Page 4 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, August 2021
P. 4
4 High Desert Warrior
August 2021
From PCS, Page 1
*Live Facebook Roundup every Wednesday at Aug 11 — Stress Management and Self-Care for
2:30p.m., where the Garrison Command Team Parents; MWR Bldg 1317: 1:00p.m. - 2:30p.m.
answers your questions on the o cial Fort Ir- Aug 12 — Marriage Workshop; ACS Bldg 109:
win Facebook page, and 10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. Installation Management Command, have created a PCS Moves
KNTC 88.5FM “ e Heat” radio. Aug 17 — Parenting Love and Logic Session 3; CAT. Similar action was taken two years ago when Army leaders
July 2021 Calendar: MWR Bldg 1317: 1:00p.m. - 3:30p.m. tackled on-base housing problems.
“People are the Army’s number one priority, and the Army
Aug 03 — Aug 21 — HBB Vendor Fair; Irwin Field House: will do everything in its power to facilitate PCS moves for our
Community Town Hall; Sandy Basin Community 11:00 a.m. - 3:00p.m. families,” said Lt. Gen. Doug Gabram, IMCOM command-
Center: 10:00a.m. - 11:00a.m. Aug 23 — FAP Outreach Table; PX: 11:00a.m. ing general.
On July 19, Maj. Gen. Omar J. Jones IV, IMCOM deputy
Aug 03 — Parenting Love and Logic Session 1; - 1:00p.m. commanding general, began directing the IMCOM daily
MWR Bldg 1317: 1:00p.m. - 3:30p.m. Aug 25 — SFRG Leader Training; ACS Bldg meetings, which will integrate directly with the AMC PCS
Aug 04 — 109: 9:00a.m. - 11:30a.m. Moves CAT and other commands around the Army to focus
Stress and Anger Management; ACS Bldg 109: Aug 26 — Horse Detachment Competition support toward garrison commanders. In turn, it is garrison
commanders who integrate all Army services on their installa-
1:30a.m. - 2:30a.m. Aug 30 — Infant Care Class; MWR Bldg 1317: tion to help smooth the way for successful PCS moves to and
Aug 05 — Mayor’s Meeting; ACS Bldg 109: 9:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. from their location.
e teams are tasked with providing continuous and accurate
11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Aug 30 — Infant Care Class; MWR Bldg 1317: PCS status data points throughout the Army, and delivering
Aug 07 — 1:00p.m. - 4:00p.m. proactive responses to PCS issues to ensure problems are rapidly
Dog Days of Summer Event; ODR Complex: *For more information, you can visit the identi ed and solved.
“Moving is a stressful time for any family. e Army is
9:00am - 5:00pm NTC website at or contact working to alleviate as much of the uncertainty as possible by
Aug 10 — Parenting Love and Logic Session 2; the Public A airs O ce at 760-380-4511; the providing tools and advice to make PCS moves more conve-
MWR Bldg 1317: 1:00p.m. - 3:30p.m. MWR at 760-380-5111 ( nient, predictable and user friendly,” Gabram said.
“As we work this concept of reporting, we will learn and get
Aug 11 — Stress Management and Self-Care; winFMWR), or the respective organization that better,” he said. “We have put the spotlights on the gaps in the
ACS Bldg 109: 1:30a.m. - 2:30a.m. is hosting the event* seams, and now we’re in attack mode.”
From RANGER, Page 1 A signi cant cultural resource is one that meets at least one of
the four criteria for listing in the National Register of Historic
year of college,” said Fabian. “I never let go of my interest in skills and direct re engagements, Fabian found unique op- Places. Brie y, these four criteria are: being associated with an
combat arms.” portunities to meet religious needs during the course, as well important (1) event or (2) person in American history; or (3)
Fabian has been the Chaplain for 1st Squadron, 11th Ar- as share his faith. being characteristic of a distinctive type, period, or method of
mored Cavalry Regiment, since December 2019. He is a native “I thought I was at a disadvantage [by] not being in combat construction; or (4) being able to provide important informa-
of Canterbury, Connecticut, and attended ROTC at the Univer- arms. Towards the end, it felt that roles had reversed and that tion about prehistory or history.
sity of Connecticut where he was a Simultaneous Membership the squad needed that extra morale or light-heartedness when When ground-disturbing projects happen at Fort Irwin,
Program (SMP) cadet in the Connecticut National Guard. He everyone was stressed out about being in a graded patrol or legal compliance is necessary; a request is submitted and needs
opted into an education delay and joined the Chaplain Candi- evaluated by their peers. I brought something to the table that approval from several di erent sections, including archaeology.
date Program, while in seminary and serving in the Reserves. I didn’t think I would,” said Fabian. e rst thing we do is look to see if anyone has already checked
Fabian graduated seminary at Liberty University, Virginia in Now that Fabian is back at the National Training Center for archaeological sites (and other cultural resources, such as
2018, and later was selected for active duty. where Decisive Action Rotations occur 10 times a year, he hopes historic buildings). If so, was anything signi cant found?
In February 2021, Fabian attended Small Unit Ranger Tactics Sometimes, an area has not been checked. en, we survey—
(SURT) at Fort Benning, Georgia with the 75th Ranger Regi- to use his experiences to in uence and empathize with Troopers walk the ground systematically—to look for cultural resources.
in the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment.
ment, before entering Ranger school. e school is a 61-day We document what we nd, and ask whether the resources meet
course that is broken into three separate phases (Darby, Moun- “You don’t have to sugarcoat things. You’re allowed to be in any of the National Register criteria. If signi cant archaeologi-
tain, and Florida phases) focusing on tactical fundamentals, the suck because it’s really hot out here in the box. Some may cal resources are found in the project area, we explore ways to
combat patrol operations in a mountainous environment, and pat people on the back when they have an actual crisis, but not preserve the characteristics that make the site signi cant. is
waterborne operations respectively. me. It’s okay to go into the valley and walk through it with them may include working with the person who proposed the project
“ e school teaches you that you can go a lot longer and a instead of pretending that they are not in it.” to shift the project location, modifying project activities to avoid
lot farther than you think you can,” said Fabian. “I learned not Fabian graduated from the United States Army Ranger damage, or studying the information that the site provides.
to feel bad for myself in normal conditions. Your body and your School with class 06-21 on June 25, 2021. Fabian’s main In this process, we also consult with the California State
mind can go the distance.” takeaway from the school focused on resiliency and inclusion. Historic Preservation O ce and Native American Tribes that
Ranger school may very well put candidates into some of the “Control what you can control,” said Fabian. “Lean on God, have ancestral ties to Fort Irwin lands. If there are concerns,
most stressful environments they’ve ever encountered. Although your family, and your buddies to your left and your right. You Fort Irwin works with the concerned party to nd a solution
the curriculum is focused on combat arms-related functional don’t have to do this alone, and frankly, you can’t.” and preserve important cultural resources.
For more information go to