Page 2 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, August 6, 2021
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2   August 6, 2021                                          Commentary                                         Desert lightning news s. nevADA                   Desert lightning news s. nevADA                                     news                                                         August 6, 2021    3                                                                                                                                                      
   Airmen are people too                                                                                                                                            F-16 receives in-flight software

   by Chaplain (Capt.) Levi Welton      machine, but a treasured individual.  them. So to make people in your team feel  sources that exist for the sole purpose of   update during recent flight test
   Dover AFB,  Del.                        As the Chassidic scholar Rabbi Pin-  like people, do something that reminds  mission support. Military OneSource,
                                        chas of Koretz taught, “Every person  them of their individuality. If your team-  mental health, the Mission Support
     The best superhero movies are the  possesses one valuable trait that cannot  mate shares something personal with you  Center and of course I’m going to say,
   ones where we see how they’re people  be found in anyone else.”            — that they have kids, pets or love foot-  the chaplain’s office. By utilizing all the   Air Force News
   too, just like us.                      Look, we didn’t join the Air Force to  ball, for example — then jot that down in  support that’s out there, we strengthen                                                                                                                 while in flight,” added Lt Col Zach-
     Well, Airmen — the brave women  make friends but to serve the mission.  your phone, notebook or memory. Then  spiritual and tactical resilience.                  For the first time, an F-16’s Electronic                                                                      ary “Rooster” Probst, a flight test pilot
   and men who protect our nation — are  But we succeed best at the mission when  at some later point, do something that   You probably have your own opinions      Warfare System received an in-flight                                                                             and commander of the 84th Test and
   our nation’s superheroes. And they are  we create friendships and authentic al-  shows them you remembered what they  on all this and they’re probably different   software update as part of an Advanced                                                                         Evaluation Squadron. “This is a big deal.
   people, too.                         liances. As my great uncle Lt. Barney  care about. In other words, show them  from mine. But isn’t that the point? To       Battle Management System (ABMS)                                                                                  There’s a tactical need to be able to rap-
     But how can we make people feel like  Welton, a World War II C-47 pilot who  it’s important to you. As Stephen Covey,  contribute what we know to the larger   demonstration during a recent test sortie                                                                        idly update software, especially mission
   people in a mission-oriented environ-  flew 130 missions as part of the 79th  author of “Seven Habits for Highly Ef-  conversation. So, no matter whether        at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.                                                                                   data files because that’s what ties into
   ment?                                Troop Carrier Squadron, put it, “I’ll  fective Families” and one of my favorite  you’re a general or a civilian contractor, I   An F-16 updated its’ Mission Data                                                                            our ability to identify, find, and defend
     This is the type of question our leader-  never forget the wealth of friendship  Americans, once put it, “How you treat  encourage you to make your voice heard.  File with information transmitted from                                                                        ourselves against enemy threat systems.”
   ship thinks about and sometimes turns  I’ve enjoyed in the happy family of the  the one reveals how you regard the many   As one of the spiritual leaders from   hundreds of miles away using an exist-                                                                             What began as a bar napkin idea —
   to the Chaplain Corps as “subject matter  79th. It’s a big outfit — but I can’t think  because everyone is ultimately a one.”  my personal faith tradition, the second-  ing Beyond Line of Sight F-16 satellite                                                                  real-time software updates to F-16s — is
   experts.” But I don’t always have all the  of it as a squadron. We were made up of   3. TAP INTO MISSION SUPPORT:  century Rabbi Elazar son of Shammua           communication system.                                                                                            developing into a program that could
   answers. Sometimes, I just have observa-  individuals. That’s the way the boys lived.  The mission we support isn’t easy.  once said, “The dignity of your student   The airborne F-16 Block 50C was able                                                                         one day field across the F-16 fleet.  The
   tions. So here are three observations for  That’s the way they flew. That’s the way   Every year, it seems to get harder  should be as precious to you as your own;   to receive an MDF update from the Hill                                                                      next step is to integrate high speed
   how we can collectively contribute to  they died.”                         and harder to execute air dominance in  the dignity of your colleague, as your        Software Integration Lab, process it us-                                                                         internet into the F-16 thereby allowing
   being the answer to this question.      2. LEAD BY EXAMPLE: “There’s no  support of U.S. and Allied operations  awe of your master and your awe of your          ing custom developed Center Display                                                                              F-16 pilots access to data from a classi-
     1. SEE BEYOND THE UNIFORM: No  I in teamwork,” my Military Training  worldwide. Therefore, our leadership  master as your awe of Heaven.”                      Unit software, and load the new data into                                                                        fied cloud.
