Page 4 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, January 22, 2021
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4 January 22, 2021 news Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Desert lightning news s. nevaDa news January 22, 2021 5
432nd MSG opens newest Creech mother’s room Leaders at Nellis Air Force Base receive COVID-19
by Staff Sgt. Omari Bernard hood while serving showcases the support the mothers while adhering to social distancing vaccinations as a part of the base’s continued phased rollout
Creech AFB, Nev. military has for women. policies, and includes closable privacy screens
“We began planning the mother’s room between each recliner. by Senior Airman Dwane Young overall benefit all greatly outweigh any
The 432nd Mission Support Group at back in September,” said Staff Sgt. Laymisha, According to Air Force Instruction 44-102, risk involved,” said Dyer. “Our nation’s
Creech Air Force Base, Nev., has finalized 432nd Security Forces Squadron vehicle breastfeeding is the optimal nutrition for the Nellis AFB, Nev. healthcare professionals have been
the construction of a new mother’s room on control officer. “Although there is already a first six months of a baby’s life, and extensive Col. Todd Dyer, 99th Air Base Wing working tirelessly in the fight against
the south side of the installation, creating a mother’s room on Creech, it’s on the north medical research has proven that breastfeed- commander, and members of Nellis’ lead- the pandemic, and we owe it to them to
comfortable and accessible area to support side of the installation and not easily accessible ing has notable health, developmental and ership received their COVID-19 vaccines look beyond ourselves and consider the
nursing mothers at Creech as of Dec. 30, 2020. for mother’s that work on the installation’s economic benefits for both mother and child. following the recommendations of medi- greater good.”
A lactation policy, released in an Air Force south side.” “For my first child at a prior installation, cal professionals across the U.S while also Chief Master Sgt. Alex Morgan III,
Guidance Memorandum dated Aug. 15, 2020, As a mother herself, Laymisha said the my breastfeeding got cut short because I considering the safety of the installation. 99th Air Base Wing command chief,
requires units to provide nursing mothers ac- burden of traveling to another unit on the didn’t have the ability to pump,” Kimberly “I interact daily with numerous people also received his COVID-19 vaccine Jan.
cess to a lactation room. The updated policy, other side of the installation is lifted with this said. “Whenever I was on patrol, it wasn’t like across the installation and in our com-
which was effective immediately, increased new room, and will mean a lot to her as well I could just pump anywhere, so a lot of times, I munity, and I want to protect them, my 5, 2021.
“We all spent the past 10 months fight-
Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Dwane R. Young
lactation break flexibility, and also mandated as other mothers. found myself pumping in patrol cars, random family and my teammates,” said Dyer. “I ing the pandemic using physical distanc- Chief Master Sgt. Alex Morgan III, 99th Air
access to a refrigerator for the purpose of stor- “Being able to breastfeed in a timely buildings, or even outside. That became a lot Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Omari Bernard
ing human milk. manner, in a dedicated space, and without to handle while working.” Staff Sgt. Kimberly and Staff Sgt. Laymisha, want us to get back to normal, and every ing, hygiene measures, mask wear and Base Wing command chief, receives his
“Having an accessible, dedicated and com- worrying about people rushing you back to As a result, Kimberly said she was only 432nd Security Forces Squadron Defenders, vaccination contributes to our ability to ultimately altering our daily lives. We are COVID-19 vaccine at Nellis Air Force Base,
fortable space to pump empowers Airmen to work alleviates a lot of stress,” Laymisha said. able to breastfeed for four months instead display the new mother’s room at Creech defeat this threat.” all ready to reduce the virus’ impact,” he Nev., Jan. 5, 2021. “We all spent the past
do something important for their baby and “We focused a lot on the décor and design of of the full year she wanted to, but thanks to Air Force Base, Nev. Building a pumping Mike O’Callaghan Military Medical said. “A significant amount of resources 10 months fighting the pandemic using
themselves,” said Staff Sgt. Kimberly, 432nd the room to give mothers a relaxing environ- this policy and supportive leadership, she has room and accommodating motherhood Center personnel are administering the went into developing, testing and fielding physical distancing, hygiene measures,
Security Forces Squadron training instructor. ment.” been able to continue breastfeeding her child demands while serving showcases the vaccine using the Department of Defense’s a safe vaccine in record time. Receiving mask wear and ultimately altering our daily
“Hopefully with this, more mothers will feel The new room meets the mandated Air for eight months. support the military has for women. phased approach, which ensures first the vaccination is the next step in fighting lives. We are all ready to reduce the virus’
empowered to stay in the military and be a Force requirements. It features a full-sized “I feel like the wing has gone above and Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Dwane R. Young responders, mission-essential personnel, the pandemic, and I want to ensure I do impact,” he said. “A significant amount of
mother at the same time.” refrigerator for storing breast milk, one-way beyond what the new policy states,” Kimberly The newly finished southside mother’s Col. Todd Dyer, 99th Air Base Wing deploying forces and individuals with what I can to protect Team Nellis and our resources went into developing, testing
According to Kimberly, the mother’s room tinted windows for privacy, rocking chair said. “Giving us a dedicated and comfortable room is open, ready for use, and is located commander, receives his COVID-19 vaccine serious illnesses are among the first to local community.” and fielding a safe vaccine in record time.
on the southside of the installation will give recliners and a cipher lock for 24/7 access. environment really exceeded my expectation in Bldg. 69. The code for the cipher lock is at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Jan. 5, 2021. The receive the vaccine. For more information about the rollout Receiving the vaccination is the next step in
more mothers access to pump in privacy while There are also lockers available for mother’s to and showed the importance the wing puts on available from unit first sergeants, open 24/7 99th Medical Group began administering “I recommend getting the vaccine, of vaccinations across the Department of fighting the pandemic, and I want to ensure
accommodating lactation breaks. Building a securely store breast pumps and free cleaning mothers coming back to work from maternity and available to all mothers with installation the first round of COVID-19 vaccines on because I personally feel that the vac- Defense, visit: I do what I can to protect Team Nellis and
pumping room and accommodating mother- supplies. The room is large enough to fit three leave.” access. Dec. 23, 2020. cines’ trials, safety, effectiveness and light/Coronavirus/Vaccine-Availability. our local community.”
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