Page 6 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, March 18, 2022
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6 Desert lightning news s. nevaDa Photo Feature March 18, 2022 7
SmokeScreenS, SandbagS, frozen creekS and empty magS
mags, from Page 3 ____________
CJAG’s unique offering is primarily
space — 20 thousand acres of it — with
areas that seem developed specifically
for the type of training IDLC provides.
Several land-navigation courses teach
students to move through challeng-
ing terrain using compasses, maps and
geographic markers, all while facing the
possibility of engagement by opposing Air Force photograph by Tech Sgt. Jeffrey Grossi
force members. A smoke canister emits yellow smoke in the
YARS’ indoor firing range can ac- snow at Camp James A. Garfield Joint Military
commodate several weapon systems and Training Center, Ohio, Feb. 15, 2022, during a
firing positions, but CJAG has wide open, static defense exercise. This IDLC course was
300-meter pop-up target ranges for hon- attended by members of the 926th Security
ing marksmanship at greater distances. Forces Squadron, Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.
An outdoor pistol range also provides
pop-up targets for shooting drills. Several
disused buildings provide realistic com- Air Force photograph by Eric M. White
bat environments for assault operations Senior Airman Karl Knieriem, a Defender with the 926th Security Forces
and varied terrain makes for good static Squadron based at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., scans his surroundings
defense locations. for movement while keeping his M249 light machine gun at the
The February course, which concluded ready during a static defense exercise at Camp James A. Garfield Joint
on Feb. 21, was the first iteration in the Military Training Center, Ohio, Feb. 15, 2022.
throes of winter and occurred during a
period that saw near-zero temperatures,
as much as twelve inches of snow in
some places, freezing precipitation and
occasional thaws that caused normally
traversable creeks in the training areas of
CJAG to rush with water and ice, six feet
deep. The grounds of the outdoor training
environments were either frozen solid, Air Force photograph by Eric M. White
shin-deep in snow or chillingly slush- A group of Defenders assigned to the
soaked marshes, depending on the day 926th Security Forces Squadron, based Air Force photograph by Tech Sgt. Jeffrey Grossi
and time of day. Air Force photograph by Eric M. White at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., takes Senior Airman Karl Knieriem, a Defender with the 926th Security
Combat environments are unpredict- Senior Airman Calvin To, a Defender assigned cover behind trees while watching for Forces Squadron, based at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., scans his
able. Placing IDLC students in a training to the 926th Security Forces Squadron, opposing force movement during a surroundings for movement while keeping his M249 light machine
environment that is equally unpredictable based at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., engages static defense exercise at Camp James gun at the ready during a static defense exercise at Camp James A.
helps prepare them to perform their func- assaulting opposing force members from a Air Force photograph by Tech Sgt. Jeffrey Grossi A . Gar f ield Garfield Joint Military Training Center, Ohio, Feb. 15, 2022.
Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Noah Tancer
tion in real-world operations, but it also dug-in position with M4 blank fire during A Defender assigned to the 926th Security Forces Squadron, based Staff Sgt. David Greenwood, a Defender assigned to the 926th Security Forces Squadron based Joint Military
poses unique challenges to the students a static defense exercise at Camp James A. at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., engages opposing force members with at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., packs snow to camouflage the sandbags around his position T r ai ni n g
and IDLC Cadre who facilitate the course. Garfield Joint Military Training Center, Ohio, blank fire from his M4 rifle during a static defense exercise at Camp during a static defense exercise at Camp James A. Garfield Joint Military Training Center, Ohio, Center, Ohio,
Master Sgt. John Hall is a veteran Feb. 15, 2022. James A. Garfield Joint Military Training Center, Ohio, Feb. 15, 2022. Feb. 15, 2022. Feb. 15, 2022.
