Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-10-15
P. 12

July 10, 2015                                                                                                                     Thunderbolt

Luke celebrates
     Story and photos by                   evening to celebrate our nation’s
         Senior Airman                     independence.”                      The annual Freedom Fest Independence Day
                                                                               celebration included a climbing wall and sever-
    DEVANTE WILLIAMS                         The 56th FSS staff offered the    al other family-friendly activities such as water
                                           Airmen and their families food,     slides, raffles for prizes and a DJ.
         56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  drinks, and family friendly games
                                           and activities. There was face
  Luke Air Force Base held its             painting, a disc jockey, a rock
annual Fourth of July Freedom              climbing wall, volleyball, water
Fest Saturday at Fowler Park.              slides and information booths.
More than 3,000 people attended
the event.                                   “The DJ was definitely the high-
                                           light of the Freedom Fest,” said
  The 56th Force Support Squad-            Eric Burrell, 56th Civil Engineer
ron set up the stage for the activi-       Squadron electrician. “He was
ties the morning before the event.         playing tunes that had everyone
Event staff staked out spots and           from all ages up and dancing.”
put up booths. Finally, an op-
erations check of everything was             The event wrapped up with a
performed.                                 fireworks display set off by the
                                           vice commander and children
  The festivities began at the Sil-        from the crowd.
ver Wings Pool prior to the main
event at Fowler Park. The pool               Fireworks illuminating the sky
activities included food and drink,        as Fowler Park drew Thunder-
and plenty of summer family                bolts’ eyes to the sky.
friendly activities, including swim-
ming. The rest of the party kicked           “A big thank you to everyone
off a few hours later at Fowler            who made this event possible,”
Park with opening remarks from             Hamill said. “To everyone who
Col. Edward Hamill, 56th Fighter           came out tonight, thank you for
Wing vice commander.                       your service and dedication to
                                           this country. While we celebrate,
  “Happy Fourth of July every-             keep in mind the Thunderbolts
one,” he said. “What a perfect             currently deployed.”

Luke Thunderbolts await the beginning of the 15-minute fireworks display.                                                         A fireworks display capped off the Luke Air Force Base 2
                                                                                                                                  music, food and refreshments, and raffles for prizes wer
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