Page 13 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, August 2021
P. 13
12 August 2021 News Thunderbolt 13
August 2021
TALEnT (from Page 2) Katie Babbitt,
spouse and
made inquiries about the likelihood of get- Tony Baril, 56th
ting a venue on base. Force Support Employment opportunities for
“I knew of events that were happening Squadron Depart-
throughout the year on base to get these ment of Defense RNs • LPNs • CNA-Med • CNA • QMAP
folks stage time,” said Rowe. “They (band civilian, wave at
members) just needed the opportunity to the crowd July PCP and more!
shine and bring their talents to the forefront 1, during the
so everybody could see what they’re capable FreedomFest Employees working 24+ hours per MeShell Edwards
of doing.” Fourth of July- hair designer • mua • eyelash connoisseur
In just a few short weeks after the initial celebration event
Facebook post, auditions, and a couple of at Luke Air Force
practices, the group already had a venue Base. The event Medical • Dental • Vision • 401k
booked. was their first big • Discounts with Columbine Health Systems services: Why Guild? We’ve got your back.
“We found out there were numerous “gig” together including our Pharmacy and medical equipment stores.
events on base that can potentially utilize where they per- With over 30 years of experience in mortgage
live music,” said Teresa. “The whole group formed as Termi- • Free healthcare clinics for plan participants lending and part of the military community, I’m
had the opportunity to perform at the Photos by Master Sgt. Louis Vega Jr. nal Leave. and their dependents personally invested in helping you get into a home
FreedomFest celebration.” loan that suits you best.
FreedomFest is an annual Fourth of July
celebration event held on Luke AFB. It was band is named Terminal Leave. They play “There is something to be said about Columbine also offers If you're ready to talk, call me today
the group’s first big “gig” together where they classic rock and modern hard rock. having an entertainment group that’s from opportunities for: and thank you for your service.
all performed. One Reserve Citizen Airman Providing a creative outlet for people in the base you are at,” said Eyman. “You have
and band member shared his thoughts about the military with a passion or interest in that pride, like ‘those are our guys,’ and • Career Advancement
the opportunity to play at the celebration. music to come together is top priority for you’re more of a participant of your own • Educational Scholarships Kathryn Guitar
Ask about our
“Playing for my fellow Airmen and their the musical group. entertainment.” A Squier Mini Precision Dakota Red bass • Opportunities for Tuition active duty and
families was a great experience,” said Mas- “People mention Tops In Blue with nostal- Where and when the group will play guitar sits on stage July 1, during the Reimbursement veteran discount 925-639-5311
ter Sgt. Mark Eyman, 944th Civil Engineer gia,” said Teresa. “They miss it. We thought next is currently undetermined, however, FreedomFest Fourth of July celebration • Retention Bonuses 614.589.9624 with Luke AFB ID.
One mile
Squadron electrical systems supervisor. it would be wonderful if all the bases around according to Rowe, they are expecting to event at Luke Air Force Base. from Luke AFB 4900 N. Litchfield Rd.
“FreedomFest took me back to when I was the nation had one designated point of con- perform at future base events and the local Litchfield Park, AZ 85340
a high schooler, and I used to play gigs on tact to say, ‘we are forming a music group, community. ing music exciting,” said Greenwood. “I’ve It Matters That We Care! (The Beauty Box Suite #1)
base when my dad was active duty in the anyone interested, come.’ It boosts morale “We are already forming new playlists, never played in front of an audience before,
Air Force.” and creates safe environments for people to and everyone in the group is optimistic and so I definitely had some nerves leading up AZ LO Lic. # 1020443; Equal Housing Lender, NMLS 3274,
The 24-member group, known collectively express themselves musically.” excited to perform again.” said Rowe. to and during the performance. But, once we AZ BK#0018883; @_bomb_shells_
as the Fighter Country Talent Squad, is Tops In Blue was a song-and-dance troupe, Greenwood expressed his enjoyment in got on stage, it was really satisfying to be
comprised of two separate bands. One band which played a mixture of modern pop, clas- finding people with similar musical inter- able to perform the songs we had worked so
is called Soundwave, which plays an eclectic sic rock and oldies. They toured and played ests as well as playing his first “gig.” hard on and share them with the audience.
assortment of music genres including coun- at various U.S. Air Force installations before “I found the idea of joining other musi- Hopefully, people enjoyed listening to them
try and Disney-oriented music. The second disbanding in 2016. cians with a passion for playing and creat- as much as we enjoyed playing them.”
