Page 8 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, August 6, 2021
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8   August 6, 2021                                        veterans’ news                                       Desert lightning news s. nevADA                   Desert lightning news s. nevADA                                                                                                  August 6, 2021    9                                                                                                                                                      
   My healthevet advanced accounts expiring

   by John Archiquette                  Using your My HealtheVet Premium  filling out the required fields. Make sure  to a Premium account in person or
   VASN Healthcare System               account, you will be able to:         to check the boxes verifying that you are  virtually via phone or video should call
                                           • Request VA prescription refills,   a VA patient and Veteran.          702-791-9000 Extensions 15233 or 15437,
     My HealtheVet, VA’s online patient     track your VA medications, and      If you are already a My HealtheVet  or visit VA Southern Nevada Healthcare
   portal, gives you access to your VA health   access your current VA prescrip-  user, you may have a Premium account.  System’s My HealtheVet staff, located
   information so you can understand and    tions and prescription history.   If you do, there will be a “P” icon next to  within the Veterans Experience Service
   manage your VA care.                    • View, download, and print your   your name. Also, if you currently use Se-  at the North Las Vegas VA Medical
     Beginning in September 2021, My Heal-  VA health information, reports    cure Messaging on My HealtheVet, you’re  Center.
   theVet Advanced accounts will be discontin-  and images from your VA medical   all set. Patients who use Secure Messag-  Now is the time to upgrade your My
   ued. If you have a My HealtheVet Advanced   record.                        ing already have a Premium account.  HealtheVet account! With a Premium
   account today and do not upgrade to a   • Send online secure messages to     If you have a My HealtheVet Advanced  account, you’ll still be able to request
   Premium account, your account will revert   your VA care team to ask them   account, there are three ways to upgrade  refills of your VA prescriptions, plus
   to a Basic account.  If that occurs, you will   non-urgent health questions, ask   to Premium level: in person, online, or  you’ll gain access to all the tools on My
   lose access to the Pharmacy features, includ-  to renew your medications, and   virtually via phone or video. Upgrading  HealtheVet, including Secure Messaging,
   ing the ability to request and track your VA   send updates on your condition.  your account is free.           accessing your VA medical record online,
   prescription refills.                   • View, schedule, reschedule, and    To upgrade online, you’ll need to use  and more!
     That means…. it is time to upgrade to a   cancel VA appointments.        your DS Logon Premium or secure   To learn more, visit the My HealtheVet
   My HealtheVet Premium account TODAY!  How to get started                   sign-in credentials. You can learn more  website, watch the My HealtheVet Premi-
   With a free My HealtheVet Premium ac-   If you are new to My HealtheVet, cre-  about the online upgrading process on  um video at
   count, you can securely access your VA  ate an account by visiting the My Heal-  the My HealtheVet blog.        watch?v=87dt_z8LeRM, or contact your
   health information, 24/7.            theVet website, selecting Register, and   Local Veterans who want to upgrade  VA facility’s My HealtheVet coordinator.

   grAdUATES, from Page 5      ______      If you are a veteran, or know of a veteran         7801, or via email at northlvjusticecourt@
                                        who is involved in the Las Vegas criminal   If you are a veteran, or know of a vet-
   from Veterans Treatment Court, contact  justice system and can benefit from Veter-  eran who is involved in the North Las   If you are a veteran and need to perform
   Amber Gentry, Judicial Assistant and  ans Treatment Court, then contact Roxie  Vegas criminal justice system and can  community service hours, call the Armed
   Veterans Treatment Court Coordinator,  Johnson, MS, LCPC-Intern Alternative  benefit from Veterans Treatment Court,  Forces Chamber Community Develop-
   at 702-267-3350 or via email at amber.  Sentencing Specialist II, at 702-229-2337  then contact North Las Vegas Justice  ment Corporation at 702-518-8847 or visit          or 702-375-9757, or via email at rjohnson@  Court - Department 1, by calling 702-455-

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