Page 3 - Women's History Month 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt | Davis-Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
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WASPs were pioneers for Willa Brown worked to
incorporate black aviators into military
female pilots of today, tomorrow FoRT GEoRGE G. MEaDE, Md.
(aFnS) — Inspired by the achievements
of Bessie Coleman during the early days of
aviation, Willa Brown would go on to have
an impact on African-American involve-
by ment that would lead to the creation of
Shannon CollinS the famed all-African-American “Tuskegee
Defense Media Activity Airmen” combat flying squadrons during
World War II.
WaShinGTon (aFnS) — Before there As a young high school teacher in Gary,
could be a first female Thunderbird pilot or Ind., and later as a social worker in Chicago,
women flying combat missions into Iraq and Willa Brown felt that her talents were being
Afghanistan, there were the pioneers: the wasted. She sought greater challenges and
Women’s Airforce Service Pilots of World adventures in life, especially if they could
War II. be found outside the limited career fields
In September 1942, nine months after the normally open to African Americans. Courtesy photos
Donna L. Burnett
attack on Pearl Harbor, Army Air Forces Bernice “Bee” Haydu is interviewed She decided to learn to fly, studying Willa Brown helped create aviation
commander Gen. Henry H. “Hap” Arnold June 5, 2014, at Maxwell Air Force with Cornelius R. Coffey, a certified flight programs to incorporate African-Amer-
stood up the Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying Base, Ala. Haydu is a veteran pilot of instructor and expert aviation mechanic icans into aviation and later into the
Squadron, or WAFS, and the Women’s Fly- World War II. She earned her wings at one of Chicago’s racially segregated military.
ing Training Detachment, or WFTD. with the Women Airforce Service Pilots, airports. She earned her private pilot’s
According to the Air Force Historical the first women to fly American military license in 1938. Later, Brown and Coffey CPTP in Chicago. Later, her flight school
Support Division, both units merged July 5, aircraft. She also helped lead the fight married and established the Coffey School was also selected by the U.S. Army to
1943, into a single unit for all women pilots in Congress to recognize WASP mem- of Aeronautics at Harlem Airport in Chi- provide black trainees for the Air Corps
who were rapidly extending their qualifica- bers as veterans. cago, where they trained black pilots and pilot training program at the Tuskegee
tions to every type of aircraft in service. The aviation mechanics. Many of those avia- Institute.
new unified group called itself the Women’s tors would go on to be an integral part of Willa Brown eventually became the
Airforce Service Pilots, or WASP, with its a civilian pilot. Her Interstate Cadet was the famed Tuskegee Airmen during World Willa Brown became the first African- coordinator of war-training service for the
pilots known as WASPs. riddled with bullets, though the Japanese War II. American officer in the Civil Air Patrol. Civil Aeronautics Authority and later was
invaders missed the gas tank. She said she
Training Staff Sgt. J.G. Buzanowski lost friends that day. Together with Cornelius Coffey and segregated Army Air Corps and the fed- a member of the Federal Aviation Admin-
The women paid their own way to travel Betty Wall Strohfus, right, a former pilot with the Women Airforce Service Pilots “Delivering a trainer to Texas may be as Enoch P. Waters, Willa Brown helped eral Civilian Pilot Training Program, the istration’s Women’s Advisory Board. She
to basic training at Avenger Field in Sweet- (WASP), sings the national anthem during the Congressional Gold Medal ceremony important as delivering a bomber to Africa form the National Airmen’s Association of system established by the Civil Aeronau- was the first black female officer in the
water, Texas. More than 25,000 women at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., March 10, 2010. The Congressional Gold if you take the long view,” Fort said. “We America in 1939, whose main goal was to tics Authority to provide a pool of civilian Civil Air Patrol and the first black woman
applied, even some from Canada, England Medal is the highest civilian award bestowed by Congress. The WASP program, es- are beginning to prove that women can be get black aviation cadets into the United pilots for use during national emergencies. to hold a commercial pilot’s license in the
and Brazil, said Bernice “Bee” Falk Haydu, tablished during World War II, trained women to fly noncombat military missions. trusted to deliver airplanes safely and in States military. As the organization’s na- Subsequently, when Congress finally voted United States.
