Page 2 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, August 2021
P. 2
2 August 2021 News Thunderbolt News 3
August 2021
PHONE NUMBERS Sharing hidden talents; Weather Flight watches Arizona skies, ensures safe flying conditions
Airman and Family Readiness Center .................... 623-856-6550
Airman’s Attic ......................................................... 623-856-6415 by Airman 1st Class our money, so to speak, with the monsoon
Armed Forces Bank ................................................ 623-535-9766 DAViD BuSBY season,” said Cassell. “We start to get
Base Exchange main store ...................................... 623-935-2671 Luke Airmen build resilience through music more moisture over the southwest United
Base taxi .................................................................. 623-856-6866 56th Fighter Wing States. A thunderstorm (can) develop
Beauty shop ............................................................. 623-536-1897 Take a moment to visualize this picture. over the mountains, collapse, and all that
Chapel ..................................................................... 623-856-6211 You are a pilot for an F-35A Lightning II energy converts to wind to kick up giant
Chapel (after duty hours) ........................................ 623-856-5600 by master Sgt. dust storms. (These are) not really fun
Child development center ....................................... 623-856-6338 aircraft and are executing your pre-flight
Clothing sales .......................................................... 623-856-6310 LouiS VegA JR. checklist at Luke Air Force Base. for anyone, especially the pilots who can’t
Club Five Six .......................................................... 623-856-6446 944th Fighter Wing Public Affairs All lights are green, the aircraft is see through all the sand and dirt. It can
Command post ........................................................ 623-856-5600 fueled, and the tower gives you the go- be quite destructive if there are strong
Commissary ............................................................ 623-935-3821 Music is a cultural aspect universally found in all hu- ahead. As you taxi to the end of the run- winds behind it.”
Community center ................................................... 623-856-7152 man societies. It can transport an individual, spark emo- way, you hear over the radio that the flight With a variety of weather-related
Computer IT service desk ..................................... DSN 945-2900 tions, and help people unwind from a long, hard day. Hid- is cancelled due to weather. dangers, Cassell said the weather flight
Crime Stop .............................................................. 623-856-6666 den within communities are musicians who are waiting That night, Arizona becomes host to one shares its forecasts with several base enti-
Dental clinic ............................................................ 623-856-2273 to share their musical talents with the world. A group of
Dermatology ........................................................... 623-856-2273 of the worst windstorms in its history — ties, depending on the weather scenario. If
Dining hall .............................................................. 623-856-6396 service members and dependents recognized their shared appearing completely unexpectedly and the fire department is doing a controlled
Dorm management .................................................. 623-856-7841 artistic connection and came together to form a musical causing thousands of dollars of damage to
Education center ...................................................... 623-856-7722 group at Luke Air Force Base. the local area. While frustrating because
EMERGENCY ONLY ............................................................. 911 Twenty-four U.S. Air Force active-duty members, it halted a training mission, the weather
Equal opportunity .................................................... 623-856-7711 Reserve Citizen Airmen, spouses and Department of warning protected hundreds of F-35s and
Eye clinic ................................................................ 623-856-7965 Defense civilians have formed a musical group called the F-16s from damage. More importantly, it
Falcon Dunes Golf Course ...................................... 623-535-9334 Fighter Country Talent Squad. It all began with Lt. Col.
Family health clinic ................................................. 623-856-2273 potentially saved lives.
Family housing ........................................................ 623-388-3515 Roger Greenwood, 944th Operations Group Detachment Fortunately, the 56th Operations Sup-
Fire station .............................................................. 623-856-6641 2 director of operations, and his 28-year passion for play- Photos by Master Sgt. Louis Vega Jr. port Squadron’s weather flight is Luke Photos by Airman 1st Class David Busby
Firestone Car Care .................................................. 623-271-8104 ing the guitar. Master Sgt. Melinda Charlton, 944th Force Support AFB’s first line of defense against inclem- Staff Sgt. Craig Cassell, 56th Opera-
Fitness center .......................................................... 623-856-6241 “Music has helped me through some long deployments Squadron noncommissioned officer in charge of career ent weather. tions Support Squadron weather flight
Flight medicine ....................................................... 623-856-2273 and now I use it regularly as a stress reliever,” said Green- “The weather flight is essentially re- shift supervisor, and Senior Airman
Food court ............................................................... 623-935-2671 wood. “I played recreationally for years, and in 2018 when development, sings July 1, during the FreedomFest 4th sponsible for all things weather, not only Breanna Hawkins, 56th OSS weather
Fort Tuthill .............................................................. 623-856-3401 of July celebration event at Luke Air Force Base. Charl- on the airfield but our various ranges flight journeyman, observe weather pat-
Fraud, waste and abuse hotline ............................... 623-856-6149 ton is one of 24 U.S. Air Force active-duty members, terns impacting the southwest United
Hobby shop ............................................................. 623-856-6722 Reserve Citizen Airmen, spouses, and Department of throughout Arizona, extending to New States June 15, at Luke Air Force Base.
