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Thunderbolt                                                                      News                                                                             July 10, 2015  3                                                                                                          

                                                                       Senior Airman James Hensley  White hot!                                      IN BRIEF

                                                                                                    An F-16 Fighting Fal-                 56th FSS change of command
                                                                                                    hush house at Luke                       Lt. Col. Todd Ladd will relinquish command of the 56th
                                                                                                    Air Force Base. Jet en-               Force Support Squadron to Maj. Tonya Mack in a ceremony
                                                                                                    gines get tested in the               at 8 a.m. July 17 in Hangar 999.
                                                                                                    hush house after un-
                                                                                                    dergoing heavy main-                  56th MDOS change of command
                                                                                                    tenance. These tests
                                                                                                    run jet engines through                  Col. Constance Jackson will relinquish command of the
                                                                                                    various speeds to en-                 56th Medical Operations Squadron to Col. Stephen Boden
                                                                                                    sure they are ready for               in a ceremony at 7:56 a.m. July 24 in Hangar 999. To RSVP,
                                                                                                    reintegration back into               call Master Sgt. Meshawn Guevara at 623-856-7579.
                                                                                                                                          AFA dinner
Do legal paperwork: Reduce deployment prep stress
                                                                                                                                             The Air Force Association dinner is 6 p.m. Saturday at
              by 1st Lt.                  will not accept a general power        dy. SCRA protects the legal rights of                    Club Five Six. The cost is $20 per person and can be paid
     LYUDMYLA CHUBA                       of attorney, and require a docu-       armed forces members. If a member                        at the door. Retired Capt. George Burk is guest speaker
                                          PHQW VSHFLÀFDOO\ JUDQWLQJ ÀQDQFLDO     executed a residential lease agree-                      and will talk about his near-death experience as the only
        56th Fighter Wing Judge Advocate  decision-making powers – a special     ment and thereafter received orders                      survivor of a military plane crash carrying 14 people in
                                          power of attorney.                     to deploy for a period of not less than                  1970. He spent 90 days in intensive care and 18 months
   Preparing for deployment can be                                               90 days, SCRA allows the member                          in the hospital with burns on more than 65 percent of his
an overwhelming endeavor. Service            A special power of attorney nar-    to terminate the lease agreement.                        body. He had multiple internal injuries, was paralyzed
members have to juggle various            rows what choices an agent can         For an automotive lease agreement,                       and not expected to walk again. For more information, call
administrative checklists, trainings      make on the member’s behalf. Addi-     the period of deployment cannot be                       Luisa Bailey at 623-846-7483 or email
continuing to perform daily duties.       ibility to designate different agents  WKH OHJDO RIÀFH IRU VSHFLÀF GHDGOLQHV                    Community Center gets renovation
In the whirlwind of deployment            with separate responsibilities, as     and notice requirements imposed
preparation, it becomes easy to push      needed. A durable power of attorney    by SCRA.                                                    The Luke Air Force Base Community Center is undergo-
personal affairs to the backburner.       adds an extra layer of certainty,                                                               ing a total renovation with a completion date sometime in
However, attorneys and staff at the       ensuring that the documents will          SCRA may also help with cell                          May 2016. During the renovation, Subway and the bar-
56th FW Legal Office can assist           remain in effect even in the event     phone service contracts. Under                           bershop will remain open. The barbershop is now located
you with some of the important            of the author’s inability to make      §523(b), a court may reduce or waive                     adjacent to Bldg. 700 in a large trailer with restroom fa-
components.                               decisions on his or her own due to     D ÀQH RU SHQDOW\ DULVLQJ IURP HDUO\                      cilities. The new phone number is 602-290-6515. For more
                                          incapacitation.                        termination of the contract if the                       information, call the center at 623-856-7152.
   Family members, and sometimes                                                 upcoming deployment materially
friends, will need several legal             Along with a power of attorney,     affects the member’s ability to per-                     ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’
documents to be able to carry on in       members are to execute a will. A       form his or her obligation.
the absence of service members. To        well-drafted will addressing every                                                                 The Luke Experience theater group will present the
ensure that someone trustworthy           contingency is one of the most            The 56th FW Legal Office can                          “Rocky Horror Picture Show” at 7 p.m. Sept. 11, 12, 18 and
can handle affairs at home while          important pieces of the deploy-        advise members on numerous other                         19 at the Luke Air Force Base Theater. Admission is free.
the member is overseas, the mem-          ment preparation puzzle. It gives      issues that come up in the context                       For more information, email Nicholas Cripe.
ber will need to execute a power of       piece of mind during an inherently     of deployment preparation, such as
attorney.                                 stressful time. The alternative to     questions about dependents, child                        Thunderbolt Thursday Game Night
                                          not executing a will is leaving loved  custody concerns, international law
   There are options. A general pow-      ones to deal with the court system,    inquiries and more.                                         Choose a favorite game — spades, dominoes or poker —
er of attorney gives the designated       without any guidance regarding the                                                              at Thunderbolt Thursday Game Night 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at
agent broad authority to make deci-       member’s wishes.                          Bottom line, members should                           Club Five Six. Burger baskets are $5. For more information,
sions on the behalf of the member.                                               avoid putting off personal affairs                       call 623-856-6446.
The agent will have the power to             Regarding leases, if a member       for the last minute. Take care of the
PDNH PHGLFDO OHJDO ÀQDQFLDO DQG         receives deployment orders but is      necessary legal paperwork and get                        Adult ceramics class
business decisions for the member.        locked either in a residential or au-  answers to questions to alleviate
                                          tomotive lease, the Servicemembers     some of the stress from the prepara-                        An adult ceramics class is 9 a.m. to noon July 18 at the
   It is important to keep in mind        Civil Relief Act may provide a reme-   tion process.                                            Arts and crafts center. The cost is $7 and includes one kiln-
that some financial institutions                                                                                                          firing for the in-class piece only. Participants must provide
                                                                                                                                          their own green ware or bisque pieces and supplies. For
      THUNDERBOLT ALMANAC                                                                                                                 more information, call 623-856-6502.

