Page 11 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-10-15
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Thunderbolt                                            NEWS                                                                                                            July 10, 2015

Drivers – ‘Pull Aside, Stay Alive’ this monsoon season

   PHOENIX — Where will you be when the                “We hope motorists have heard the message                   Tips for drivers who encounter a dust storm:
dust settles?                                       that driving into a dust storm is dangerous
                                                    DQGVKRXOGEHDYRLGHGµVDLG$'27'LUHFWRU                    ‡ Avoid driving into or through a dust storm.
   That’s a question the Arizona Department of      John Halikowski. “But every day we have                        ‡ If you encounter a dust storm, check traffic immediately around your
Transportation is asking motorists this year as     new-to-Arizona drivers, and young drivers,
another summer monsoon season has begun.            who may not yet know about ‘Pull Aside,                          YHKLFOHIURQWEDFNDQGWRWKHVLGHDQGEHJLQVORZLQJGRZQ
                                                    Stay Alive.’ If you know a new driver, take                    ‡ Do not wait until poor visibility makes it difficult to safely pull off the
   )RU WKH IRXUWK FRQVHFXWLYH \HDU $'27 LV  a moment to remind him or her about dust
rolling out its “Pull Aside, Stay Alive” dust       storm safety.”                                                   roadway – do it as soon as possible. Completely exit the highway if
storm public awareness campaign in an                                                                                you can.
ongoing effort to educate drivers about the             “As the monsoon arrives, this year we’re                   ‡ 'RQRWVWRSLQDWUDYHOODQHRULQWKHHPHUJHQF\ODQHORRNIRUDVDIH
year-round threat of dust storms as monsoon         asking drivers to do the smart thing, the safe                   place to pull completely off the paved portion of the roadway.
VHDVRQ RIÀFLDOO\ EHJDQ LQ $UL]RQD -XQH    thing and plan ahead for possible blowing                      ‡ Stop your vehicle in a position ensuring it is a safe distance from the
Dust storms pose a serious public safety risk       dust and limited visibility along the highway,”                  main roadway and away from where other vehicles may travel.
because they can strike out of nowhere. Motor-      Halikowski said. “It’s better to alter travel                  ‡ Turn off all vehicle lights, including your emergency flashers.
ists can protect themselves if they plan ahead      plans than attempting to drive through dust                    ‡ Set your emergency brake and take your foot off the brake.
and know the safe actions to take when the          storms. It’s a risk you don’t have to take.”                   ‡ Stay in the vehicle with your seatbelts buckled and wait for the storm
dust hits.                                                                                                           to pass.
                                                       Dust storms develop quickly and dust-                       ‡ Drivers of high-profile vehicles should be especially aware of chang-
   7KLV\HDU$'27DQGSDUWQHUVDWWKH*RY-         related crashes can occur, particularly along                    ing weather conditions and travel at reduced speeds in high wind.
HUQRU·V2IÀFHRI+LJKZD\6DIHW\WKH$UL]RQD       the Interstate 10 corridor between Phoenix                     ‡ A driver’s alertness and safe driving ability are always the top factors
Department of Public Safety and the National        and Tucson. To advise drivers of approach-                       in preventing crashes. It is your responsibility to avoid distracted or
Weather Service have created new television         LQJVWRUPV$'27HPSOR\VDUDQJHRIVWUDW-                       impaired driving.
and radio public-education announcements            egies — including electronic highway mes-                         For more information on weather-related safety, visit
that ask drivers if they know what to do if they    sage boards, social and traditional media,
get caught in a sudden dust storm event. The        FRPPXQLFDWLRQ ZLWK $'27 VWDII DQG ODZ
new TV public service announcement depicts          HQIRUFHPHQW RIÀFHUV LQ WKH ÀHOG WHOHYLVLRQ
a young driver following all the safety recom-      and radio advertising, and close coordination
mendations when she sees a dust storm while         with partnering agencies — to keep informa-
driving along a highway.                            WLRQÁRZLQJWRPRWRULVWV

   $'27·V PLVVLRQ LV WR SURYLGH XVHIXO DQG      For the new public-education video, along
memorable safety information to drivers             with videos from past years, visit PullAsid-
before they get caught in a low-visibility dust The website also includes a
storm. This year, the agency’s top recommen-        safety tip sheet.
dation is to avoid driving into a wall of dust
at all costs.                                                                                    Courtesy of ADOT


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