Page 7 - March ARB Beacon 1-22-16 B
P. 7

wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb                      January 22, 2016                           7

From CHIEF page 6                      suicide in our Air Force. We’re failing       I wish I could give you the answer         Now that all military career fields
haven’t had good retention, it’s that  miserably at this and need to do better.   that works for everybody, but every        are open to women, how are you go-
the demand signal has continued to     We’re still trying to figure out how we     unit has a different requirement to be     ing to integrate women into these six
increase at a rate that far exceeds    can help our airmen maintain work-         successful. When we get asked, writ-       battlefield airmen jobs?
what we have in capacity. So it’s the  life balance, serve in this great Air      ing awards packages tends to come up
insatiable demand for ISR. We’re       Force and not do it at the cost of ev-     as an example.                                Any person who comes in [to those
bringing on more F-35s; we still have  erything that’s important in their lives.                                             jobs], male or female, has to meet those
our legacy weapon systems that re-                                                   You can change your process locally     [gender-neutral] standards. They’re
quire fighter maintainers.                 How do you figure out what you           however you want to. There’s not that      very arduous and difficult career fields.
                                       need to do less of to make room for        many requirements that are coming          The vast majority of people in the Air
   What’s the biggest thing on your    growing requirements?                      from the air staff level on these type     Force today, when it was just restricted
plate in the coming year?                                                         of things. We’re also going to continue    to males, couldn’t do it, or wouldn’t do
                                          What we try to do is communicate        to focus on how we access airmen into      it, or didn’t have a desire to do it. So
   The demand continues to increase    with the tactical level units on: What     the Air Force.                             that dynamic is not going to change
for air power. And that means air-     are you doing that we’re requiring you                                                dramatically. Once we start [bringing
men. The numbers are what they are.    to do that we shouldn’t do? We have           As the Air Force scales back, could     in] females to these career fields, we’ll
We have to figure out what we’re not    “Airmen Powered by Innovation,”            closing or consolidating bases be part     learn along the way. We’ll make sure
going to be able to do and prioritize  we have the “Every Dollar Counts”          of that?                                   we provide the same support the way
what we are going to do to meet that   campaign that reduced a lot of effort                                                 we would any other airman.
demand signal. That’s going to be the  at the local level. That doesn’t mean         We put in the budget every year a
biggest challenge as we try to plus    there aren’t things coming from the        request for [a base realignment and           We’ll be very thoughtful about that
up the force to fill in the vacancies   Air Force level that we need to aggres-    closure commission]. The [National         as we go through. We’ll work out the
where necessary. We’re going to do     sively look at and determine if we’re      Defense Authorization Act] will ei-        logistical parts that you didn’t have to
that at the same time as we’re fight-   going to do that anymore.                  ther authorize us to do that or not. So,   work before. We worked them in other
ing the enemy globally.                                                           the indication is it will not. We clearly  career fields, but it takes time. If you
                                          It’s challenging, given what people     want to be able to get at some of our      were to go back 50 years ago, there
   We have lots of other things go-    are asking us to do, to stop doing any-    infrastructure. Because it takes people    were a lot more career fields that were
ing on that we have to pay attention   thing. But we need to.                     to run a base, it takes resources to run   restricted and didn’t have any females.
to. We’re working hard at getting                                                 a base. If it doesn’t get approved [by     We’ve walked this path before.
our head wrapped around [reducing]        What do you think the Air Force         Congress], we’ve just got to press on.
                                       might be able to put to the side?
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