Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-10-15
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Thunderbolt                                                                       NEWS                                                                                                   July 10, 2015        9                                                                                                                                 

 PEOPLE                                                33 regular Air Force, one Guard and one              online “Décor 6” forms, automatic updates            functional managers. AF e-Learning wikis
   FIRST                                               Reserve Airman. The 35 selected included             to the Military Personnel Data System and            have the potential to create a great source
                                                        RIÀFHUV DQG  HQOLVWHG SHUVRQQHO       DXWRPDWLFWUDQVIHUVWRRIÀFLDOUHFRUGV              of community knowledge, information and
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is        women and 17 men.                                                                                         collaboration on training resources.
compiled from information from the Air Force                                                                   A process for active-duty evaluations was
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Support     implemented in vPC in May.                   
Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness Flight,                 Article/600730/career-intermission-program-                                                            Article/602024/enhanced-e-learning-for-cyber-
9HWHUDQV$IIDLUVWKHFLYLOLDQSHUVRQQHORIÀFHDQG                   application-window-opens-july-1.aspx                                                    airmen.aspx
armed forces news services. For the complete story,                                                          Article/602634/decorations-processing-now-initi-
go to the web address listed at the end of the story.  Decorations processing                                                                                    AF begins enlisted PME
                                                       now initiated through vPC                                     ated-through-virtual-personnel-center.aspx  HQUROOPHQWQRWL¿FDWLRQV
Career intermission program
application window now open                               Supervisors of active-duty Airmen can             Cyber Airmen e-learning takes                           The Air Force Personnel Center has
                                                       now use the virtual Personnel Center via             leap forward with upgrade                            initiated a phased approach to notify ap-
   The Air Force Career Intermission Pro-              myPers to initiate and track decorations                                                                  proximately 83,000 Airmen of the require-
gram application window opened July 1 for              throughout the review and approval pro-                 Air Force cyber Airman training takes a           ment to enroll in the applicable enlisted
eligible Airmen interested in taking one to            cess.                                                giant leap forward with the latest enhance-          professional military education distance
three years off active duty for personal or                                                                 ment to AF e-Learning.                               learning course. AFPC will notify 20,000
professional needs.                                       “The online application allows for auto-                                                               Airmen at the beginning of each month
                                                       mated routing and approval, in addition                 The upgrade allows Air Force supervi-             XQWLODOOPHPEHUVKDYHEHHQQRWLÀHG
   Applications must reach the Air Force               to prepopulating certain personnel data              sors and trainers to facilitate better skill-
Personnel Center no later than Aug. 31,                in the forms,” said Christine Stingley, the          level upgrade and on-the-job training with              In July 2014, the Air Force announced
with the total force selection panel sched-            military future operations branch require-           customizable learning programs that can              the new EPME model, which introduces
uled to convene Sept. 29.                              ments and testing chief. “vPC also allows            EHXSGDWHGRQWKHÁ\WRUHPDLQFXUUHQWDV           Airmen to appropriate institutional com-
                                                       for the electronic review and processing into        technology changes.                                  SHWHQFLHVDWVSHFLÀFPLOHVWRQHVWKURXJKRXW
   The program, in its second year, allows             a members record.”                                                                                        their career. The new program still includes
up to 40 top-performing regular Air Force                                                                      Computer-based training courses typi-             three levels of PME, but now incorporates
and career status active Guard or Reserve                 Active-duty decorations will be initiated,        cally cover few training tasks and take              distance learning course completion as a
RIÀFHUV DQG HQOLVWHG PHPEHUV WR EH LQDF-         processed and tracked through the vPC ap-            hours to complete. Now, supervisors,                 SUHUHTXLVLWHIRULQUHVLGHQW1&2DQGVHQLRU
tivated and transferred to the Individual              plication dashboard. Initially, automated            training managers and the Air Force cyber            1&2DFDGHP\DWWHQGDQFH
Ready Reserve, receiving partial pay for               processing will include the Meritorious              training team at Keesler Air Force Base,
up to three years, before returning to ac-             Service Medal, Air Force Commendation                Mississippi, can drill down using modules,              Airmen should complete their distance
tive duty.                                             Medal, Air Force Achievement Medal, Aer-             chapters and videos to focus cyber Airmen            learning course within 12 months of the
                                                       ial Achievement Medal, Combat Readiness              on particular tasks. This will shorten the           $)3& QRWLÀFDWLRQ PHVVDJH $LUPHQ ZKR
   During the 2014 pilot program, 35 regu-             0HGDODQG0LOLWDU\2XWVWDQGLQJ9ROXQWHHU             amount of time Airmen spend on task train-           are already enrolled in a distance learning
lar Air Force, Guard and Reserve Airmen                Service Medal.                                       ing while allowing them to learn in a way            course with a completion date agreement
were approved to participate. They included                                                                 that works best for their learning style.            with Air University should complete their
                                                          Adding automated decoration processing                                                                 course by the original agreement date.
                                                       on myPers through the vPC improves Air-                 Keeping pace with social media trends,
                                                       men’s access to personnel processes. It also         wiki and blog capabilities are also now avail-
                                                       saves members time since it includes pre-            able in the AF e-Learning environment. AF               Article/601318/af-begins-enlisted-professional-
                                                       SRSXODWHGFHUWLÀFDWHVDQGPHPRUDQGXPV               e-Learning blogs allow users to engage with            PLOLWDU\HGXFDWLRQHQUROOPHQWQRWL¿FDWLRQVDVS[
                                                                                                            and exchange ideas with other students,
                                                                                                            VXEMHFW PDWWHU H[SHUWV DQG FDUHHU ÀHOG RU

SOUND                                                            “‘American                                 “‘Jurassic                  “‘Entourage.’                     “I’m excited to
 OFF!                                                            Sniper’is a                                World,’so far.              It was funny,                     see ‘Ted 2.’The
                                                                 great movie. It                            It brought back             and you don’t                     ¿UVWRQHZDVYHU\
                                                                 showed how                                 memories from               have to watch                     funny. I know the
                                                                 awesome he                                 WKH¿UVWRQH´              the TV show to                    second will be
                                                                 was.”                                                                  enjoy it.”                        great!”

  What is your favorite    Dr.                                                    Senior Airman                              Civilian                            Civilian
summer movie so far or     GEORGE MARANGOLY                                       COREY SHIRES                               MARY JENKINS                        KALIA BIRD
that you’re looking for-   56th Force Support Squadron                            56th Comptroller Squadron                  56th Force Support Squadron         56th Force Support Squadron
 ward to seeing? Why?

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                           Wednesday:                   7:00 pm                                                                         and 1 pound of Freon (if needed)  ŽLŽ6ČIą
                           Bible Study                                                                                                  1 out of 5 units will need Freon

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