Page 11 - Women's History Month 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt | Davis-Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
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10  February 26, 2021  Aerotech News  Aerotech News               February 26, 2021                                                                    11                                                              
 Female fighter pilots test modified ATAGS “G-suit”  Ride with the   With competitive rates and personal   Dave Noel, Agent
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 duce performance of the waist bladder that                                                                                             Bloomington, IL
 EGlin  aiR FoRCE BaSE, Fla.   inflates during high-G maneuvers.
 (aFnS) — Five female fighter pilots tested   “In the past, some pilots with a shorter
 a modified version of the Advanced Technol-  torso have had issues with ATAGS that   We have you covered for your breakfast and lunch needs every day of the year!
 ogy Anti-Gravity Suit Oct. 26-30, 2020.  were too large riding up and causing bruis-
 ATAGS is a proven design and a criti-  ing on the rib cages, while pilots who are   Join us for dine-in, take your meal to-go, or DoorDash it home.
 cal life support item that protects aircrew   hard-to-fit may have had one size that fits
 members from the effects of high-G forces   through the legs, but need a smaller size in   $  *
 during maneuvers in fighter aircraft, but   the waist,” said Charles Cruze, an AFLCMC   LUNCH SPECIALS  6.95
 the ATAGS design, which has been in use   Human Systems Division engineer. “Now,
 since 2001, was developed primarily for   the waist can be darted up to 3.75 inches,   Mon Chicken Taco Salad  Thurs Chicken & Bean Burrito
 standard men’s body types. Pilots who are   allowing for a more custom and accurate fit,   Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce  w/Rice, Beans & Salsa
 shorter or have smaller or hard-to-fit body   preventing both of those issues.”  Tues
 types often struggle to properly adjust the   To properly and safely test the ATAGS,   & Garlic Bread  Fri  Lasagna w/Garlic
 G-suit to fit well due to a limited range of   the 85th Test and Evaluation Squadron   Steak Burrito w/Rice  Bread
 adjustability in the standard sizes.  executed nearly 20 sorties in F-16 D-model   Savanah Bray   Wed  15% off
 Directly tasked by the secretary of the Air   aircraft. During these test sorties, pilots   Five fighter pilots from various squadrons wear a modified version of the Advanced Tech-  Beans & Salsa  regular menu
 Force, engineers and subject matter experts   conducted low- and high-G basic fighter   nology Anti-Gravity Suit. The modified ATAGS, which is the latest advancement in female   items with
             *M-F only, not valid on holidays 2.
 at Air Force Life Cycle Management Center   maneuvers and specific profiles to allow for   aircrew fitment, was flight tested at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. October 26-30, 2020.   Breakfast Special  $  99*  Military ID
 and AFWERX set out to address priority   accurate evaluation of the modified ATAGS.
 shortfalls in female specific aircrew equip-  F-16 D-models were used so that in each   Sharon Rogers, 46th Test Squadron lead   Brittany Trimble, an F-16 Fighting Falcon
 ment and gear, to include ATAGS. Instead of   sortie, a pilot wearing standard ATAGS   test engineer. “Pilots were asked to evalu-  instructor pilot, when asked about her ex-  MENUDO
                                                            e House
                                                            e House
 creating a new product altogether, experts   was in the aircraft to ensure safety, should   ate based on not only the ATAGS during   perience testing the modified ATAGS.  Pancake House  SAT-SUN
 determined modifications could be made   an issue with the modified ATAGS arise.  high-G maneuvers, but also during regular   The pilots and aircrew who tested the   Joe’s  $7.99
 to the current ATAGS design to better fit   “For the purpose of this test,  five pi-  activities like sitting, standing, walking and   ATAGS noticed significant improvements
 women and various body types.  lots and one aircrew member tested the   climbing into and out of the aircraft.”  in comfort and functionality in the modi-  FAMILY RESTAURANT  Serving Tucson 36 Years
 The two major modifications to the   modified ATAGS, and evaluated it based on   “As more women strap into fast jets to get   fied ATAGS.
 ATAGS include wider lacing panels in the   comfort and performance when compared   the mission done, I think the Air Force is
 waist, thigh and calf, which allows the suit   to the normal ATAGS typically worn,” said   heading in the right direction,” said Capt.   See ATAGS, Page 12  2532 S. Kolb Rd. • 747-7536 • Open Mon-Sat: 6am-2pm, Sun; 7am-2pm

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