a WASP pilot from Montclair, New Jersey. the doing, serve our country, which is our tional secretary and the president of the to allow separate-but-equal participation of In 1972, Brown was appointed to the
But only 1,830 U.S. women were accepted country too.” Chicago branch, Brown became an activist blacks in civilian flight training programs, Federal Aviation Administration Women’s
into the program. Of those, 1,074 earned weight to keep the airplanes on the ground.” Arnold told the last crop of pilots, “We of She said she realized the importance of for racial equality. the Coffey School of Aeronautics was chosen Advisory Board in recognition of her con-
their wings. Missions the (Army Air Forces) are proud of you; we their mission because of an event at her She continually lobbied the government for participation in the CPTP. Willa Brown was the first African-Ameri- tributions to aviation. She passed away
To qualify, applicants had to be at least 5 After graduating, the women would go will never forget our debt to you.” graduation. for integration of black pilots into the Brown became the coordinator for the can woman to make a career of aviation. on July 18, 1992, at the age of 86.
feet, 4 inches tall, pass Army physicals and to either Ferrying Command or Training According to the Air Force Historical Sup- “While we were standing at attention, a
have a pilot’s license, Haydu said. Women Command. Lucile Doll Wise was a pilot at port Division, the WASPs ferried more than bomber took off, followed by four fighters.
also had to have at least a high school di- Ferrying Command, and she said she fer- 50 percent of the combat aircraft within the We knew that bomber was headed across
ploma and be age 18 to 35. ried aircraft from factories to air bases and United States during the war years and the ocean and that the fighters were going Female fighters fly high
“Most of the women were college gradu- points of embarkation. flew at 126 bases across the country. Thirty- to escort it part way. As they circled over us,
ates, but the toughest part of the training “There was an alarming shortage of pilots eight of these women died in their service: I could hardly see them for the tears in my
was you started out in a basic aircraft and at the beginning of the war,” Wise said, “and 11 in training and 27 during missions. eyes,” Fort said.
then you’d go to a medium and then an we delivered more than 12,000 aircraft in Doing ‘everything the men did’ “It was striking symbolism, and I think
advanced,” Haydu said. the two years we operated. We also per- “We flew every aircraft manufactured for all of us felt it. As long as our planes fly by Petty officer 3rd Class (CVN 69) in today’s Navy are ready and trained to
When she joined the WASP program in formed many other domestic flying duties.” World War II, and one of the WASPs was overhead, the skies of America are free and aShlEy ESTRElla take the fight anywhere in world.
1944, she said training was being acceler- “I loved every minute of it,” she added, sent to Dayton, Ohio, where they did testing that’s what all of us everywhere are fighting USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) Ens. Kenya McCarty assigned to the “Fighting
ated. “but it was not easy. It was hard work, and and actually flew a prototype jet, so we just for,” she continued. “And that we, in a very Swordsmen” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 32, said
“They wanted to experiment with the I came back from trips pretty tired.” did everything the men did,” Haydu said. small way, are being allowed to help keep Although women were first winged as as a mechanic she has often been the only woman in a
women to see if they could eliminate one of Haydu served as an engineering test pilot For example, Betty Tackaberry Blake, that sky free is the most beautiful thing I naval aviators as early as 1974, they were circle of men. From carrying a drop tank to pumping
the phases of training, so we went from the and a utility pilot in the Training Com- who flew tourists in Hawaii in an open have ever known. I’m profoundly grateful unable to fly in combat roles until after up an engine stand, she has years of experience in
Stearman, which is an open cockpit biplane, mand, where the women’s missions ranged cockpit biplane before World War II, was that my one talent, flying, happens to be of the combat exclusion laws were repealed
in primary (training), and after about 60 from towing aerial targets for the infantry, in the first class of the WFTD. Later, while use to my country.” in 1990. See fiGhTErS, Page 6
to 70 hours of that, we went directly into flying tracking missions, smoke-laying, in the service of the WASPs, she flew all of There were many trailblazers who began
the advanced, which was the AT-6 (Texan) searchlight strafing and simulated bomb- the fighter aircraft in the U.S. inventory The fight for recognition to advocate for women in combatant roles, RIGHT: Airman Victoria Dolz signals to an MH-60R
— that’s 650 horsepower, compared to 220 ing, and testing radio-controlled aircraft. and also the B-25 Mitchell, B-26 Marauder The women were initially paid as civil including some female aviators winged Sea Hawk, attached to the “Swamp Foxes” of He-
horsepower,” she said. “It was successful. The women were also flight instructors, and B-17 Flying Fortress bombers and C-47 service employees, with the promise that some 15 years prior to the repeal. Female licopter Maritime Strike Squadron 74, on the flight
Most of the washouts were in primary train- engineering test pilots and utility pilots Skytrain cargo aircraft, as well as all of the they may be able to join the Army Air Forces combat aviators and their supporting roles deck aboard the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D.
