Page 1 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-10-15
P. 1
Vol. 15, No. 25
Lower deployment
stress, 3
Leave no one behind, 5
Make separating
smooth, 6
Hack attacked?, 7
It’s monsoon:
pull aside, 11
Senior Airman Devante Williams Tech. Sgt. Timothy Boyer
FREEDOM FEST Luke Air Force Base and Arizona Public Service partnered to install a solar array that will produce approximately enough energy
to power 2,500 homes.
See Page 12
Luke, APS solar array live
by Senior Airman is just one of the goals of the Arizona Sun APS will own, operate and maintain the
Action line ............................. 2 GRACE LEE Program. solar array at no cost to the government.
Briefs..................................... 3
Spotlight ................................ 4 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs The project has been in the making since “A lot of work went into this project,”
Diversions ........................... 20 EXW WKH SDUWQHUVKLS ZDVQ·W RIÀFLDO said Michael Pangelinan, 56th CES real
Sports.................................. 23 Luke Air Force Base and Arizona Public until 2010. SURSHUW\RIÀFHU´2QWKHUHDOHVWDWHVLGHRI
Service partnered to install a solar array that this, we had to work a land lease between
Wild Ducks will produce approximately enough energy to ´,QZHRIÀFLDOO\EHJDQDSDUWQHUVKLS the Air Force and APS for the solar site
graduate 7 SRZHUKRPHVEHQHÀWLQJWKHHQYLURQ- with APS to take a deeper look into the site,” and more. We also helped credential close
ment and achieving renewable energy goals. Worley said. “We determined it was possible to 400 contractors.”
For photos and went through a variety of options on how
and story, “The solar array is fully operational, to do it, whether to purchase the power from The solar array not only helps the en-
see Page 18. and because of it we are preventing about APS or just lease the land to them. About vironment, but contributes to Air Force
19,000 tons of carbon emissions being re- a year ago, the Air Force and APS decided renewable energy goals.
WEATHER leased into the environment,” said Robert the best option would be to lease the land to
Worley, 56th Civil Engineer Squadron build a solar array to meet renewable energy “The solar array at Luke Air Force Base
also produces 10 mega-watts of renewable and diversity, and provides consumers with
100°/75° energy per year. To put it in perspective, the Although the plan was to have an active clean and affordable power,” said Miranda
base uses 70 mega-watts per year.” solar array by 2011, an unknown arche- Ballentine, Assistant Secretary of the Air
Sunny ology site was discovered that required Force for Installations, Environment and
For those who don’t know, a solar array mitigation. It created a four-year delay in Energy. “By working with industry and the
is any order or group of solar panels that the project. local community to develop these third-par-
capture and transform sunlight into energy. W\ÀQDQFHGSURMHFWVZHDUHLPSURYLQJ$LU
Currently, Luke is leasing the land to Force mission assurance through energy
The solar array at Luke will help to APS for approximately $120,000 per year assurance and being the best stewards of
improve Arizona’s air quality by creating for the next 30 years. The funds will go tax payer dollars possible.”
a means of clean, renewable energy. This toward maintaining the buildings at Luke.
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