Page 16 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-10-15
P. 16

July 10, 2015

                                                                             NTERTAINMENT                                                       Thunderbolt

               In theaters                                                                                                                    On DVD

‘Jurassic World’                                                                                                                     ‘Get Hard’

by Staff Sgt. Nestor Cruz                                                                                                            by Staff Sgt. Luther Mitchell Jr.

   I have always believed movie sequels should be released within                                                1/2                    “Get Hard” is a comedy starring Kevin Hart as Darnell, the
a four-year window. Within that timeframe, movie studios can                                                                         owner of a car wash business on the basement level of a high-
take advantage of the excitement over a franchise and put in the              Your weekly guide                                      ULVH ÀQDQFLDO EXLOGLQJ DQG :LOO )HUUHOO DV -DPHV D ÀQDQFLDO
WLPHWRFUDIWDVHTXHOZRUWK\RIWKHÀUVWPRYLHLQWKHVHULHV,ID            to entertainment                                      executive who works in the same building.
studio decides to resurrect a franchise after four years, they run
the risk of releasing a movie to audiences who stopped caring                 Welcome to the Fly Over, Luke’s source for                Darnell and James pass each other at work, mostly Darnell
about the franchise.                                                                                                                 taking notice as he frequently washes James car. However,
                                                                             movie, book, video game, music and all things           James is oblivious of Darnell and lives a life of exorbitant luxury
   The cast and crew behind this summer’s dino extravaganza,                 entertainment reviews. Using a four-point               DVDÀQDQFLDOEURNHUHQJDJHGWRWKHERVV·VEHDXWLIXOGDXJKWHU
“Jurassic World,” took a gamble on a fossilized franchise and it             scale, the Thunderbolt staff provides in-depth
paid off. It seems everybody is raving about it on social media and          reviews allowing the viewer an opportunity to              James is living the good life. At his engagement party, he rocks
the movie took in more than $200 million domestically during it’s            decide what new and classic entertainment op-           out with John Mayer on stage and shows his skill on the electric
opening weekend, surpassing 2012’s “Marvel’s Avengers.” As of                tions are worth their time. The Know a Critic           guitar upstaging John. At that moment, the police arrive, arrest
this writing, the movie has already doubled its domestic gross with          section helps the reader choose critics who             -DPHVDQGGUDJKLPRIIWRMDLO+LVERVVYRZVWRÀJXUHRXWZKDW
little sign of slowing down. Not bad for a sequel released 14 years          have tastes similar to their own.                       is going on as James is dragged away with a look of shock on his
after the last installment.                                                                                                          face. James is booked in jail for fraud. His arrest makes headlines
                                                                                           1/4 - Save your money                     on television stations across the nation, and he is cast as another
   “Jurassic World” takes place 22 years after the events of 1993’s                                                                  Bernard Madoff, a ponzi scheme crook who took advantage of
“Jurassic Park.” The park is a fully-functioning theme park resort           2/4 - Wait for Netflix release                          innocent investors.
and crowds arrive daily by the boatload.
                                                                             3/4 - Worthy of Dine-in Theater                            Things are not going good for the naïve James, who still doesn’t
   In an effort to introduce new attractions and keep excitement high,                                                               understand what’s going on. He’s scared of going to jail and
park scientists created a hybrid dinosaur: the Indominus Rex. While          4/4 - Bombs on Target                                   ZKHQKHÀQGVRXWKHZLOOKDYHWRGRWLPHEHKLQGEDUVKHKDVD
Indominus was created to spark excitement in park attendees, it                                                                      nervous breakdown. James tries to go on the lam and cuts his
certainly had that effect with movie audiences. The hybrid displayed         Know a critic                                           DQNOHEUDFHOHW,QGLVJXLVHKHWULHVWRWDNHRIIZLWKKLVÀDQFp
a variety of abilities drawn from its DNA cocktail from various dino-                                                                but she doesn’t want to go. She says she’s not marrying him
saurs and modern animals. This fact opened up the opportunity to                   Nestor Cruz is a self-                            anymore, leaving James devastated.
showcase some well-done computer-generated animation.                              confessed geek who en-
                                                                                   joys comic book movies,                              James is now at home waiting to go to jail. He thinks about all
   Indominus Rex was raised in a paddock, hidden from the world.                   spy movies, Star Wars,                            the prison stories he’s heard, and he’s worried. In a moment, he
Before her debut as an attraction, Indominus escaped her prison                    anime, and The Walk-                              comes up with a ridiculous idea to have Darnell help him learn
and, yes kids, that’s where the fun begins.                                        ing Dead TV series                                how to survive in prison, an idea that Darnell will foolishly en-
