Page 12 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, November 5, 2021
P. 12
TRIFECTA, from Page 3 _____ e U.S. Air Force Test Center integration, advanced survivability,
and Warfare Center counterparts and data-driven experimentation.
traditional Combat Search and developed the Test Flag Enterprise AFMC/AFTC and ACC/USAFWC
Rescue methods. to provide all-domain test capabil- counterparts have developed the
Additional “tri-flag” partici- ity and capacity to mature and eld Test Flag Enterprise to provide all
pants included a number of other systems. domain test capability and capacity
Air Force and Navy platforms, the “ e TFE is the only organiza- to mature and eld systems. e
Army’s Tactical System Integra- tion in the Department of Defense TFE serve as the connective tissue
tion Lab, General Atomics MQ-20 that is executing rigorous large for test environments that aim to
Avenger unmanned vehicle, and scale test right now,” said Prud- bridge air, land, maritime, cyber-
Nellis AFB’s Shadow Operations homme. space, space, and electromagnetic
Center-Nellis. e main Orange and Emerald spectrum domains.
“Bigger does not always mean Flag objectives are to create a large e TFE aims to ll in the seams
better when it comes to these large- force environment for advanced in test organizations, identifying
scale test events,” said Maj. eodore sensor and aircra capability de- needs to connect, collaborate or
Ellis, Black Flag director. “ e most velopment. Black Flag’s objective is create new technological capabili-
important takeaway is the data we to integrate and test the suitability ties at the speed of relevance. Air Force photograph by William R. Lewis
receive a er the events are over. We of capabilities and tactics in multi- TFE works alongside Large An F-35C Lightning II ghter jet assigned Marine Fighter
analyze the data to prove what works domain, multi-service, operational Force Test Events such as the 412th Attack Squadron 314, Marine Aircraft Group 11, 3rd Marine
and what doesn’t, and push the data realistic scenarios. Test Wing’s Orange Flag, the 96th Aircraft Wing, Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Calif.,
out to the joint forces. We strive to Test Flags are all-domain, large Test Wing’s Emerald Flag, and the prepares to participate in Black Flag at Nellis Air Force Base,
test how we are going to ght.” force test series focused on kill-web 53rd Wing’s Black Flag. Nev., Oct. 26, 2021.
DISCOUNTS, from Page 10 __ Current Leave and Earnings or dessert on Nov. 11. Valid proof TCBY locations only, so be sure families. Valid at participating
Statement, or Veterans Organi- of military service is required to to call and con rm before you locations only.
from 11 a.m.-2 p.m., for a free zation Card. get this free food. head out. Proof of military ser- Grace for Vets Free Car Wash:
$5 Lunch Combo. is Veter- On e Border: For the ninth Red Robin: Red Robin is o er- vice is required. Veterans and service personnel
ans Day free meal includes four year in a row, On e Border is ing a free Red’s Tavern Double Texas Roadhouse (Arizona/ are being o ered a free car wash
slices of Little Caesars Detroit- giving veterans and active duty Burger and Bottomless Steak Nevada): To celebrate Veterans on Nov. 11, 2021. Grace for Vets
style DEEP!DEEP!™ Dish pizza, military members a free meal. Fries — available for dine-in Day, Texas Roadhouse will hand is a non-pro t organization that
plus a 20-ounce Pepsi product. is year, on Nov. 11, it’s a Pick or to-go — starting Nov. 1, to out dinner vouchers at their has gathered more than 1,500
You don’t need a coupon to re- 2 Combo. is deal is for dine-in service members. Red Robin stores’ parking lots on from 11 independent car washes in four
deem this free meal for Veterans only and you might need to bring Military Royalty members will a.m.- 2 p.m., Nov. 11. ey ask countries to o er this service.
Day. Just mention this o er and military service proof such as a be eligible to claim the free one- that all active, former, or retired Visit
present proof of service, which U.S. Uniform Services ID Card, time only o er any day of their military members please have erans to nd a location near you.
can include an ID card with a a U.S. Uniform Services Retired choice from Nov. 1-14. their Military ID or proof of Target: Target is o ering a 10
veteran designation, a DD-214 ID card, Current Leave and Romano’s Macaroni Grill: For service when driving through percent discount from Oct. 31
form, or a current military- Earnings Statement, Veterans Veterans Day, Romano’s Maca- to pick up their dinner voucher. through Nov. 13 to active-duty
issued ID card. Organizations Card, DD214, or roni Grill is o ering free Mom’s Veterans and active military can military personnel, veterans and
Menchie’s: is is the ninth Vet- Citation/Commendation. Check Ricotta Meatballs & Spaghetti redeem their dinner vouchers their families. e discount can
erans Day that Menchie’s Frozen with your local On e Border to meals to vets and active mili- in-store until the end of May be used on two separate transac-
Yogurt has given out a freebie ensure that they’re participating tary on Nov. 11. All locations 2022. Be sure to call your local tions and applies to all in-basket
for Veterans Day. Veterans can before you head out. are participating in this offer Texas Roadhouse for details. items, online and in-store.
