Page 23 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-10-15
P. 23

Thunderbolt                                                            SPORTS                                                                                   July 10, 2015
Falcons win championship
                                                                                                                                    Sports Shorts
     Senior Airman                                                                                                                Body building competition

DEVANTE WILLIAMS                                                                                                                     A men’s bodybuilding and physique,
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                                                                                                  ÀQDOFRPSHWLWLRQLVSP$XJDWWKH
                                                                                                                                  Luke Air Force Base theater. Weigh-in
The Luke Air Force Base Falcons dove                                                                                              is 11 a.m. and the preliminary round
onto the diamond June 28 against the                                                                                              is 1 p.m. The cost is $50 per military
Peoria Athletics during the City of Surprise                                                                                      member, $60 per nonmilitary member
Adult Baseball League Championship at                                                                                             if registered by Aug. 7. After that there
WKH6XUSULVH6SRUWV&RPSOH[EDVHEDOOÀHOG                                                                                       is an additional cost of $15 per person.
The Falcons defeated the Athletics 8-2.                                                                                           Spectator admission is $5 for the 1 p.m.
The Falcons entered the game as the No.                                                                                           show, $8 for the 5 p.m. show and $8 for
1 seed, also making their fourth straight                                                                                         both. Children ages 10 and under are
appearance in the championship.                                                                                                   free. For more information, call 623-
´:HFDPHLQWRWKHJDPHZLWKFRQÀGHQFH                                                                                            856-6241.
due to our tough defensive play throughout
the regular season,” said Nico George,                                                                                            Family golf month
Falcons head coach. “With our best pitcher
on the mound and a solid defense to back                                                                                             July is family golf month at Falcon
him up, we were prepared to face one of                                                                                           Dunes Golf Course. Youth ages 6 to 17
the leading scoring teams in the league.”                                                                                         play free with a paying adult. For more
Despite the Athletics being the leading                                                                                           information, call 623-535-9334.
scorer throughout the season, it wasn’t
enough to defeat the Falcons.                                                                                                     Intro. to scuba
“We played well throughout the whole
JDPHµKHVDLG´7KHÀUVWWZRLQQLQJVZHUH                                                                                          A two-day Introduction to Scuba class
slow for us, but we were able to get back                                                                                         is Aug. 8 and 9 at the Silver Wings Pool.
in the groove and take a commanding                                                                                               7KH FRVW LV  SHU LGHQWLÀFDWLRQ FDUG
lead to win the game and bring the trophy                                                                                         holder and $10 per single airman. Reg-
back home.                                                                                                                        ister by Aug. 3. For more information,
-RVH 'LD] )DOFRQV RXWÀHOGHU EHOLHYHG                                                                                       call 623-856-6267.
they had what it took to win.
   “We played as a team and were able         -RVH'LD]WK/RJLVWLFV5HDGLQHVV6TXDGURQUXQVWR¿UVWEDVHGXULQJWKHFKDP-    Silver Wings Pool

to make smart decisions throughout the        pionship matchup June 28 against the Peoria Athletics at Surprise Sports Complex       The Silver Wings Pool is open 6 a.m.
game,” he said. “Many of us are deploying     EDVHEDOO¿HOG7KH)DOFRQVGHIHDWHGWKH$WKOHWLFV                              to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, 11
                                                                                                                                  a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to
this summer, so it’s nice to win the cham-                                                                                        7 p.m. Sunday. For more information,
pionship and celebrate with the team.”                                                                                            call 623-856-7120.
                                              he said. “We won it last spring, so we’re deployments and teammates permanently
George is excited to bring the trophy back-to-back champions. To win it two changing duty stations. Hopefully we can              Free-weight rooms
back to Luke.                                 years in a row is amazing especially with take the winter league championship as
                                                                                                                                     The Luke Air Force Base Bryant Fit-
                                                                                                                                  ness Center offers free-weight rooms
                                                                                                                                  for strength workouts. They are open
                                                                                                                                  information, call 623-856-6241.

“It feels good to win the whole thing,” a team that’s been undermanned with well.”

of the

                )ULGD\-XO\0/%                  Airman              Airman 1st Class                Airman 1st Class                 Staff Sgt.         Airman 1st Class
Chicago White Sox vs. Chicago Cubs               Brandon Wright              .HQGDOO*ULI¿Q                 Andrew Butler                Eugene Lofton             Robert Dias
                                                56th Fighter Wing                                                                 56th Maintenance Group
             Washington vs. Baltimore                                  56th Operations Group       56th Mission Support Group             Chicago Cubs        56th Medical Group
                St. Louis vs. Pittsburgh           Chicago Cubs               Chicago Cubs                Chicago White Sox                                       Chicago Cubs
                                                     Washington                 Washington                     Washington                  Washington               Washington
              N.Y. Yankees vs. Boston                 Pittsburgh                 Pittsburgh                      St. Louis                   St. Louis                St. Louis
                                                    N.Y. Yankees               N.Y. Yankees                       Boston                      Boston               N.Y. Yankees
                Oakland vs. Cleveland                  Oakland                    Oakland                       Cleveland                   Cleveland                 Oakland
                  Arizona vs. N.Y. Mets                Arizona                    Arizona                         Arizona                     Arizona                N.Y Mets
                                                       Houston                    Houston                      Tampa Bay                     Houston                  Houston
               Houston vs. Tampa Bay                 San Diego                  San Diego                          Texas                    San Diego                   Texas
                   San Diego vs. Texas
                                                    San Antonio                San Antonio                     San Antonio                    Indiana               San Antonio
)ULGD\6XQGD\-XO\:1%$                     Chicago                  Minnesota                        Chicago                    Minnesota                Minnesota
               San Antonio vs. Indiana                 Phoenix                    Phoenix                        Phoenix                      Phoenix                 Phoenix
                Minnesota vs. Chicago                      LA                                                        LA
                     Phoenix vs. Seattle                Atlanta                     Tulsa                         Atlanta                      Tulsa                    Tulsa
                              LA vs. Tulsa             Chicago                       N.Y.                        Chicago                        N.Y.                     N.Y.
                          N.Y. vs. Atlanta             Phoenix                 Connecticut                       Phoenix                   Connecticut              Connecticut
              Connecticut vs. Chicago                                             Phoenix                                                     Phoenix                 Phoenix
                     Seattle vs. Phoenix            San Antonio                San Antonio                     San Antonio                  Minnesota                Minnesota

   San Antonio Stars vs. Minnesota                   56 percent                 44 percent                      44 percent                  50 percent               50 percent
                                        Lynx         52 percent                 56 percent                      52 percent                  55 percent               59 percent
                                              "My picks are too hot!"    "Oscar the grouch has          "I'll bleed red and gold     ”It doesn't matter who       "Let the results
             Last week’s percentage                                    nothing on my trash talk."           till the day I die"    wins. The Detroit Tigers  speak for themselves."
             Year to date percentage                                                                    — Kansas City Chiefs              are my pick."

                                Trash talk
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