Page 7 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, January 22, 2021
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Distinguished F-22 pilot takes 489th ATKS: Jack of All Trades, Masters of LRE
command of Nevada Guard’s by Airman 1st Class William Rio Rosado Capt. Miles, 489th Col. Kindall, 489th ATKS commander.
“We are able to provide more expertise
Attack Squadron
Creech AFB, Nev.
and there has been an increased efficiency
232nd Combat Training Squadron cover an MQ-9 Reaper aircraft to-and-from pilot, and Airman in having a squadron devoted to launch
How is it possible to safely launch and re-
1st Class Darriette,
and recovery.”
489th ATKS sensor
LRE aircrews are also specially trained
dozens of other teams every day and around
the world? Ask the 489th Attack Squadron. operator, prepare for and qualified for MCE tasks in the event
The 489th ATKS, a unit under the 432nd a sortie via simulator they need to provide base defense at a loca-
by Staff Sgt. Ryan Getsie Operations Group, is the only squadron in at Creech Air Force tion downrange. However, recently the Air-
Las Vegas, Nev. the 432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Base, Nev., Nov. 24, men of the 489th exhibited this versatility by
Wing whose sole mission is to deploy aircrew 2020. The 489th supporting the wildland firefighting efforts
Lt. Col. Ethan Waitte took two steps toward Nevada downrange. ATKS provides expert in California.
Air Guard commander, Brig. Gen. Glen Martel, snapped to The squadron does this because the MQ-9 launch and recovery “We train our Airmen with different
the position of attention, raised his right hand in a sharp National Guard photograph by Staff Sgt. Ryan Getsie currently requires line-of-sight piloting for mission sets, on top of launch and recovery,”
salute, and said, “Sir, I assume command.” Lt. Col. Ethan “Lefty” Waitte with take-offs and landings, meaning that while aircrew that enable said Master Sgt. Mike, 489th ATKS opera-
Judging by Waitte’s distinguished 24-year career with the Nevada Air Guard swears in at most Aircrew for the MQ-9 are located state- world-wide combat tions superintendent. “And we make sure
the U.S. Air Force, it’s no surprise why he was chosen the Limited Army Aviation Support side, a select few Airmen must be forward Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class William Rio Rosado MQ-9 operations. those skills don’t atrophy over time in case
to become the next commander for the 232nd Combat Facility, Jan. 5, 2021 in Las Vegas, Nev. deployed to enable the 24/7 mission. we have to provide base support downrange
Training Squadron, Jan. 8, 2020. Mission control element pilots and sensor support launch and recovery, only to return with their troops while they trained for LRE or support for something like the wildfires
Waitte, an F-22 pilot with the Air Force, replaced Lt. operators rely on the LRE aircrew down- on the homefront.”
to their mission combat element squadron missions,” said Master Sgt. John 489th ATKS
Col. Justin Galli during a change of command ceremony Lt. Col. Ethan “Lefty” Waitte (right) range to launch a Reaper, and safely land it back home. This scattered the focus of the superintendent. “With the 489th, we’re now Ensuring the readiness of an array of
held at the Las Vegas Readiness Center. Galli was awarded with the Nevada Air Guard stands once the mission is accomplished. This is a Airmen supporting two different missions. able to supervise, train, and equip Airmen all MQ-9 skillsets is especially critical as the
the Meritorious Service Medal for numerous contributions with Brig. Gen. Glen Martel while process the Airmen of the 489th ATKS are MCE squadrons would lose aircrew mem- Air Force begins to see the advancements
to the organization. holding the 232nd Combat Training trained and equipped to execute daily. over the world. I have Airmen and supervi- in the testing of Automatic Takeoff and
bers for months at a time and upon return, sors in two different locations and they’re
“I appreciate your persistence,” Martel said while talk- Squadron’s unit flag at the Las Vegas However, there was a point in time when they’d have to be re-trained on the mission still able to communicate with and develop Landing Capability for the weapons system.
ing about Galli’s service. “You ensured the Airmen of the Readiness Center, Jan. 8, 2021 in Las the 489th ATKS were not the subject matter and operations they’d forgotten about while their troops.” Constant training keeps 489th ATKS
232nd were taken care of and the foundation was solid for Vegas, Nev. The 232nd originally experts of this particular task. Airmen on their toes, while developing a
Colonel Waitte to take charge.” stood up in 2007 as an operations Prior to the reactivation of the 489th supporting LRE downrange. Processes have been improved by the more lethal and ready force. The squadron
Now, the 489th ATKS serves as the 432nd dedication of the 489th ATKS to LRE, and
Since taking command of the 232nd, Galli distin- ATKS in 2016, MCE squadrons across the WG/432nd AEW’s readily trained and de- may be serving the 432nd WG/432nd AEW
guished himself repeatedly throughout his time with the squadron to support the Air Force’s wing would spend months training and ployable force. subsequently, the same increase in effec- as a jack of all trades, but it must be noted
unit. This included his most recent assignment as the MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper equipping their own aircrew for LRE tasks tiveness of MCE squadrons throughout the that they are currently the masters of launch
“MCE squadrons used to sacrifice a lot 432nd WG/432nd AEW.
adjutant general’s liaison officer to Nevada Gov. Steve National Guard photograph by Spec. Chavaughn Washington unmanned aerial platforms. downrange. Airmen would then deploy and of personal and professional involvement and recovery.
Sisolak, where he worked in support of the state’s CO- “That’s what makes us unique,” said Lt.
VID-19 health crisis response.
“Opportunities presented to us from others are not
based on how well we’ve done so far, but rather how much
good we can still provide,” Galli said. “With that said, the
trajectory of greatness starts now. I couldn’t be prouder
or happier to relinquish this squadron to a person of such
high caliber.” AlwAys free Access!
Waitte, whose call sign is “Lefty,” began his career at
the United States Air Force Academy in 1996 and was
commissioned in 2000. He then spent time as an F-16 Frequent Updates – Breaking News – Local • Regional • National
fighter pilot, flying about 610 hours during Operation
Enduring Freedom.
Upon completing his first tour, Waitte attended the
highly prestigious Air Force Weapons School and the ACTIVE DUTY SPOUSES
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The 232nd originally stood up in 2007 as an operations the end of the day. We immediately sergeant was court martialed, but that Build trust that allows for a more 6.5” AD SPACE
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