s primary duty and loyalty is to the client, not to
absent nor retreating, but is at work. better o dead.” Chaplain’s in today’s Army. any other person, entity, or organization -- including the Army. have the following legal rights: To be treated with fairness and
2. What are e ective suicide counter- Our context is fertile ground As part of the Army’s e orts to combat sexual assault within
measures? To say suicide is a spiritual issue, for Satan’s lies, and God’s truth is its ranks, it developed the Special Victims’ Counsel Program e SVC is bound by a duty of con dentiality, which means respect for their dignity and privacy; To be reasonably protected
is not saying other e orts fail. Have e orts not lling that void. Misunder- (SVCP). that the SVC cannot and will not share anything their client from the accused o ender; To be noti ed of court proceedings;
like prevention programs and intervention stood su ering is a prime exam- e military justice process is often imposing and frighten- has told them, without permission from the client. e SVC’s To be present at all public court proceedings related to the of-
skills helped? Yes, to some degree, but not ple. God speaks on that problem, but who unction of God’s Spirit. “For we do not ing, especially to someone who has recently been victimized. duties are to advocate for the best interest of the client and fense (unless the court determines that the victim’s testimony
measurably. Maybe those approaches curtail cares anymore? Instead, we go with this: wrestle against esh and blood, but against e SVCP provides no-cost legal representation to eligible advise them on a range of legal matters related to the assault. would be materially a ected); To confer with the attorney for
an even worse problem. I am convinced Be- anguish of the body/mind can be medicated, the rulers, against the authorities, against victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. Representation SVCs provide legal services to active duty military members, the government (the prosecutor); To available restitution; To
havioral Medicine is making a huge impact educated, socialized and in uenced; assum- the cosmic powers over this present dark- is provided by Special Victims’ Counsel (SVC). An SVC is a their dependents, Department of the Army Civilians, and information about the conviction, sentencing, imprisonment,
on our Soldiers and Families. is kind of ing our condition is one of ignorance, bad ness, against the spiritual forces of evil in Legal Assistance attorney who has received special training to persons in other specialized categories. Further, SVCs are able and release of the o ender.
medicine is a gift from God administered by upbringing, and/or chemical imbalances. the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12). e provide legal representation to victims of sexual assault and to provide support and legal services to certain child victims Victims of sexual assault and domestic violence have a
caring providers. But can we face another at’s a partial truth, not the whole truth. time is now. Listen to God, turn from sin domestic violence. e role of an SVC is to provide expert legal of sexual assault, by representing the child through the child’s right to obtain and meet with an SVC prior to speaking to law
10 years of the same, where suicide is now But what if our issue was much graver? and seek after the Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus advice and zealously represent clients’ interests throughout the parent or guardian. enforcement or their command, or undergoing any medical
normalized? Engaged (exhausted) leadership 4. e situation is far worse than the is the Gospel, and He came to substitute His military justice process. Victims of sexual assault are eligible for SVC representation examination.
can only do so much. tragedy of suicide. We are all dead, spiri- sinless life for us and received in His body An SVC is a victim’s legal guide to help them navigate this once they have led either a restricted or unrestricted report. If you have any questions about the program or are interested
1. Suicide is a spiritual issue and must 3. Suicide normalization is proof the tually dead in our sins. God has spoken, the wrath of God we deserve. You receive confusing legal landscape. An SVC will keep a client informed Victim Advocates, law enforcement personnel, and other rst in retaining a SVC services, you can reach an SVC by calling
be resisted spiritually. “Chaplain, are you Enemy (Satan, the devil) is on the move. and we have not listened or obeyed. We that by simply believing God. May we hear of the progress of their case, translate the legal process, and responders will provide victims with information about the 760-380-6840 or via email at jonathan.z.wan.
saying spirits, angels and demons are real e lies from the Enemy are pervading and are under God’s judgment. God’s wrath is God’s call to be spiritually changed and end
and involved?” I can embrace the existence appealing over and against the eternal truth presently revealed, (Romans, Chapter 1) and
of unseen supernatural forces. Can you? of God. e Enemy runs a complex war part of his wrath is turning us loose to do the tragedy of suicide.
Likewise, we are more than a brain and with a wide-front, deep and close battle, whatever we want to ourselves and to each “Scripture quotations are from the
body. We have a spirit breathed into us by beyond an isolated Soldier’s inner thoughts. other. at is happening right this moment. Holy Bible, English Standard Version,
God, and the unseen, intangible things of Suicide is in our culture, politics, govern- 5. How do we ght a spiritual battle copyright © 2001, 2007, 2011, 2016
life like love, connections and mysterious life ment and Army. Suicide is aligned to the on suicide? Directly, privately and cor- by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good
circumstances ought to tell us there is more “culture of death” in America which includes porately through the truth of God’s Word News Publishers. Used by permission.
than just the material. Evil is also present, abortion and euthanasia. Enemy lies glam- taught, believed and prayed, all under the All rights reserved.”
Photos from the Field
T T hese phot os w er e submitt ed t o us b y MSG. L uis C or iano , C obra 12A, OC/T , , T r r oop T rainer . .
These photos were submitted to us by MSG. Luis Coriano, Cobra 12A, OC/T, Troop Trainer.
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o us b
y MSG. L
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obra 12A, OC/T
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