Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-10-15
P. 6
July 10, 2015 NEWS Thunderbolt
Make transition from active duty smooth
by Senior Airman FHUWLÀFDWLRQRUGHJUHHZKLOHLQDFWLYHGXW\VHUYLFH Photo illustration by Senior Airman Grace Lee
Honor. Dignity. Respect.
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs you a head start in the civilian sector and make
you more competitive than if you were to get out You served your country.
Whether getting out of the military due to the without anything,” Knuckles said. “At a minimum Let Hospice of the Valley serve you.
end of obligated service, retirement, cut-backs, or they should get their Community College of the Air
because the military just isn’t for them, there are Force associate degree. I also suggest networking
many ways one can prepare and make a smooth ZLWK SHRSOH ZKR ZRUN LQ WKDW SDUWLFXODU ÀHOG
transition out of the military. 9ROXQWHHULQJ FDQ SURYLGH ÀUVWKDQG H[SHULHQFH
and knowledge of what’s involved in the career.
the pros and cons of active-duty service versus civil- Having a savings is essential before getting out
ian life,” said James Knuckles, 56th Force Support of the military.
Squadron Airman and Family Readiness Center
career readiness consultant. “I would also encourage “A good rule of thumb would be to save at least
people to remove any emotional issues from their three-to-six months’ worth of monthly expenses
decision, such as marriage or not getting along with just in case of an emergency or employment doesn’t
come right away,” said Cory Carmichael, 56th FSS
co-workers. Try to take those things out of the AFRC community readiness consultant.
equation and then analyze the situation.”
Airmen should have an emergency fund, as well
If one is still leaning toward getting out of the as putting money toward their retirement.
military after considering those factors, Knuckles
recommends evaluating one’s future career goals. “Regardless if you stay in the service or not, I
would recommend everyone to contribute toward
“Ask yourself questions such as, ‘Am I going to their retirement,” Carmichael said. “This can be
EH DEOH WR ÀQG D MRE WKDW LV JRLQJ WR JLYH PH MRE a Thrift Savings Plan, 401k or individual retire-
at with that, what type of work would I like to do,
what’s going to be required of me to do that job on For more information regarding transitioning
the outside, and is there any type of credentialing RXWRIWKHPLOLWDU\RUÀQDQFLDOFRQFHUQVWKHFRXQ-
,·P JRLQJ WR QHHG OLNH D FHUWLÀFDWLRQ RU GHJUHH"·µ selors at the AFRC are available to help.
Knuckles said. “What I highly recommend for indi-
viduals to be able to narrow their career choices by ´,Q DGGLWLRQ WR KDYLQJ WUDLQHG ÀQDQFLDO FRXQ-
taking a career assessment, which will give a good selors, the AFRC has publications, guides, classes
Carmichael said. “The AFRC also provides one-
For one who knows what career they would like on-one appointments for financial counseling.
to be in, Knuckles advises to begin the required 7DNHVWHSVQRZWRLPSURYH\RXUÀQDQFLDOÀWQHVV
Preparation is the key to a successful transition.”
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