Housing assistance section ...................................... 623-856-7643 Defense civilians who have formed a musical group Mexico and California,” said Staff Sgt.
Housing facilities section ........................................ 623-856-3007 called the Fighter Country Talent Squad. Craig Cassell, 56th OSS weather flight Despite the highly predictable weather
Housing maintenance .............................................. 623-935-2676 shift supervisor. “Not only are we getting patterns in Arizona for most of the
Identification cards .................................................. 623-856-7832 a feel for the environment in the valley year, monsoon season may bring sud-
Information, tickets and travel ................................ 623-856-6000 I separated from active-duty, I decided to dedicate more and over the airfield, but also to (differ- den outbursts of thunderstorms, flash
Law enforcement desk ............................................ 623-856-5970 time to playing the guitar.” ent) ranges. Our squadrons are flying floods, dust storms and more, which
Legal assistance ...................................................... 623-856-6901 While listening to her husband play his guitar, the weather flight closely monitors. The
Library ..................................................................... 623-856-7191 Greenwood’s wife Teresa, was convinced there were others and conducting missions and exercises, weather flight protects Air Force assets,
Lodging office/switchboard .................................... 623-856-3941 everything from air-to-ground weapons
Maintenance control center ..................................... 623-856-5469 in the community who shared her husband’s enthusiasm targeting to air-to-air simulated combat.” resources and personnel, and fosters an
Marine Corps .......................................................... 623-856-2417 for music. She discussed the idea of forming a band with Though the weather tends to be con- effective training environment for the Air
Marine Corps 24-hour duty desk ............................ 602-421-5806 her husband and together they decided to see if it could sistent in southern Arizona, heavy rains, Education and Training Command.
Marketing ................................................................ 623-856-3245 become a reality. thunderstorms, flash floods, and dust
Medical appointments ............................................. 623-856-2273 “I went on social media to find people who were interested storms are common.
Military equal opportunity ...................................... 623-856-7711 in a jam session,” said Teresa. “I put a simple message out “Things like turbulence or crosswinds
Military pay ............................................................. 623-856-7028 on Facebook saying, ‘I’m putting a band together, anyone “Usually it’s going to be hot, dry and make it more difficult to take off, which
Navy Operations Support Center ............................ 602-353-3008 interested let me know.’” windy. But this is really where we make could pose a problem for both experienced
OB/GYN clinic ....................................................... 623-856-2273
Office of Special Investigations .............................. 623-856-6821 The post sparked interest immediately. Within 24-hours and inexperienced pilots. That’s an area
Optometrist ............................................................. 623-856-2273 they had enough interest to form a complete band, but ac- in which we come in handy. If there are
Orthopedic clinic ..................................................... 623-856-2273 cording to Teresa, an unexpected thing happened. reductions in visibility or inclement
Outdoor recreation .................................................. 623-856-6267 “More than three times the expected number of people weather such as thunderstorms, that’s
Pass and registration ............................................... 623-856-4880 contacted me looking to be part of what is now our music going to prevent them from getting off
Patient advocate ...................................................... 623-856-8968 2nd Lt. Kristin Rowe, 56th Equipment Maintenance group,” said Teresa. the ground.”
Pediatric clinic ........................................................ 623-856-2273 Squadron section commander and Master Sgt. Mark Teresa spoke with her friend and neighbor, 2nd Lt. The weather flight also offers long-
Pharmacy refill call-in ............................................. 623-856-3969 Eyman, 944th Civil Engineer Squadron electrical sys-
Photo services ......................................................... 623-856-6168 tems supervisor, sing a song together July 1, during Kristin Rowe, 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron Cassell measures the wind speed June 15, at Luke Air Force Base. Measuring wind range forecasting that enables squadrons
Post Office ............................................................... 623-935-1343 the FreedomFest 4th of July celebration event at Luke section commander, about the idea of forming a band. speed is just one way to ensure safe operations for both the F-35A Lightning II and to develop flight and maintenance op-
Public affairs ........................................................... 623-856-6011 Rowe responded by stating how wonderful it would be the F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft that fly at Luke AFB for training and real-world op- erations plans for several days at a time
Recycling information ............................................ 623-856-4749 Air Force Base. Rowe is a band member and has had to provide stage time for the group. Through Rowe’s con- erations. By accurately forecasting weather patterns, the weather flight protects Air based on environmental conditions. This
Retiree Activities office .............................................623-856-3923 an active role as the liaison between the band and the nections with the 56th Force Support Squadron from her Force assets, resources and personnel, and fosters an effective training environ- not only maximizes how many jets and
Rodgers Travel ........................................................ 623-856-6894 U.S. Air Force; while Eyman is a Reserve Citizen Air- previous position as the community services deputy, she ment for the Air Education and Training Command. pilots can fly, but also contributes to safety
Safety ...................................................................... 623-856-6941 man and one of the most experienced band members in by protecting both resources and person-
Security forces .........................................................623-856-5970 the group. See TALEnT, Page 12 burn, for example, firefighters need to “We also have warnings for wind, heat, nel from the elements.
