Page 4 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, November 5, 2021
P. 4

4   November 5, 2021                                                News                                       DESERT LIGHTNING NEWS S. NEVADA                                                                           

   Iron sharpens iron; 99th SFS defenders graduate from LVPD academy

   by Senior Airman Bailee A. Darbasie                                                                             meetings to provide feedback to the
   Nellis AFB, Nev.                                                                                                LVMPD Academy sta .
                                                                                                                      “ e skills we learned through Air-
     Two Airmen assigned to the 99th                                                                               man Leadership School and Noncom-
   Security Forces Squadron at Nellis Air                                                                          missioned O cer Academy were some
   Force Base, Nev., graduated from the Las                                                                        of the topics we discussed with the sta ,
   Vegas Metropolitan Police Department                                                                            and we were able to help them re ne
   Academy Oct 6, 2021.                                                                                            their curriculum in certain areas,” said
     Master Sgt. Jorge Reyes, 99th SFS                                                                             Gra ell. “It was a mutually bene cial
   flight chief, and Tech.  Sgt. Gerald                                                                            experience.”
   Gra ell, 99th SFS  ight sergeant, took                                                                              e enthusiasm to serve a cause great-
   part in the 28-week long training to                                                                            er than oneself is a ubiquitous theme in
   enhance their law enforcement skills                                                                            both the 99th SFS and LVMPD commu-
   and begin to transform the readiness                                                                            nities. Defenders within both agencies
   training of the 99th SFS.                                                                                       have the willingness and dedication to
     “The LVMPD Academy aligned                                                                                    help and protect others; they train relent-
   us with the direction Security Forces                                                                           lessly to ensure their skillset is capable
   Headquarters is moving toward as an                                             Air Force photograph by Sta  Sgt. Miranda A. Loera  of handling the abundance of situations
   enterprise,” said Reyes. “HAF wants to   The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department academy held a graduation in Las Vegas,   they encounter.
   develop operationally focused and ready   Nev., Oct. 6, 2021. Alongside the graduates, two 99th Security Forces Squadron members   “Meeting seasoned o cers who are
   defenders that are a credentialed police   received certi cates of completion for the training.                 in a position to advise me on future
   force to meet DODI Police Standards                                                                             incidents and assist with training my
   and Training mandates.”              persons calls are the most dynamic  training with the LVMPD, I’ll prepare  Airmen, while strengthening the rela-
     During the course, Reyes and Gra ell  and dangerous situations that the 99th  our defenders on base to utilize the same  tionship between Nellis Security Forces
   were trained on advanced law enforce-  SFS responds to regularly, according to  tactics and techniques when responding  and LVMPD, is priceless,” said Gra ell.
   ment techniques, such as domestic  Gra ell. Due to its size and geographic  to these situations,” said Gra ell.   “I hope to be a bridge between LVMPD’s
   violence response, emergency vehicle  location, Nellis receives a higher rate of   Based on their supervisory experience  Organizational Development Bureau
   driving, advanced  rearms training and  these calls than other Air Force instal-  and leadership in the Air Force, Reyes  and the 99th SFS training, to help both
   handling mentally impaired subjects.   lations.                            and Gra ell were also given the unique  organizations work better independently
     Domestic violence and intoxicated     “A er completing over 1,000 hours of  opportunity of engaging in monthly  and with one another.”



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