Page 5 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, August 6, 2021
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4   August 6, 2021  news  Desert lightning news s. nevADA  Desert lightning news s. nevADA  news                                          August 6, 2021    5           

 Department of the Air Force approves   First class in 16 months graduates from Las Vegas Veterans Court

 special leave accrual for fiscal year 2021  by Andre’ Haynes                                                             misdemeanor criminal offenders. The
                                                                                                                          Veterans Treatment Court targets veterans
          Armed Forces Chamber of Commerce
                                                                                                                          who enter into the criminal justice system
            Las Vegas Municipal Court’s Veterans
          Treatment Court consisting of Judge Mar-                                                                        and are identified as having high treatment
                                                                                                                          needs for either substance abuse or mental
          tin Hastings and staff from Department                                                                          health issues, to include Post Traumatic
 Air Force News  Oct. 1, 2020 through Sept. 30, 2021 until  viding opportunities for its service mem-  opportunities to take leave in the year it   Six welcomed the first graduating class of
 Sept. 30, 2024.  bers to use their earned leave in the year it  is earned.  veterans in 16 months on July 22, 2021.      Stress Disorder, and are at risk to reof-
 Air Force and Space Force members   This update comes as many Airmen  was earned and provide respite from the   For more information, see the De-  fend without treatment and intervention.
 performing active service, and Reserve   and Guardians have been unable to use  work environment,” said Acting Secretary  partment of the Air Force Guidance   The Veterans Treatment Court gradu-  The program requires an expected 12-24
 and Guard Airmen on Title 10 or Title 32   their existing leave balances due to travel  of the Air Force John Roth in a memo.  on Special Leave Accrual Related to   ation was held inside the new Las Vegas   months of successful participation and
 orders, can now accrue up to 120 days of   restrictions and the COVID-19 pandemic.  More detailed instructions are forth-  Coronavirus Disease 2019 for Fiscal Year   Municipal Court Building, a four-story   involves the veteran working jointly with
 annual leave for fiscal year 2021 instead   “Rest and recuperation are vital to  coming, but leave accountability is based  2021 memorandum [  structure located adjacent to Las Vegas City   Courtesy of Bob Maxwell, Voice of the Veteran  the court, community supervision of-
 of the typical 60 days of leave.  morale, unit and personal performance,  on a last-in, first-out system, so members  Portals/1/documents/2021SAF/07_July/  Hall in the heart of downtown. The Las   Robles from the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army,  has been the first graduation in 16 months,   ficer, treatment providers, the Veterans
 Members will automatically be ap-  and overall motivation for Airmen and  are urged to plan and use leave accord-  DAF%20Guidance%20on%20SLA%20  Vegas Municipal Court Building houses of-  Health Administration, Veterans Benefit
 proved for the special leave accrual and   Guardians. The Department of the Air  ingly. In addition, commanders are  for%20FY21.pdf?ver=oCfPgPI-qRj-  fices and chambers for the city’s six judges  U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. Marine Corps  and this shindig was very important to the   Administration, veterans employment
 can carry over use or lose leave earned   Force recognizes the importance of pro-  encouraged to provide service members  iHEzmpSxPg%3d%3d].  as well as administrative and customer  were congratulated and received gifts plus  veterans and court staff because it marks   representatives, veterans service organiza-
                                                                                     the fulfillment of a goal that required lots
                                               Certificates of Recognition. Veteran hon-
          service centers.
            More than 50 attendees such as family,  orees plus attendees enjoyed breakfast plus  of hard work for an extended period of   tions, service officers, and other key team
                                                                                                                          members. The Veterans Treatment Court
 CONvErSATiON’S, from Page 2  _  than ever. Every Air Force member has  tiate and influence change through the   The foreseeable future of the Air Force   friends and sponsors filled the court room  vegetarian burritos and an assortment of  time. Today serves as a reminder to not just   is designed to reduce re-arrests, promote
                                                                                     veterans, but everyone, that if you commit
          in Department 6. Community partners  beverages.
 a moral obligation and responsibility to  simple act of accountability.   rests in the junior leaders’ hands — en-  in attendance included the Armed Forces   “Congratulations to the Las Vegas Mu-  to a goal and work hard every day without   self-sufficiency through employment and
 ing the training with the aspects of our  hold themselves and their peers account-  Needless to say, I left this particular  listed and officers. It is up to us to create   Chamber Community Development Cor-  nicipal Court’s Veterans Treatment Court  ceasing, you too can be successful. Judge   education and to help veterans remain in

 environment that we do and do not con-  able for their words and actions. This  training session feeling everything other  a culture of connectedness where every   poration, Nevada Department of Veteran  graduates and also Judge Hastings plus  Hastings and his staff are committed to   the community as productive and respon-
 trol. He explained that, while you don’t  accountability is a necessary step toward  than having “checked the box.” At this  member feels safe to be themselves. It   Services, VA Southern Nevada Healthcare  his capable staff for accomplishing this  the success of Veterans. The Armed Forces   sible members of society by diversion from
 control your mission or the members  change, and it requires everyone, from  moment in time, we are witnessing the  is up to us to be empathetic leaders, to   System, and Quilts of Valor Foundation.   milestone and during a pandemic,” said  Chamber Community Development   prison or jail. Veterans will not be sent to
 you’re given to work alongside, you do  the most junior Airmen to the highest  Air Force humble itself as an organiza-  engage with our peers and value the   The graduation ceremony included a  Andre’ Haynes, founder and president of  Corporation is proud to be a community   jail if they comply with the conditions of
 control your culture.  ranking officers, to speak up — even when  tion. Leaders are accepting shortcomings,  individual strengths that each member   keynote speech by Roland Ware, MBA, a  the the Armed Forces Chamber Commu-  partner of the Las Vegas Municipal Court’s   the program and graduate.
 A saying often heard throughout our  it’s uncomfortable. This is a comforting  admitting to failures, and taking full  brings to the team. It is up to me and   U.S. Veteran, professional public speaker,  nity Development Corporation, a 501(c)  Veterans Treatment Court.”  If you are a veteran, or know of a vet-
 organization is, “the standard you walk  thought. In a time when so many things  responsibility for immediate change. As  you to sow seeds of trust throughout our   and mentor of Veterans Treatment Court.  (3) public charity and the charitable arm   The Veterans Treatment Court is a   eran who is involved in the Henderson
 past is the standard you accept.” This  feel out of our control, we are reminded  a brand new leader, I understand that be-  teams that take root so deep they will last   Five deserving Veterans including J. Hohl,  of the Armed Forces Chamber of Com-  court-supervised program coupled with   criminal justice system and can benefit
 statement holds significance now more  that we do, in fact, have the power to ini-  ing a part of this dialogue is paramount.  well into the future.  F. Luna, M. Moore, J. Ramirez, and M.  merce, Inc., a 501(c)(6) organization. “This  intensive treatment and supervision for   _____ See grAdUATES, on Page 8

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