Page 1 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, March 18, 2022
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vol. 5, no. 6                    Serving Southern Nevada’s military community, including Nellis, Creech and NTTR        march 18, 2022

                             An Aerotech news And review publicAtion •

          Red Flag 22-2 showcases integration of air power

          by Staff Sgt. Miranda Loera
          Nellis AFB, Nev.
            “We must have a deep understanding of our competi-
          tor’s mindset and anticipate their future moves,” said
          Col. Jared “Jabba” Hutchinson, 414th Combat Train-
          ing Squadron commander. “Red Flag allows us and
          our allies to perform in scenarios to prepare us should
          we ever be called on to engage a peer level adversary
          in combat. They will be able to lean on the experience
          they have built in this exercise and avoid making the
          mistakes during real-world situations.”
            Red Flag 22-2 runs March 4-18, 2022.
            As the lead wing of Red Flag 22-2, the 366th Fighter
          Wing from Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho, will
          organize more than 55 aircraft that will go up against
          the 57th Operations Group’s dedicated multi-domain
          aggressor force.                                                                                                           Air Force photographs by William R. Lewis
            Assets such as the B-1B Bomber, E-3 Sentry, E-8   A Royal Saudi Air Force F-15SA, assigned to the Royal Saudi Air Force Weapons School, lands in preparation of Red Flag-
          Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System, EA-  Nellis 22-2 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., March 1, 2022. Participants conduct a variety of scenarios, including defensive
          18G Growler, Royal Saudi Air Force F-15SA Advanced   counter-air, offensive counter-air suppression of enemy air defenses, and offensive counter air-to-air interdiction.
          Fighter Aircraft, F-15E Strike Eagle, F-16 Fighting
          Falcon, HC-130J Combat King II, KC-135 Stratotanker,   Participants, to include around 14 units with ap-  will have a primary focus on combat missions, mission
          HH-60 Pave Hawk and MQ-9 Reapers will participate  proximately 1,750 personnel from the U.S. Air Force,  commander upgrades and flag-unique experiences
          in complex mission scenarios against aggressor forces.  Marine Corps, Navy and Air National Guard, Royal  that contribute most to readiness and partnering. The
                                                            Saudi Air Force and Republic of Singapore Air Force,  coalition core function forces will gain a significant
                                                                                                              combat advantage by being exposed to realistic, repre-
          RIGHT: An F-15E Strike                                                                              sentative, relevant and integrated tactical experiences.
          Eagle, assigned to the                                                                              The U.S. and allied forces train to ensure smooth
          389th Fighter Squadron at                                                                           integration and shared understanding.
          Mountain Home Air Force                                                                               Red Flag 22-2 will concentrate on three primary
          Base, Idaho, arrives for Red                                                                        themes to include defensive, offensive, and counter-
          Flag-Nellis 22-2 at Nellis Air                                                                      air techniques. Each fighter type that participates in
          Force Base, Nev., March 3,                                                                          22-2 will have to execute their best tactics and build
          2022. Red Flag-Nellis 22-2                                                                          dynamic agreements with others so that they can ef-
          provides realistic combat                                                                           ficiently and safely achieve the overall objectives of
          training that saves lives                                                                           the mission.
          while increasing combat                                                                               “We’ll continue to lead and learn in America’s
          effectiveness.                                                                                      premier air combat exercise,” said Hutchinson. “Take
                                                                                                              good notes, pass your feedback, and build a winning
                                                                                                              team with confidence under fire, integrated leadership,
                                                                                                              and warfighter culture. Fly safe with sound aircraft-
                                                                                                              specific tactics, fight as core function teams, and win
                                                                                 LEFT: A Republic of Singapore   with mutual support as integrated teams.”
                                                                                 Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon   Red Flag gives aircrews an opportunity to experi-
                                                                                 assigned to the 425th Fighter   ence advanced, relevant, and realistic combat-like
                                                                                 Squadron at Luke Air Force Base,   situations in a controlled environment to increase
                                                                                 Ariz., arrives for Red Flag-Nellis   their ability to complete missions and safely return
                                                                                 22-2 at Nellis Air Force Base,  home. It also prepares maintenance personnel, ground
                                                                                 Nev., March 3, 2022. The 414th  controllers, space and cyber operators to support
                                                                                 Combat Training Squadron     those missions within the same tactical environment.
                                                                                 conducts Red Flag exercises to  The 414th Combat Training Squadron is respon-
                                                                                 provide aircrews the experience   sible for executing Red Flag and this exercise is just
                                                                                 of multiple, intensive air combat   one of a series of advanced training programs admin-
                                                                                 sorties in the safety of a training   istered at Nellis and on the NTTR by organizations
                                                                                 environment.                 assigned to the U.S. Air Force Warfare Center.
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