Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-10-15
P. 19

Thunderbolt                                                          NEWS                                                                                                                                                 July 10, 2015

100 percenters                                                            STREET BEAT                                                   two small injuries. Glendale police responded and took
         score                                                                                                                          control.
                                                                        The 56th Security Forces Squadron handled the fol-
           at                                                        lowing incidents June 22 through July 5:                              June 29: Security forces responded to a report of a
                                                                                                                                        domestic disturbance in base housing. Security forces
         Luke                                                        Tickets                                                            made contact with the victim and subject and took
                                                                                                                                        control of the situation. Glendale police was contacted
   7KH IROORZLQJ LQGLYLGXDOV VFRUHG  SHUFHQW RQ                Security forces issued citations for 11 moving viola-           and took control of the subject who was arrested and
their physical training test in June:                                tions and four nonmoving violations.                               transported.

309th Fighter Squadron                                               7UDI¿FUHODWHGLQFHQWV                                                June 30: Security forces responded to a report of a
                                                                                                                                        warrant’s hit at the South Gate Visitor Center involving
1st Lt. Aaron Young                                                     July 1: Security forces responded to a report of a minor        D QRQPLOLWDU\DIÀOLDWHG FLYLOLDQ WKDW UHYHDOHG D VKRZ
                                                                     two-vehicle accident at the Bldg. 1124 parking lot. There          cause contempt from the Department of Public Safety in
21st FS                                                              were no injuries.                                                  Tolleson. A two-year debarment order was issued to the
                                                                                                                                        civilian. Glendale police was contacted and took control.
Capt. Jondavid Hertzel                                                  Emergency responses
                                                                        June 30: Security forces responded to a report of a             Alarm activations
56th Aircraft                                                        medical emergency at Lightning Gate. Medical person-
Maintenance Squadron                                                 nel were contacted by security forces and transported a               Security forces responded to 10 alarm activations
                                                                     retired family member dependent to a nearby hospital.              on base.
Staff Sgt. Aleksandr Golgikh                                            July 5: Security forces responded to a report of an
                                                                     individual in need of medical attention at Bldg. 635.              Tip of the week
                                                                     Security forces directed medical personnel to the victim
                                                                     who was treated and released by medical staff.                        Neighborhood awareness: The key to crime prevention
                                                                                                                                           A good neighbor can be a good crime prevention tool.
                                                                     Nonemergency responses                                             This is particularly true at this time of the year when
                                                                                                                                        criminals and con artists use the warm weather to
                                                                        -XQH  6HFXULW\ IRUFHV DQG ÀUHÀJKWHUV UHVSRQGHG        take advantage of residents, particularly the elderly.
                                                                     to a report of a dog left inside a locked vehicle near             Watchful eyes in the neighborhood can spot criminals
                                                                     Bldg.663. The vehicle was unlocked and the dog was                 and alert police and the community to their presence.
                                                                     determined to be in good health. There were no injuries.           Keep a check on the neighbors and what is going on in
                                                                                                                                        the neighborhood in general. If an elderly resident is in
                                                                        June 28: Security forces responded to a report of an            conversation with a stranger, inquire about what is go-
                                                                     assault at Kachina Gate involving two nonmilitary af-              ing on. If residents see strangers sizing up a neighbor’s
                                                                     ÀOLDWHG FLYLOLDQV 3UHOLPLQDU\ LQYHVWLJDWLRQ UHYHDOHG         home that could also be a sign something is wrong. Call
                                                                     the civilians assaulted each other and one sustained               911 to get law enforcement to the scene to check things
                                                                                                                                        out. Involvement such as this builds stronger bonds be-
                                                                                                                                        tween neighbors and helps maintain safe neighborhoods.

                                                                                                                                                           Courtesy of Tech. Sgt. Samuel Jalomo, 56th SFS

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