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2                                        February 26, 2016                      
THE                                                                                          BLACK HISTORY MONTH
   Volume 81, Number 8
                                            Hallowed Grounds: Sites of African
 452 AMW Public Affairs                     American memories
14560 2nd Street, Bldg. 2640
 March ARB, CA 92518-1852                   Prepared by the Defense Equal Opportu-           goes on to produce numerous movies and          Barack Hussein Obama II becomes the
DPZSDZRUNÀRZ#XVDIPLO                  nity Management Institute,                       television shows.                               44th President of the United States and
                                            Patrick Air Force Base, Florida                                                                  WKH¿UVW$IULFDQ$PHULFDQWRKROGWKHRI-
        fax: 951-655-7070                   February 2015, Dawn W. Smith                        1990s                                        ¿FH+HLVODWHUHOHFWHGWRDVHFRQGWHUP
     phone: 951-655-4138                                                                        - W. Lincoln Hawkins, Ph.D., wins the Na-
                                               Black History Month, or National Af-          tional Medal of Technology. During his life-    son. She and her sister Serena go on to win
          COMMANDER                         rican American History Month, is an an-          time, he will secure over 140 patents and help  three Olympic women’s doubles gold medals.
 Brig. Gen. Russell A. Muncy                nual celebration of achievements by African      make universal telephone service available
                                            Americans and a time for recognizing the         through his work as the first African-Ameri-        - Condoleezza Rice is the first African-
CHIEF OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS                     central role they have played in U.S. history.   can scientist at Bell Labs.                     American woman to serve as U.S. National
     Capt. Perry Covington                                                                      - Rita Dove is appointed as Poet Laure-      Security Advisor and the first African-
                                               The story of Black History Month be-          ate and Consultant in Poetry to the Library     American woman to serve as U.S. Secre-
   CHIEF OF OPERATIONS                      gins in 1915, half a century after the Thir-     of Congress. She becomes the youngest           tary of State.
          Ms. Linda Welz                    teenth Amendment abolished slavery in the        person—and first African American—to
                                            United States. Few could have imagined           receive this highest official honor in Amer-        - Grant Fuhr—National Hockey League
       BEACON EDITOR                        African Americans’ future contributions to       ican letters.                                   goaltender and the first African American to
          Mr. Sean Dath                     music, art, and literature that would be rec-       - In 1923, the Township of Rosewood          have his name on the Stanley Cup—becomes
                                            ognized by the global community.                 was destroyed and an estimated 150 Afri-        the first African American to be inducted into
452 AMW EDITORIAL STAFF                                                                      can Americans were murdered by Whites.          the Hockey Hall of Fame.
                                               Credit for the evolving awareness of the      In 1994, the Florida legislature passes the
 Master Sgt. Megan Crusher                  true place of African Americans in history       Rosewood Bill, which entitles the survi-           - Michelle Howard is promoted to RearAd-
                                            can, in large part, be attributed to one man:    vors to $150,000 each in compensation for       miral. She goes on to become the first African-
Staff Sgt. Heather Cozad Staley             Carter G. Woodson.                               the massacre.                                   American woman to achieve three- and four-
                                                                                                - Dr. Jocelyn Elders becomes the first Afri-  star rank and the first to be named Vice Chief
   Staff Sgt. Osmin Suguitan                   In 1915, Woodson established the As-          can-American Surgeon General. She is known      of Naval Operations.
                                            sociation for the Study of Negro Life and        as an outspoken advocate on various health-
Senior Airman Kevin Mitterholzer            History. He wanted to change the world’s         related issues.                                    - Barack Hussein Obama II becomes the
                                            perception of African Americans and rec-            - Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls       44th President of the United States and the
Senior Airman Joseph Dangidang              ognize their contribution to American soci-      win their fifth National Basketball Asso-        first African American to hold the office. He is
                                            ety and culture.                                 ciation championship. One of the most           later elected to a second term.
Senior Airman Russell McMillan                                                               effectively marketed athletes of his gen-
                                               This, the final in a three-part presenta-      eration, he is instrumental in popularizing
    The Beacon is published by              tion, provides facts that briefly cover the       the NBA worldwide.
Aerotech News and Review. Aero-             last ten decades and some of the African            - Tiger Woods becomes the first African
WHFKLVDSULYDWH¿UPLQQRZD\FRQ-        Americans who advanced civil rights or           American—and the youngest golfer—to win
nected with the U.S. Air Force, under       made major impacts in science, govern-           the Masters tournament. He goes on to win 14
exclusive written contract with the         ment, sports, or entertainment.                  major championships.
452nd Air Mobility Wing. This civilian                                                          The 2000s
enterprise Air Force newspaper is an           The 1980s                                        - Venus Williams wins the singles title
authorized publication for employees           - Michael Jackson, whose legendary career     at Wimbledon, becoming the first African-
and members of U.S. military ser-           began with Motown Records, publishes the         American woman to do so since Althea Gib-
vices, retirees and family members.         Thriller album. It becomes one of the best-
Contents are not necessarily the of-        selling albums of all time.                      ³1HYHUXQGHUHVWLPDWHWKHSRZHURIGUHDPVDQGWKHLQÀXHQFHRIWKHKXPDQVSLULW:H
U.S. Government, the Department             wins the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book         ²:LOPD5XGROSK86WUDFNDQG¿HOGDWKOHWH
of Defense or the Department of the         Award. The movie receives 11 Academy
Air Force.                                  Award nominations.
                                               - Spike Lee’s film She’s Gotta Have It wins
    The appearance of advertising           him the Best New Director Award at the pres-
in this newspaper, including inserts        tigious Cannes Film Festival.
or supplements, does not constitute            - Astronaut Guion “Guy” S. Bluford Jr. be-
endorsement of the products or ser-         comes the first African American to travel in
vices by the Department of Defense,         space, as a mission specialist aboard the space
the Department of the Air Force or          shuttle Challenger. He will ultimately com-
Aerotech News and Review, Inc.              plete four shuttle missions.
                                               - Earvin “Magic” Johnson leads his team
    Everything advertised in this           to five National Basketball Association cham-
newspaper shall be made available           pionships. He is named the NBA’s Most Valu-
for purchase, use or patronage with-        able Player.
out regard to race, color, religion,           - General Colin Powell becomes the first
sex, national origin, age, marital sta-     African American to be named Chairman of
WXVSK\VLFDOKDQGLFDSSROLWLFDODI¿OL-    the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He goes on to serve
ation or any other non-merit factor of      as Secretary of State.
the purchaser, user or patron.                 - Oprah Winfrey, the first African Amer-
                                            ican to head a major nationally syndicated
    Editorial content is edited, pre-       talk show, founds Harpo Productions. She
pared and provided by the staff of the
452ndAir Mobility Wing PublicAffairs
photographs in the Beacon are Air
Force photos unless otherwise stat-
ed. For advertising, contact Aerotech
directly at 877-247-9288.

Aerotech News and Review
  456 East Ave. K-4, Suite 8
      Lancaster, CA 93535
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