Staff Writer and Copy Editor (part-time) position
SeARCh (from Page 10) ences in the number of people with counting,” said MacKenzie. “Luke
SeRViCeS (from Page 4) and without disabilities who are Air Force Base mentors have made
“I look forward to making my employed,” said MacKenzie. “Only a a difference in our program and the Aerotech News and Review, Inc., publisher of the Luke AFB Thunderbolt and Davis-Monthan AFB Desert K-8
Like her counterpart, Struble, Larson says she also finds own money and continuing work small percentage of people with dis- lives of our interns. This partnership Lightning News, is accepting resumes from candidates for the position of Staff Writer and Copy Editor.
a great sense of pride in being an EFMP-FS coordinator. on base as a kitchen attendant at abilities are employed.” has allowed our interns to be a part This is a part-time position, approximately 40 hours per month. Charter
She described her experience as gratifying and one of the Luke’s dining facility,” said Parker. MacKenzie added that people with of a community that is bigger than The staff writer and copy editor works with other editors and members of the editorial team to write, copy School
most important roles in her career. “Project SEARCH has helped me a disability are much more likely to themselves. We look forward to con- edit and post stories for these two publications and corresponding web sites. The position reports directly
“This has been one of the most fulfilling jobs I’ve had in very much. It gave me a pretty good live in poverty than people without tinuing to collaborate and grow our to the Aerotech News managing editor and will work remotely.
my tenure with the Air Force,” said Larson. “Our goal is to view on learning job skills.” disabilities, which highlights the program together.” Responsibilities: • Familiarity with online website publishing and
positively impact each of our EFMP families by providing Just as Project SEARCH aids in importance of Thunderbolt Nation For more information on Project • Write, copy edit and prepare for posting a wide organization tools.
a place to share concerns, celebrations and milestones. We supporting members who are look- supporting this organization and its SEARCH, contact the 56th Fighter variety of stories, of both original and Air Force • Familiarity with AP style and fact-checking.
listen to family’s needs and try to provide as many on and ing to improve upon their skill set, members. Wing Airman and Family Readiness provided material in a timely manner. Posting Self Development Academy-Glendale
off base support options.” it also assists with members’ overall “Luke Air Force Base and West- Center at (623) 856-6168 or Tiffany includes writing headlines and summaries • Excellent communication skills, both written
Struble said the EFMP being able to offer a variety of livelihood. MEC Project SEARCH have had MacKenzie at tiffany.mackenzie@ using SEO best practices, writing and copy and verbal. We teach Geometry alongside Logic, Physics alongside
support services, to include support through difficult times, “In Arizona, there are large differ- a partnership for three years and editing cutlines and photo credits, choosing • The ability to self-motivate and work both Philosphy, and Literature alongside Creative Writing
might be the most impactful tool the EFMP-FS coordina- appropriate photos or illustrations as needed, independently and as part of a team.
tors use. and contribute to design of graphics or video • Team-oriented and flexible, with a positive
“There are always movements, transitions and devia- clips as needed. outlook and a willingness to learn.
tions happening, but the EFMP family support team can • Identify grammar and style issues in a piece • A high standard of accuracy, accountability and
help ease stress and provide guidance through those trying and work directly with the writer and editor to integrity.
times,” said Struble. “It’s important to celebrate individuals fix any mistakes, ensuring that the guidelines • Working knowledge of the U.S. military and its SDA-Glendale
and recognize their resilience when faced with hard times, and expectations per AP style guide are clearly culture a plus.
which is an effort that the EFMP family support team at communicated. • Willingness to work a flexible schedule, often 16635 N 51st Ave
Luke Air Force Base always remembers to highlight.” • Meet weekly with the Aerotech News driven by the news in a global environment. Glendale, AZ 85306
If feeling overwhelmed on where to start with the EFMP, managing editor.
Struble recommends a simple solution of finding basic • Other duties as assigned by the Aerotech Organizational overview: 602-675-0125
information through attending an EFMP installation News managing editor. Aerotech News is a multi-platform media company
orientation, which is held quarterly. Necessary skills: that serves the military, aerospace and veterans of: Self Development Preschool
“We highly encourage all EFMP families, people interest- • The ability to work quickly and accurately on • Edwards Air Force Base, Air Force Plant 42, (Ages 3-5)
ed in learning about the program, leaders and supervisors multiple projects on multiple deadlines with clarity Mojave Space Port and all of Aerospace Valley.
to attend,” said Struble. “The orientation is a great place and consistency and a strong eye for detail. • The National Training Center at Fort Irwin near Opening Soon
to gather an abundance of information on the Exceptional • Sound headline-writing skills and the ability Barstow
Family Member Program.” and willingness to craft other elements to help • Nellis and Creech Air Force Bases
Additionally, attendees will receive more information tell a story, such as searching for photos or • Luke Air Force Base Genius Unlimited
on EFMP-FS, EFMP-Identification and Enrollments and Courtesy photo developing graphics. • Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Give your curious child the gift of beautiful thinking
EFMP-Assignments. Project SEARCH interns, instructors and Maj. Tomika Smith, left, 56th Force Support Squadron operations
To learn more, families can visit the A&FRC, call (623) officer and interim commander, pose for a photo during a Project SEARCH graduation, May, 20, at the Re- To apply: Interested parties should submit a cover letter explaining their interest and describing their qualifications.
856-6426/6840/6550 or go to the the Department of the naissance Hotel, Glendale, Arizona. After completing a nine-month internship at Luke Air Force Base, interns Please include a resume and three writing samples with career history. Position will average 40 hours per month
Air Force family vector website at https://daffamilyvector. received recognition for their various accomplishments and achievements. The partnership between Luke with the rate determined by experience. The position may be asked to work additional hours to fill in absences of AFB and Project SEARCH offers a unique opportunity for interns to build relationships with service members other copy editors. All communications will be treated confidentially. All nominations, applications and inquiries
through mentoring, thus enhancing the bond between members of the local community and Luke AFB. should be directed electronically to by August 11, 2021.