member of YARS’ own 910th Security
Forces Squadron and serves as the IDLC
course chief. that were congruent and things that are February in Northeast Ohio, and not often aiming, shooting and handling rifles. It’s this case, members of their own unit. operate in any region worldwide. By con-
“Without a doubt, the most challeng- still pretty relevant,” said Knieriem. experienced by Knieriem’s fellow Defend- challenging, but that’s the value of the But they also follow cadre leadership to trast, the next wave of students is sched-
ing part of this iteration was the weather,” Despite his prior experiences, Knieriem ers with the 926th SFS. training, says Knieriem. make sure the “good guys” have proper uled to take the course in May, when the
said Hall. “They didn’t enjoy CJAG very agrees with Hall on the weather being the “To come into that environment and “That itself is a force multiplier,” he said, objectives and challenges. Both sides get temperature is usually mild and the most
much, and it was the first winter weather biggest challenge. face what the cold is and what it can actu- referring to the frigid conditions, “to take the same caliber of training during the severe potential external factor is rain.
some of them ever experienced, but we “In terms of Ohio itself, for this par- ally do and how that can affect your per- similar training and put it in a new envi- course. Opposing force members learn The IDLC cadre members are confident
accomplished the training we set out to ticular training, it was probably the most formance, shooting, aiming, and how that ronment. With that experience, you have to think like potential adversaries, gain- that the course will be just as valuable to
get done.” brutal conditions you can think of in can affect your mentality,” said Knieriem. something to fall back on and things you ing experience that can be invaluable in the students.
Senior Airman Karl Knieriem, one of North America,” said Knieriem. “And to “At first it was a challenge for them. I think don’t normally think of.” combat environments. IDLC doesn’t exist to foster acclimation
the 926th SFS Defenders who attended the marry up that training, the additions to they walked away with a whole new idea While Knieriem and his fellow Defend- When asked if the students adjusted to to extreme climates. It exists to ensure Air
course, has had similar experiences as a it, the aggressiveness of it and the pace of of what are the traits we’re looking at and ers worked through several exercises, the weather during the two-week course, Force Reserve Security Forces Defenders
prior service member who served in the it, for me personally, that’s what training how it differs.” like planning and carrying out a static Hall’s reply was, “no,” without hesitation. are ready to carry out the mission in any
U.S. Army. He appreciated the chance to is supposed to be about. The worst day Some of the training activities were new defense plan or scouting and assaulting But he emphasized that the purpose of climate, whenever the nation calls upon Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Noah J. Tancer
get some updated training with his fellow you ever have in the field should be when to many of the IDLC students. Others were an enemy-occupied position using intel IDLC is not to make students adjust to the them to do so. As 40 Defenders from Nel- Staff Sgt. Madison Bedor, a Defender assigned to the 926th Security Forces Squadron, based
Defenders. you’re in training, not when you’re actu- things they’ve done countless times before relayed by headquarters, they had to weather, but rather to learn to adapt, over- lis AFB head back to Nevada to warm up at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., and an Integrated Defense Leadership Course student, scans
“Being a long-time Army soldier, com- ally in the field.” — like firing their weapons — but with contend with more than just the cold. come the challenges and complete mission and dry out from their time in Northeast her surroundings for opposing forces during a static defense exercise at Camp James A.
ing back in the Ohio environment, look- Nellis Air Force Base is located in a an added layer of complexity from the Other IDLC students served as opposing objectives regardless of the weather or Ohio’s February, they carry the weight of Garfield Joint Military Training Center, Ohio, Feb. 15, 2022. The IDLC, which takes place at
ing at those tactics again, there were a lot mostly desert environment, dry with cold. Winter gloves, critical to operating force members. The opposing force team environment. new experience that enhances their com- CJAG and Youngstown Air Reserve Station, Ohio, provides Reserve Defenders with focused
of new updates, there were a lot of bases hot temperatures. It’s very different from in near-zero degree temperatures, affect worked to undermine the other side, in Hall wants his students to be able to bat readiness. hands-on training to achieve and maintain combat readiness.