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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb                                                                                  January 22, 2016                                      9

From STEM page 2              use it in the Air Force. Math also

a dime.” EnCorps’ support in- teaches them resilience – not to

cludes professional development give up if something gets hard.”

at annual spring, summer, and Since starting at Thrive, Dinh

fall Institutes, through which has taken over the design class,

Dinh met peers already teach- which incorporates engineer-

ing, who spoke to him about their ing, construction and art. He has

experience. Ongoing mentor- also been asked to be a substitute

ing from EnCorps staff and fel- teacher by school administra-

low cohort members combined tors and requested as a speaker

with early teaching experiences on airplanes and their control

results in an EnCorps STEM systems for a lower grade class.

teacher retention rate of 80 per- Following his brief, upcoming

cent. The blended, project-based deployment, Dinh hopes to enter

learning standard at Thrive has the Master’s Credential Cohort

given Dinh the latitude to engage Program at the University of San

students in 21st century skills Diego, on his way to becoming

that ensure college and career one of an estimated 33,000 math

readiness. He feels the most re- and science teachers needed in

warding part is when students California by 2025.

who have no interest in a subject, If you are interested in sharing

such as math, are super excited your real-world STEM experi-

about it by the end of his les- ence as a teacher leader inspiring

son. “It’s definitely important to the next generation of engineers,

have a background in what you’re creators, and visionaries, find out

teaching,” he said. “Students say, more by joining one of our free,

‘why do I need math? When will monthly EnCorps 101 webinars

I use this?’ I show them how I at

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