Page 8 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, March 18, 2022
P. 8

8   March 18, 2022                                                  news                                       Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                   Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                                                                                                  March 18, 2022    9                                                                                                                                                      

   Mil-to-mil couples gain time to make separation decision after childbirth

      As of March 1, either parent of a                                                                            only one spouse will have the opportuni-
   Department of the Air Force military-                                                                           ty to separate under either the pregnancy,
   to-military couple may now have up to                                                                           childbirth, or caregiver provisions. The
   12 months to request separation from                                                                            other spouse may not separate under any
   the service after the birth or adoption                                                                         of these provisions, but may qualify to
   of a child.                                                                                                     voluntarily separate under hardship or
     A military-to-military couple is de-                                                                          any other reasons for voluntary separa-
   fined as a DAF active duty member mar-                                                                          tion under AFI 36-3208, Administrative
   ried to another DAF active duty member.                                                                         Separation of Airmen and AFI 36-3207,
     Caregiver separation and childbirth                                                                           Separating Commissioned Officers.
   separation give both parents more time                                                                             Members may apply for caregiver sep-
   to learn how to balance family and career,                                                                      aration under the “miscellaneous reason”
   allowing them to continue to contribute                                                                         provision already included in both officer
   to the DAF mission before making a deci-                                                                        and enlisted separation instructions,
   sion to separate.                                                                                               which apply to both Airmen and Guard-
     “As part of our ongoing diversity and                                                                         ians. The requests are evaluated based on
   inclusion efforts, this is a positive step we                                                                   individual merit and may be disapproved
   can take to allow new parents more time                                                             Courtesy graphic  if it is determined that the separation is
   to decide how to balance their careers   “This new family-friendly policy  after the birth of a child. Other initiatives  not in the best interest of the DAF.
   with a new child,” said Lt. Gen. Brian  recognizes the work-life balance our  include new parental leave guidance au-  Members may apply as early as the day
   Kelly, deputy chief of staff for manpower,  Guardians seek and provides greater  thorized in the FY22 National Defense  following childbirth or adoption, appli-
   personnel, and services. “It’s vital that we  opportunity for choice,” said Patricia  Authorization Act, which eliminates  cations must be submitted no later than
   continue to find creative ways to develop  Mulcahy, deputy chief of space opera-  primary and secondary caregiver desig-  12 months following birth or adoption,
   and retain talented and skilled Airmen  tions for human capital.           nations and provides for up to 12 weeks  and the requested date of separation must
   and Guardians.”                         This initiative is in addition to preg-  of leave for new parents. The Office of the  not be more than 12 months from the
     Additionally, new parents are encour-  nancy separation, which currently allows  Secretary of Defense and the services will  application date. Waivers of active duty
   aged to use the MyVector online men-  for voluntary separation for pregnancy  implement that new policy within the  service commitments will be evaluated
   toring system to find mentors who can  before the birth of a child, and childbirth  coming year.                on a case-by-case basis.
   provide support and guidance as they  separation, which currently allows for   In an effort to balance mission while   For more information about personnel
   navigate service and family.         voluntary separation for up to 12 months  taking care of Airmen and Guardians,  programs, visit myPers.

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