get the rst six-ounces of frozen Outback Steakhouse: Stop into except Puerto Rico, airport, and Wendy’s: Wendy’s thanks vet- Sports Clips: On Nov . 11, par-
yogurt for free. is o er is valid any Outback Steakhouse on Nov. international locations. You can erans and active military this ticipating locations will provide
all day long at participating 11, 2021, to get a free Bloomin’ get this Veterans Day free meal year with a free small breakfast free haircuts to veterans and
Menchie’s locations, and you Onion and Coca-Cola product. o er a er presenting military ID combo on Nov. 11. This free active-duty service members
need to show military ID to re- is o er is for all military per- or some other proof of military meal deal might not be avail- with valid proof of service. Visit
ceive this Veterans Day freebie. sonnel that have a military ID. service. able at all locations, so check to nd a
Nekter: If you’re a veteran or Every day, Outback Steakhouse Smoothie King: On Veterans with your local Wendy’s before location near you.
active military member, you can also gives out a discount of 10 Day this year, all members of the visiting. You’ll need military ID. Great Clips: Veterans and ac-
stop in to Nekter’s on Veterans percent o the total check for military—including veterans, OTHER DISCOUNTS tive, inactive, or retired military
Day, Nov. 11, for a free 16-ounce nurses, doctors, medical staff, retired, and active military—can Bass Pro Shops: Bass Pro Shops members can stop into Great
smoothie or juice. You can take service members, police o cers get a free, 20-ounce smoothie of doubles their discount to 10 Clips for a free haircut on Vet-
advantage of this free Veterans and firefighters, plus military their choosing at any participat- percent (exclusions apply) for erans Day, Nov. 11. If they don’t
Day o er at your local Nekter personnel and their immediate ing Smoothie King location. e military, law enforcement, re- want a haircut that day, they can
location, but it’s possible that family members. o er is good only in store. ghters, and EMTs Nov. 8- 11 get a haircut card that they can
not all of them are participating, Pilot Flying J: In onor of Veter- Starbucks: Starbucks is honor- (5 percent discount on rearms redeem through Dec. 10, 2021.
so you might call ahead of time ans Day, a free breakfast combo ing veterans, active duty service and ammo) both in-store and Anyone else can stop in to get
to double-check. Military ID is is available for all U.S. military members, and military spouses online. Valid ID or online veri- their haircut on Nov. 11 and
required, and add-ons are extra. veterans who visit a Pilot Flying this year for Veterans Day by of- cation required to receive the receive a free haircut card that
Olive Garden: Olive Garden J location from Nov. 9-15. is fering a free, tall (12-ounce) cof- discount. Visit www.basspro. they can give to a veteran, which
is o ering a Veterans Day free Veterans Day free food offer fee on Nov. 11. It’s possible that com for locations. is redeemable through Dec. 10.
meal (from a special Veterans includes a free Pilot coffee of not all U.S. company-operated Bed Bath and Beyond: Bed Bath Home Depot: Home Depot o ers
Day menu) for all active-duty any size and one free breakfast stores are participating, so be and Beyond is giving 25 percent a 10 percent discount to all veter-
military and military veterans o ering, such as the french toast sure to check ahead of time and o Nov. 11-14 for Veterans, ac- ans on Nov. 11. Home Depot of-
Nov. 11. You’ll need to verify sausage, egg, and cheese sand- bring military ID with you to get tive duty, Reserves, Guard and fers the 10 percent discount year
with Olive Garden that you wich. You need the Pilot Flying your free co ee. Spouses. In store or online. round to active duty and retirees.
currently are or used to be in J app to redeem this o er. TCBY: is year for Veterans Dollar General: On Nov. 11, Rack Room Shoes: Military
the military. Proof of military Red Lobster: Active duty mili- Day, all vets get their rst six- get an 11 percent discount for personnel and their dependents
service usually includes bring- tary, reserve, and military vet- ounces of frozen yogurt abso- purchases in-store or online get a 20 percent discount off
ing your military ID, U.S. Uni- erans can stop by a Red Lobster lutely free. is Veterans Day for veterans and active duty their entire purchase in store
form Services Retired ID Card, location and get a free appetizer freebie is valid at participating military members and their on Nov. 11.