                                                                                   and comics. Aside from                            tertain. James visits Darnell at the car wash and asks for help,
   As park staff scramble to contain the creature and avoid public                 movies, Nestor reads                              to which Darnell asks why him, when he never really noticed
panic, other dinosaurs are released, several humans become dino                    actual books, listens                             him before. James thinks it’s because Darnell has been to jail,
treats and public panic ensues.                                                    to music from various                             so he knows how it goes.
                                                                             Cruz  genres on a daily basis,
   In addition to Indominus, other dinosaurs grace the screen in-                                                                       This shows how naïve James is, but when James offers to
cluding Velociraptor, Pteranodon and a special appearance by the             cooks “nomnoms” for family and friends and              pay Darnell to help, Darnell plays along with the idea that he’s
the Mosasaurus as it leaps out of the water to enjoy a great white                                                                   comes up with elaborate schemes to get James ready for prison
shark appetizer.                                                                                               Luther Mitchell is    even though he’s never been there himself. He gets help from his
                                                                                                           a journalist who en-      cousin Russell, played by rapper T.I., who was in prison.
   The dinosaurs of “Jurassic World” may be the main attraction for                                        joys watching movies.
audiences but there is also a human story. Unfortunately, none of                                          His go-to genres are         While James prepares to go to prison, it still leaves the unan-
the human relationships seemed to gel in this movie.                                                       suspense-thrillers and    swered question: If James didn’t cheat the investors, who did?
                                                                                                           comedies. When he isn’t   :HOO\RXÀQGRXWWKHWUXWKDWWKHHQGRIWKHPRYLH
   * Possible spoilers follow                                                                              in the gym pumping
   The audience is introduced to a seemingly normal family in the                                          iron or writing a story,     I enjoyed watching this movie because Hart and Ferrell make
beginning of the movie. Mom and dad drop off their two boys at the                                         he likes to read every-   an awesome duo. Both actors play their parts well and the jokes
airport so they can visit “Jurassic World” with their aunt Claire                                                                    and schemes were well thought out and funny.
%U\FH'DOODV+RZDUGZKRZRUNVDWWKHSDUNUHVRUW7KHDXGLHQFH             Mitchell Jr. thing from philosophy
IRUJHWVDERXWWKHSDUHQWVXQWLORQHRIWKHER\V*UD\7\6LPSNLQV                                                                    Even though, this theme has already been played out in Holly-
starts crying halfway into the movie about an impending divorce. Big                                       to romance. He has nu-    wood productions like “The Toy” and “Bringing down the House,”
EURWKHU=DFN1LFN5RELQVRQWHOOVKLPWKLQJVZLOOEH2.DQG*UD\            merous books on his Kindle and bookshelf at             it was none-the-less entertaining. If I had seen it in theaters,
drops the subject, allowing the audience to forget about the parents         home. The “Art of War” by Sun Tzu is a classic.         I might have been slightly disappointed, because there was no
again. The subject never comes up again for the rest of the movie.                                                                   RULJLQDOPHDWWRLWEXWIRUD5HGER[UHQWDOLWÀOOHGLQVSDFHRQ
   Howard gets top billing in this movie along with Chris Pratt, whose                                                               a quiet Friday night.
great actors but put together they have zero chemistry. They men-                                                                       7KLV ÀOP LV UDWHG 5 IRU SHUYDVLYH FUXGH DQG VH[XDO FRQWHQW
WLRQKDYLQJJRQHRQDÀUVWGDWHWKDWQHYHUGHYHORSHGLQWRDVHFRQG                                                                 and language, some graphic nudity, and drug material.
into dino danger. I thought they hated each other.                                                                                     “The comic premise of ‘Get Hard’ could
   Although the human relationships were never fully developed                                                                       hardly be simpler. Will Ferrell is white.
in this movie, some of the cast gave great performances. Pratt was                                                                   Kevin Hart is black. But you don’t have to
great as the heroic park employee/dino whisperer. Howard was                                                                         consult a Starbucks barista to know that
very convincing as the business-minded Claire focused mainly                                                                         race is a very complicated matter. It’s been
on the continued success of the park. I especially enjoyed Vincent                                                                   a source of humor for a very long time, but
'·2QRIULRDV,Q*HQHPSOR\HH+RVNLQVKHOOEHQWRQZHDSRQL]LQJ                                                                       which jokes are acceptable to whom is never
WUDLQHGGLQRVDXUVLQVSLWHRI2ZHQ·VZDUQLQJV                                                                                       an easy matter to determine.”
cally engineered dinosaurs and well worth the price of admission.                                                                                   ~ A.O. Scott, New York Times
violence and peril.
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