Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-10-15
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Thunderbolt NEWS July 10, 2015
Updating personal records critical Chaplain’s thoughts ...
by Senior Airman thing were to happen to you, it’s critical to have “Perhaps if we saw our spouses LQWRP\RIÀFHDUHSUHGLFDWHGXSRQWKH
JAMES HENSLEY the correct information on your SGLI.” concerns as indicators of the need for misconception that marriage in general
spiritual growth in our lives, we would and “my spouse” in particular are to be
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs Having inaccurate information can not only be able to honor both God and our the primary source of my happiness, and
affect loved ones but can affect promotion if spouse by focusing on their happiness if that ceases to be the case, then lawyer-
Although it’s important to update personal awards and decorations are not up-to-date, which and not our own.” ing up is in order. Yet, Thomas would
records, many people don’t think about it until ultimately affects pay. DUJXHWKDWWKHVSRXVHZKRVHHVP\ÁDZV
it’s too late. Knowing when and where to update ~ Gary Thomas, “Sacred Marriage” and even calls me out concerning them,
personal records will help make it happen. “We’ve had cases where Airmen have missed may indeed be an agent of the divine to
promotion by a point or even half a point simply Gary Thomas, in his book “Sacred conform me more fully into the person
When it comes to records and what to update, because their awards and decorations weren’t Marriage,” presents a profound concep- that God desires me to be.
the 56th Force Support Squadron Force Manage- up-to-date,” Salonish said. “Not only can this WLRQRIPDUULDJHWKDWÁLHVLQWKHIDFHRI
ment and Customer Service, located in Bldg. 1150, affect promotion scores but it can also affect the what most Americans feel is the essence The take away — perhaps I should
are good places to start. promotion boards. The members of a board look of marriage — namely happiness. He learn that my wife, who knows me
back at your records for the accomplishments and voices this conception by way of a ques- better than anyone else on the planet,
“In force management, we have the unfortu- if they aren’t correct it can easily affect the board.” tion: “What if God designed marriage might actually be the means by which
nate responsibility of casualty reporting, and to make us holy more than to make us God knocks on the door of my heart.
this is one of the reasons why it is so important Airmen can review their records to ensure happy?” The question is a profound one Perhaps marriage really is about mak-
to update the virtual record of emergency data, enlisted performance reports are all accurate and indeed. ing me a better person, a holier person,
along with awards and decorations, because you verify they are in the personnel records display ap- a person who in tiny ways is becoming
never know what could happen,” said Staff Sgt. plication located on the Air Force portal. The key I have seen numerous people sit more and more like the God I am striv-
Stacy Salonish, 56th FSS Force Management thing to take away from this is to check personal across from me and tell me that they ing to serve. This transformative aspect
1&2LQFKDUJH records periodically. are no longer “happy,” no longer “in of marriage is not born out of ease and
love,” no longer able to “make it work.” comfort, but out of a willingness to grow
,IWKHDGGUHVVRQUHFRUGIRUVSRXVHVRUEHQHÀFLD- “Supervisors should keep an eye out for their 7KH\ VWRS E\ P\ RIÀFH RQ WKH ZD\ WR through the hardships that are an inevi-
ries is incorrect, funds could be delayed or sent to Airmen making sure they are updating their VHWWOHWKHPDWWHUOHJDOO\6RUWRIDÀQDO table part of marriage.
the wrong address upon a service member’s death. records properly, but it is the Airman’s respon- blessing before they do what they are
sibility to update their records,” Salonish said. JRLQJ WR GR DQ\ZD\ -XVW WR FRQÀUP 7KDQNVIRU\RXUVHUYLFHDQGVDFULÀFH
Along with awards and decorations, it’s im- ´2QHRIWKHWKLQJVZHVXJJHVWDVVXSHUYLVRUVLV your suspicions, the chapel is not in the
portant to update life insurance records as well. to make an ‘I love me’ binder where the Airman business of encouraging divorce. Courtesy of Chaplain (Maj.) Larry Fowler,
keeps track of everything from accomplishments
“It’s crucial to update service member’s group to changes in address. Updating records is critical, Some of the marital woes that come 56th Fighter Wing chaplain
life insurance upon in-processing to a new base,” it can affect everything.”
said Staff Sgt. Ryan McCammon, 56th FSS Force
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