Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, August 2021
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6      August 2021                                               News                                                                 Thunderbolt                                                  News                                       7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        August 2021

   Luke Precision Measurement Equipment                                                                                                                             944 FSS top MPF in AFRC

   Lab employs small staff with big impact                                                                                                                                         944th FighTeR Wing

                                                                                                                                                                                          Public Affairs
                                                                                                                                                                      Col. (Ret.) Jim Greenwald, former 944th Fighter Wing
           by Senior Airman                                                                                                                                         commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Catherine Buchanan,
          PhYLLiS Jimenez                                                                                                                                           944th FW command chief, presented the Headquarters Air
                                                                                                                                                                    Force Reserve Command A1 Gerritt D. Foster, Jr. Award to
          56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
                                                                                                                                                                    the 944th Force Support Squadron, during Greenwald’s final
     From measuring the length of tracks for                                                                                                                        Commander’s Call May 2 at Luke Air Force Base. The Military
   fitness tests to calibrating systems on the                                                                                                                      Personnel Flight was recognized as the 2020 Outstanding
   Air Force’s newest fifth-generation fighter                                                                                                                      MPF of the Year.
   aircraft, the Precision Measurement Equip-                                                                                                                         The award recognizes the accomplishments of the MPF,
   ment Lab delivers precise calibration of the                                                                                                                     which uniquely contributes to the well-being of Airmen, from
   equipment used in virtually every phase of                                                                                                                       day-to-day  requirements to readiness operations within the
   maintenance.                                                                                                                                                     force support community.
     “The Luke PMEL services 107 work                                                                                                                                 “Last year was tough,” said Master Sgt. Tina Simmons, 944th
   centers for the Air Force, its sister services                                                                                                                   FSS MPF superintendent. “COVID-19 restrictions brought
   and foreign allies,” said Staff Sgt. Matthew                                                                                                                     new challenges — including virtual work requirements and
   Swanson, 56th Component Maintenance                                                                                                                              reduced manpower — but we pulled together to take care
   Squadron PMEL technician. “It is also one                                                                                                                        of our Airman and their families and completed the mission
   of the only PMELs that services the F-35                                                                                                                         without skipping a beat.”
   Lightning II.”                                                                                                                                                     According to Greenwald, the MPF is an example of the
     PMEL specialists calibrate weapon                                                                                                                              360-degree service provided by the 944th FSS.
   guidance systems, force gauges, pressure                                                                                                                           “The amazing personnel in our Force Support Squadron
   gauges, torque wrenches  and any assets                                                                                                                          provide an incredible service to this wing,” said Greenwald.
   that take a quantitative measurement.                                                                                                                            “We see some of what they do for us, but so much of it is done
     “We calibrate and repair a wide variety   Airman 1st Class Jasmin Torres, 56th Component Maintenance Squad-                                                    behind the scenes. This unit could not complete its mission
   of equipment depending on what section we   ron Precision Measurement Equipment Lab technician, calibrates a tire                                                without the tireless work provided by the FSS team.”
   are working, such as electronic, mechanical   inflator kit July 1, at Luke Air Force Base. Maintainers use tire inflator                                           This is not the first time the 944th FSS received this recog-
   or physical dimensional,” said Airman 1st   kits to service tires on government vehicles as well as aircraft tires.                                              nition. The squadron also accepted the award for top MPF in                                                                    Tech. Sgt. Courtney Richardson
   Class Nicholas Bruce, 56th CMS PMEL   PMEL technicians ensure accurately calibrated equipment to support                                                         the Air Force Reserve in 2007.                         944th Fighter Wing senior leadership poses for a photo with 944th Force Support Squadron senior leader-
   technician. “The equipment we work on   the needs of the Air Force, sister services and allied forces.                                                             “We are dedicated to taking care of all Airmen of the 944th   ship, after the Headquarters Air Force Reserve Command A1 Gerritt D. Foster, Jr. Award was presented to
   varies from very simple to very complex.”                                                                                                                        Fighter Wing,” concluded Simmons. “We will keep pursuing im-  the FSS during a commander’s call held May 2 at Luke Air Force Base. The Military Personnel Flight was
     According to Swanson, PMEL is a small                                                                                                                          proved processes and customer service in support of the wing.”  recognized as the 2020 Outstanding MPF of the Year.
   career field with low exposure to the base                                                                              Photos by Senior Airman Phyllis Jimenez
   population, but has a sweeping impact.                                                                             Staff Sgt. Vicente Jimenez, 56th
     “People start to understand PMEL when                                                                            Component Maintenance Squadron
   something isn’t calibrated correctly (and                                                                          Precision Measurement Equipment
   they need us),” said Swanson. “Improperly                                                                          Lab technician, calibrates a spectrum
   calibrated equipment can lead to anything                                                                          analyzer July 1, at Luke Air Force
   from someone failing a PT test (because                                                                            Base. The spectrum analyzer is used
   they are running too long) to a catastrophic                                                                       to measure the power of a signal’s
   event like a plane crashing.”                                                                                      various frequency components.
     The Air Force uses a large array of equip-
   ment in its day-to-day operations that
   require precise calibration. PMEL ensures                                                                          LEFT: Staff Sgt. Dantes Johnson,
   accurate, safe and reliable equipment to                                                                           56th Component Maintenance
   support the needs of the U.S. military and                                                                         Squadron Precision Measurement
   its allied forces.                                                                                                 Equipment Lab technician, calibrates
     “PMEL is an all-encompassing career                                                                              a frequency counter July 1, at Luke
   field with technical experts,” said Swanson.                                                                       Air Force Base. Frequency counters
   “We support every Air Force mission and get                                                                        measure the number of cycles of
   to work with some of the smartest enlisted                                                                         oscillation, or pulses per second in a
   that the Air Force has to offer.”                                                                                  periodic electronic signal.

     ReADiNG                              (from Page 5)                                                                     Reserve Citizen Airman Maj.
                                                                                                                            Katherine Paolillo, 944th
     over and over again without actually reading it over and                                                               Fighter Wing inspector
     over again. Parents get it.”                                                                                           general, prepares to read
       Not only is this beneficial to the recipients but to caregiv-                                                        a book to her child using
     ers as well.                                                                                                           the United Through Read-
       “The parent left behind can benefit from getting a mental                                                            ing app at the 56th Fighter
     break for a minute or helping that child through a hard                                                                Wing Base Library on Luke
     moment where they are sad about the parent who isn’t                                                                   Air Force Base, June 17.
     there,” Crowell said.                                                                                                  The 944th Fighter Wing
       The site located in the base library is the only brick and                                                           Airman and Family Readi-
     mortar location in the state of Arizona, but that isn’t the                                                            ness Center and the base
     only way to use the program. Service members can also                                                                  library teamed up to provide
     download the United Through Reading app. Once the app                                                                  anyone with access to the
     confirms your affiliation through the “” verification                                                             base a place to stop by and
     program, they will have access to record a book from any-                                                              read a book to a loved one.
     where, whenever they feel like it.                                                                                     The non-profit program will
       “You can do as many videos as you want,” said Maldonado.                                                             send the recording to an
     “You can be sitting at your desk, deployed, on your lunch                                                              email address designated                                                    6.5” AD SPACE
     break, or just sitting in your car. You will still be sent the                                                         by the member and also
     link and have access to request the book be sent to the recipi-                                                        provide the book to the mili-
     ent. From there you can send the link whenever you want.”                                                              tary family for free.
                                                                                                               Courtesy photo
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