ing. The men adopted the same training.” and performed all stateside flying duties. trainers. She also flew four-engine aircraft. afterward. embarked on USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Eisenhower (CVN 69), March 23, 2020. Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Brennen Easter
During training, women had to pay for “If an engine needed to be flown a certain After the WASPs were disbanded, she be- Arnold told the WASPs, “We have not
their dress uniforms and their room and manner for a certain number hours before came a Link Trainer instructor, where she been able to build an airplane that you can’t Published by Aerotech News and Review, Inc. • 877- 247-9288 •
board but were issued men’s coveralls it went into regular service, I would do taught instrument flying on the ground. handle. It is on the record that women can Aerotech News and Review prepares all editorial content for Desert Information Service, Air Force News Service, Air Combat Command, tents of Desert Lightning News and the Thunderbolt are not necessarily
that they nicknamed “zoot suits,” Haydu that,” she said. “I also would fly personnel The first WASP to be killed in action was fly as well as men.” JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE, DEFENSE INDUSTRY AND VETERANS NEWS Lightning News and the Thunderbolt. The editor will edit or rewrite Air Education and Training Command, staff writers and other sources. the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department
said. There were six women per bay in the to wherever they had to go.” Cornelia Fort, 24, of Nashville, Tennessee, He planned to commission the women pi- submitted material for clarity, brevity or to conform to the Associated All advertising is handled by Aerotech News and Review. For busi- of Defense or the Department of the Air Force. The appearance of ad-
barracks, with one latrine, one sink, one Haydu said she was disappointed when who died in a mid-air collision in Texas. In lots as second lieutenants within the Army Publisher .............................................. Paul Kinison Press Style Guide, local policy and Air Force style as required by Air ness advertising, call 877-247-9288 or email Sandi Bueltel at sbueltel@ vertising in these publications, including inserts or supplements, does
not constitute endorsement of the products or services advertised by For classified advertising, email classifieds@aero-
Force Instruction 35-101. Contributions for Desert Lightning News and
shower, and one toilet. If the winds kicked the WASPs were disbanded on Dec. 20, an interview before her death, she said she Air Forces, but political opposition meant Business manager ...............................Lisa Kinison the Thunderbolt can be emailed to the editor at amy@aerotechnews. the DLN, Thunderbolt, DOD, Air Force or Aerotech News and Review.
The Desert Lightning News and the Thunderbolt are published by
up, the women would lie on the bottom 1944, just 11 days before she was to begin became a WASP because of her commit- the plan never came to fruition. As a result, Editor ........................................................Amy Lamb com. Submission deadlines are the 15th day prior to the month of Aerotech News and Review, a private firm in no way connected with the Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for
purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex,
wings of the airplanes to help keep them training to fly the B-25 Mitchell bomber. ment to serving her country and because the WASPs were left without the benefits to Advertising representative ................Sandi Bueltel publication. Submissions will be based on space available and priority. U.S. Air Force, under written agreement with the 355th Fighter Wing national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation
Desert Lightning News and the Thunderbolt use information from Davis-
down, she said, “because they needed more The last class graduated Dec. 7, 1944. she was in the attack on Pearl Harbor as See wasps, Page 12 Designer ................................................. Tinna Sellie Monthan Air Force Base website, Luke AFB website, the Armed Forces at Davis-Monthan AFB and the 56th FW at Luke Air Force Base. Con- or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.