Security incidents .................................................... 623-856-7777
Service calls CE maintenance ................................. 623-856-7232 understand where the smoke is going to thunderstorms or any sort of inclement “We don’t want maintainers on the
Sexual Assault Prevention/Response ...................... 623-856-4878 blow. Or, if rain is expected, the forecast weather. Tornadoes, hurricanes and the flight line working on jets during a light-
Shoppette ................................................................. 623-266-0040 Thunderbolt editorial staff Luke Air Force Base website and social media and is the source for articles and could help exercise planners determine if like don’t really reach this far inland, but ning warning, for obvious reasons,” said
Sick call ................................................................... 623-856-2273 Publisher ....................................................Aerotech News and Review photos published in the Thunderbolt. The Thunderbolt editor is authorized to use it will degrade the effects of the exercise, it’s still a possibility. It’s rare for it to get Cassell. “(It’s the) same thing with strong
South Gate VRC ...................................................... 623-856-4768 Editor ....................................................................................... Amy Lamb photos and articles from other .mil or .gov websites. Cassell added. cold enough to warrant a notice, such as winds. If we get a strong enough gust
Submission deadline is at noon the 15th day prior to the month of publication.
Straight-Talk line ..................................................... 623-856-7064 Designer .................................................................................Tinna Sellie Contributions for the Thunderbolt can be made via email to amy@aerotechnews. “For (the) airfield, we forecast what the formation of ice on the airfield, but it with not enough time to tie down equip-
Telephone repair (Base) .......................................... 623-856-4400 Advertising sales ................................................................ 877-247-9288 com. The editor can be reached at the weather will be like here at Luke for could still pose a problem.” ment, we could have it blowing around.”
Thrift store .............................................................. 623-935-5782 Luke Air Force Base The Thunderbolt uses material from the Armed Forces Information Service, Air takeoff and landings,” said Staff Sgt. Cody Many scenarios could temporarily halt
Ticket/tour office ..................................................... 623-856-6000 Commander.................................................Brig. Gen. Gregory Kreuder Force News Service, AETC News Service and other sources. All advertising is han- In a place like Luke AFB, the weather is
Travco ......................................................................855-896-7939 Public affairs chief ..................................................Maj. Candice Dillitte dled by Aerotech News and Review. They can be reached by calling 877-247-9288. Schneider, 56th OSS weather forecaster. flight and maintenance operations, which generally benign; as a result, the weather
Travel management office household goods ........... 623-856-6425 Command information ...................................... Tech. Sgt. Clint Atkins Contents of the Thunderbolt are not necessarily the official views of, or en- “We provide asset and personnel protection is why the wing’s mission greatly depends flight has to be at the top of their game
TMO passenger travel ............................................. 623-856-7035 dorsed by, the U.S. government, the Department of Defense or the Department through our WWAs, or Warnings, Watches on the weather flight, according to Cas- when the unexpected happens. In the
Transient alert ......................................................... 623-856-6204 Editorial Information of the Air Force. Cassell descends from the weather flight and Advisories. We strive for accuracy sell. With accurate, timely information, Southwest desert climate, harsh weather
Travel pay ............................................................... 623-856-7028 For past issues of the Thunderbolt, go to The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supple- office roof June 15, at Luke Air Force in how long a warning will last, staying Airmen planning operations or exercises can come out of nowhere at a moment’s
Vehicle maintenance ............................................... 623-935-6576 and click on PDF edition ments, does not constitute endorsement of the products or services advertised by Base. The rooftop of the office is acces- efficient and keeping the mission going.” can prepare for any weather contingency, notice. With sharp minds and hard work,
Veterinary services .................................................. 623-856-6354 The Thunderbolt is published by Aerotech News and Review, a private firm in no the DOD, the DAF or Aerotech News and Review. Everything advertised in this sible via staircase, leading to the main Cassell said two common WWAs is- which leads to improved pilot training.
Weather ................................................................... 623-856-6805 way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive written contract with the 56th publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard office from which other squadrons can the 56th OSS weather flight keeps an eye
to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap,
Wellness center ....................................................... 623-856-2273 Fighter Wing, Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. This civilian enterprise Air Force news- political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. All sued at Luke are for flood warnings and “Student pilots have certain thresholds on the sky, providing pilots, both students
paper is an authorized monthly publication for members of the U.S. military services.
Youth center ............................................................ 623-856-7470 be contacted, in the event of inclement warnings of lighting within five miles of which they can fly in as they gain their and instructors, with lifesaving informa-
photographs are Air Force photographs unless otherwise indicated.
The 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs Office prepares all editorial content for the
weather. the flightline. qualifications to graduate,” said Cassell. tion every day of the week.