                                          Fiscal 2015 graduates                                                                           NCOPEC

61st FS............................................................ 0  425th FS .................................................... N/A     NCO Professional Enhancement Course offers staff and
62nd FS........................................................... 0   56th TRS...................................................... 66  technical sergeants an opportunity to interact with their
308th FS ....................................................... 21    607th ACS ..................................................... 0  peers while enhancing supervisory skills in enlisted per-
309th FS ....................................................... 16    372nd TRS, Det. 12................................... 205          formance review writing, mentoring/counseling, standards/
310th FS ....................................................... 34    56th OSS (IFTU)......................................... 47        discipline and more. It is a developmental course with a
311th FS ....................................................... 28                                                                       focus on the NCO tier who have completed Airman Leader-
                                                                                                             ke Airmen                    ship School three or more years ago and but have not yet
     +RXUV ÁRZQ       6RUWLHV ÁRZQ                                                                         eployed to                   attended NCO Academy. The course is four full days and
F-35     2,319.0             1,482                                                                           ountries                     requires leadership approval. The class dates are July
F-16    15,044.7            11,401                                                                           d the world.                 27 through 31, Aug. 10 through 14 and 24 through 28 at
                                                                                                                                          the ALS auditorium, Bldg 156. For more information, call
                                                                                                                                          Master Sgt. Ida Bushey at 623-856-2985.

                                                                                                                                          AFROTC commissioning packages due

                                                                                                                                             All Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps commis-
                                                                                                                                          sioning packages are due in the upcoming months. The
                                                                                                                                          Scholarship for Outstanding Airman to ROTC packages
                                                                                                                                          are due to Air Education and Training Command by Sept.
                                                                                                                                          15. The Airmen Scholarship & Commissioning Program
                                                                                                                                          and Professional Officer Course-Early Release Program
                                                                                                                                          packages are due to Air Force Reserve Officer Training
                                                                                                                                          Corps by Oct. 15. There have been many recent changes
                                                                                                                                          to the programs. Airmen interested in these programs
                                                                                                                                          are required to attend a briefing held once a month at
                                                                                                                                          the 56th Force Support Squadron Education Center. For
                                                                                                                                          more information about applying for this program, go to
                                                                                                                                          the education office or call 623-856-7722.
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