   matter what branch of service we belong  Instructor yelled at me during boot camp.  must push for the best in ourselves and   In this way, our Air Force and our   the ALQ-213 Countermeasures Signal                                                                               Ultimately the program’s goal is full
   to, our uniforms are designed with some   He was right. We don’t fly solo but as  our teams. This noble demand for excel-  people can continue dominating the    Processor.                                                                                                       ABMS integration into the F-16 aircraft,
   form of camouflage. But don’t let the uni-  part of a team. And good leaders lead  lence extends to all we do, including the  heavens and being super. Like Superman   This technology was made possible                                                                          which will improve long-term relevance
   form obscure the reality that your fellow  their teams by example, demanding the  work cultures we create.      who said, “Up, up and away.” Or, like we         using the F-16 System Program Office’s                                                                           of the aircraft and greatly enhance ca-
   Airman is not just a cog in the mission-  best from themselves and those around   Therefore, tap into the multiple re-  say, “Fly, fight and win.”               organic subject matter experts, the 309th                                                                        pabilities to the warfighter. In addition,
                                                                                                                                                                    Software Engineering Group, the 53rd                                               Air Force photograph by Tech. Sgt.  John Raven  it will connect and integrate DOD, U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                    Test Wing, and associated agencies.  This   Lt. Col Zachary ‘Rooster’ Probst taxis a F-16C Fighting Falcon from the 84th Test and   Air Force, and U.S. Space Force capa-
   ‘Difficult Conversations’ sparks different perspectives                                                                                                          proof-of-concept test demonstrated the   Evaluation Squadron before a test near Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., June 14, 2021.   bilities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       “We are focused on capability de-
                                                                                                                                                                    ability for a pilot to properly correlate a
                                                                                                                                                                    previously unknown electronic threat in  took off with,” said Col Tim Bailey, F-16  ware mod required. We’re not Tesla yet,  velopment and proving things,” said
                                                                                                                                                                    near real-time.                       System Program Manager, speaking  but this is a significant first step!”   Probst. “We are working on building
   by 2nd Lt. Hannah Colligan           velopment education seminar, “Difficult   But the hard truth is: If we had the an-  skin color being just one of our many      “The ingenuity and skills of the Flight  about the successful test. “This techno-  “We believe this is the first time a  the ‘highway’. Once we build the ‘high-
   Moody AFB, Ga.                       Conversations,” given by 23rd Wing  swers, we would not be where we are right  differences. As members of the 824th         Test and Program Teams enabled a Viper  marvel was done with existing systems  fighter aircraft has received a software  way’ the possibility of places to go are
                                        commander, Col. Daniel Walls. Wing  now, facing the issue of racial disparity  Base Defense Squadron, we had a unique       to land with better capabilities than it  in much of the Viper fleet, with no hard-  update and gained new capability all  endless.”
     We’ve all been there: the “volun-told,”  Staff Agency chiefs and squadron com-  present in a military force that proudly  job in which we trained to rely on one
   mandated Air Force training that you  manders from Moody Air Force Base  proclaims to be a team of diversity and  another in possible life-and-death situ-
   begrudgingly attended.               gathered in a conference room, where  inclusion.                           ations, should we encounter them while
     These training sessions are intended  they sat ready and willing to explore ways   Responding to such a major problem  downrange.                                 UpdATE:
   to leave a person feeling enlightened and  they could go about decreasing and fur-  with uncertainty rather than solutions   At the root of our team was trust.
   positive that any necessary changes will  ther preventing the Air Force’s problem  can cause unease, but I believe admitting  Without it, we simply could not per-
   happen soon and swiftly. Unfortunately,  of racial disparity in their units and spark  that we simply don’t have the answers  form. This is true for all Air Force units.
