Page 12 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, May 28, 2021
P. 12
12 May 28, 2021 news Desert lightning news s. neVaDa
DAF releases update on telework, remote work guidance
“The Department of the Air Force vides additional tools and options to of the unit to which they are assigned.
is using lessons learned about tele- help us recruit and retain the right tal- For civilians, this location may be in or
working and remote work during the ent to compete in the high-end future outside of the local commuting area of
pandemic as an opportunity to grow,” fight,” said Lt. Gen. Brian Kelly, Air the regular worksite, but they aren’t re-
said John Fedrigo, acting assistant sec- Force deputy chief of staff for man- quired to report to the regular worksite
retary of the Air Force for manpower power, personnel and services. “With on any frequent, regular or recurring
and reserve affairs. “The pandemic remote work, we can now attract some- basis. For service members approved
has shown we can be successful using one with the specialized skills we need to work remotely, they will perform
telework in many areas of our mission, and not require them to relocate when work in an operating location that is
and it helps to bridge our current force it makes sense for the mission, the in- geographically separated from their
structure to the force we need for the dividual and a member’s development. assigned unit. Arrangements would be
future.” We recognize the value these flexible made to gain support from the closest
Position eligibility is determined by work arrangements can have, in some installation.
The Department of the Air Force the squadron commander, or equiva- circumstances, to enhance work-life The updated guidance also outlines
recently released updated guidance lent, with input from supervisors. balance and maximize organizational conditions for designation of an official
concerning the use of telework and Commanders, or equivalent, will con- productivity.” worksite, equipment and office supplies,
remote work for all civilian employees sider the nature of the work performed, The duties and tasks of staff positions emergency situations, work schedules
and service members worldwide, to and assess whether permitting tele- are generally more suited for full-time and compensation, time and atten-
include active duty, Guard and Reserve work or remote work would diminish telework and remote work. dance, telework training, performance
Airmen and active duty Guardians. the ability to perform successfully or “Although not everyone will be a management, and telework and remote
The DAF guidance memorandum, negatively impact the mission. Even candidate for tele and remote work, work denial and termination.
DoDI1035.01_DAFI 36-816 Telework if a specific position is determined allowing this flexibility to those who For more information, see the
Program, provides necessary clarifica- ineligible for telework or remote work, are makes it easier to serve,” Kelly said. DAF Telework and Remote Work
tion and expands the Department’s use there may be circumstances when the Remote work differs from telework Guide [
of telework and remote work based on Airman/Guardian in this position in that it is a permanent arrangement documents/2021SAF/05_May/Tele-
current lessons learned, pending a com- may be considered for telework on an in which employees perform official work_and_Remote_Work_Guide_14_
prehensive review of the Department of emergency or situational basis. duties at an approved alternative loca- May_2021.pdf] or reference the DAF
the Air Force telework program. “Telework and remote work pro- tion, but not necessarily in the vicinity guidance memorandum.
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