   this isn’t always the case for today’s Air-  a subsequent ripple of conversation in  right now is the first step in the right  Members don’t have to be placed on the   Air Force puts future basing plans
   men.                                 other squadrons.                      direction.                           battlefield to exercise their capabilities
     Prior to commissioning, I served six   During this particular briefing, I   Walls later mentioned trust as being at  as a trusting team. Sometimes the most
   years on the enlisted side and routinely  heard my boss, a seasoned field grade  the center of a solid team. A team built on  crucial battles take place on the home   for Davis-Monthan AFB, Nellis AFB
   completed countless hours of morale,  officer, say, “We don’t have the answers.”  trust is one that breeds safety, empower-  front, and we need to learn to trust each
   health and welfare training. The deliv-  These words resonated with me.    ment, inclusion and connectedness — all  other before it’s too late.                    on hold pending NDAA outcome
   ery varied from something as simple as   Over the years,  I’ve consistently  things that are paramount in cultivating   Fortunately, trust is an aspect of your
   computer-based training to an all-call or  watched the Air Force respond to insti-  a positive environment where members  team that you can control, because it is                                                                                                                                       Courtesy photo
   even a small group discussion with my  tutional concerns, with well-constructed  thrive as individuals.         considered a part of your culture. Col.             Air Force News                      plans to establish a center of excellence  warfighters in fifth-generation aircraft   manpower flexibility required to design
   peers, but it always resulted in the feeling  speeches and actionable solutions, lead-  As a previous security forces Airman  Walls expounded on the importance of                                      for close air support and rescue missions  and establish Nellis AFB as a fifth-  and field the future force needed to meet
   of simply “checking the box.”        ing me — rather naively, I admit — to  with the 820th Base Defense Group, I  this during the PDE, opening and end-               The Department of the Air Force   at Davis-Monthan AFB by transferring  generation center of excellence.  combatant commander requirements.
     Recently, as a brand new second  assume that my Air Force always has  was afforded the opportunity to meld                                                        announced today it is pausing plans   the A-10 Thunderbolt II and HH-60 Pave   According to Air Force officials, how-  Although the Air Force is seeking
   lieutenant, I sat in on a professional de-  the answers.                   into a group of diverse individuals, with   ___  See CONvErSATiON’S, on Page 4           related to aircraft basing decisions at   Hawk weapons schools and test squad-  ever, these plans are on hold pending the  to retire 42 A-10s, the service plans to
                                                                                                                                                                       Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz.,
                                                                                                                                                                       and Nellis AFB, Nev., that are dependent   rons to the Arizona base beginning in  outcome of congressional decisions in  modernize and keep 218 combat-capable
                                                                                                                                                                       upon the requirement to retire 42 A-10   fiscal year 2022 — a move contingent on  the FY-22 NDAA.           A-10s within the fighter fleet into the
                                            Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is   Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and   For all submissions, a name and phone number
                                         published by Aerotech News and Review, a private   Review of the products or services advertised.   of a person to contact must be included in the event   Thunderbolt IIs.  congressional approval of the President   The Department of the Air Force’s  2030s. The A-10 Thunderbolt Advanced
                                         firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force.   Everything advertised in the publication shall be   questions arise.        The announcement comes as the  Biden’s budget request to retire 42 older  fiscal year 2022 budget request is seek-  Continuation Kitting wing replacement
                                         Contents of Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition   made available for purchase and use of patronage   All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity   department awaits congressional action  A-10 aircraft.  ing the retirement of 42 A-10 aircraft,  contract, which was awarded in August
         Desert Lightning News Staff     are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed   without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national   and conformity to the AP Style Guide, to include
      Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review  by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government,   origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political   military ranks and proper writing etiquette.  that will be reflected in fiscal year 2022’s   In addition, the movement of these  35 of which are at Davis-Monthan AFB.  2019, included the purchase of wings for
      Stuart Ibberson, Editor            the Department of Defense or the Department of the   affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the   Corrections: Desert Lightning  News  staff   National Defense Authorization Act.  squadrons and personnel from Nellis  Pending congressional approval, the  218 aircraft. The Air Force has invested
      Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout                                                                              members strive for accurac y each week .
      Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales   Air Force.                           purchaser, user or patron.          If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert     In support of modernization efforts,  AFB would free additional range and  funds made available from retiring these  $880 million in A-10 re-winging and
                                            The appearance of advertising in this publication,   The deadline for submissions to Desert   Lightning News staff at 334-718-3509, or e-mail    the Air Force announced June 30 for its  base capacity necessary to test and train  older A-10s would create the fiscal and  avionics modernization efforts.
      CONTACT: Editorial Staff at 334-718-3509  including inserts and supplements, does not constitute   Lightning News is no later than Monday, 4:30 p.m.,
      For editorial staff: e-mail  an endorsement by the Department of Defense, the   the week of desired publication date., and we will consider
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