Page 8 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, May 28, 2021
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8 May 28, 2021 news Desert lightning news s. neVaDa Desert lightning news s. neVaDa news May 28, 2021 9
Nellis Arbor DAy
N N e lli s A r b o r D A y Nevada National Guard trio honored for aiding crash victim
an d T r e e Ci T y U s A by Staff Sgt. Ryan Getsie the troops and handed out the
and Tree CiTy UsA
y U
y U
LCC’s coin of excellence.
Nevada National Guard
“These warriors were ca-
LAS VEGAS, Nev. — Three
Nevada Guard Soldiers from pable, ready and responded
immediately to that event,”
1st Squadron, 221st Cavalry Armstrong said. “Because of
were recently recognized for their efforts, they helped save
helping a Virginia woman the life of the driver of that
injured in a car crash while vehicle. I want to thank you
supporting the presidential for everything you have done
inauguration in the nation’s and continue to do. I’ll say
capital. it again, leadership matters.
Captains Tana Gurule and This fine organization is full
Tyler Wistisen and 1st Lt. Mi- of great leaders and you all
chael Flury witnessed a vehicle make a difference every day.”
crash into a cement wall in the Two representatives from
Washington suburb of Fairfax the VFW, Don Pettyjohn
Cayenne Engel, Nevada Division of Forestry resource management officer, County, Va., Jan. 18, 2021. (Post 12093) and Walt Dvback
presents a Tree City USA Arbor Day Foundation flag to Col. Todd Dyer, 99th Gurule, who happens to be a (Post 12119), presented the
Air Base Wing commander, during the Arbor Day celebration at Nellis Air Las Vegas Metropolitan police VFW Life Saving Award to
Force Base, Nev., April 30, 2021. The ceremony ended with Nellis leadership officer, got out of her vehicle, Gurule, Wistisen and Flury
and Nevada Division of Forestry team members planting an Arizona Ash and pulled the shattered wind- as the entire Squadron looked
Shoestring Acacia tree in the Maj. Gen. Billy McCoy Environmental Grove. shield off the woman’s car, on and congratulated the Sol-
and began to render first aid. National Guard photograph by Staff Sgt. Ryan Getsie diers. Since Gurule rendered
Col. Anthony Figiera, 99th She found a pulse and opened From left: Capt. Tyler Wistisen, 1st Lt. Michael Flury and Capt. Tana Gurule were honored by the Veterans of lifesaving first aid to the vic-
Several members of the 99th Air Base Wing prepare to plant a Mission Support Group the woman’s airway, while Foreign Wars with the Life Saving Award at the Clark County Armory in Las Vegas May 14, 2021. While in the tim, she received the award
Shoestring Acacia tree during the Arbor Day celebration at Nellis commander, holds an Wistisen and Flury provided nation’s capital in January supporting the presidential inauguration, the Soldiers assisted a Virginia woman with valor.
Air Force Base, Nev., April 30, 2021. The ceremony ended with Nellis Arizona Ash tree steady assistance and summoned injured in a car crash. “The victim’s mother called
leadership and Nevada Division of Forestry team members planting as Cayenne Engel, Nevada medical personnel. each one of us about how she
an Arizona Ash and Shoestring Acacia tree in the Maj. Gen. Billy McCoy Division of Forestry resource “She looked deceased, but femur, but shortly after being Airmen who were called up On May 14, 2021, the 221st was doing after the accident,”
Environmental Grove. m a n ag em en t o f f i c er, gulped a huge gasp of air admitted was no longer in to support the inauguration. Cavalry and the Veterans of Gurule said. “I’m glad we were
secures it after planting the when her airway was opened,” critical condition, according They were among about 25,000 Foreign Wars held a ceremony there to help render aid and
tree during an Arbor Day Gurule said. “She was alive, to hospital officials. Guardsmen who provided to honor the three Soldiers get the ambulance on scene
celebration at Nellis Air Force thank God.” Gurule, Wistisen and Flury extra law enforcement and se- for their heroic actions. Land quickly. It meant a lot to us
Base, Nev., April 30, 2021. The woman sustained two were three out of 250 Nevada curity after the riot at the U.S. Component Commander Col. knowing she was OK and re-
Nellis was recognized by the broken ankles and a broken National Guard Soldiers and Capitol Jan. 6. Troy Armstrong congratulated covered from the crash.”
Tree City USA foundation for
27 years of great stewardship _______
of the land and its trees. pANDEMiC, from Page 2 ary to infection and inflammation. The floor team assembled and wasted care measures improved and our medical
Almost every admitted COVID patient no time breathing for the patient with a team was thanked for our service/help
to help translate and discuss the severity has gone through multiple courses of bag valve mask. and returned to our home stations.
of the situation with the patient and that antibiotics for pneumonia/sepsis, chronic The floor nurse shouted to the code Since I’ve returned home to my fam-
our recommendation would be for him corticosteroids/albuterol inhaler treat- team that she recently changed to DNR/ ily and Monday through Friday clinic, I
to be placed back on CPAP/BiPAP as he ments, anticoagulant therapies, received no code, and in a blink of an eye I felt her find myself reflecting on this experience.
was not oxygenating well. variations Ofretro/antivirals, Ivermectin, pulse vanish and watched her blood pres- At the time, it was difficult to process
He acknowledged he understood, but convalescent plasma, and a whole host of sure decrease from 90s/60s to nothing. the entirety of the situation, an almost
he no longer wished to push for more other piloted therapies. Also, there was Just like that, she had passed on. The primal instinct kicks in – to try and save
care. He continuously assured me he significant risk in taking patients off wall staff around had looked at me and asked as many lives as possible.
was “bien” as he struggled to breathe O2 for CT, limiting imaging options. me if I was going to call time of death, as I sometimes think about if we could
through the mask, even declining pain Another patient I cared for was a I realized I was the only provider pres- have made more of a difference if our
medication. 67-year-old obese female with diabetes ent. This was a new situation for me, and aid arrived just one month sooner. How
We attempted to have the nursing staff that had been in the hospital for about flooded with adrenaline and surreality, many lives could we have potentially
set up a video call to his family, but he three weeks and was full code. I pronounced her dead, informed my saved?
unfortunately passed too quickly. I think She was overall improving until the supervising physician and the medi- I think about all the hardship these
about this man a lot and the strength night she was found to be unconscious cine team, and then continued with my medical professionals endured during
and courage he possessed, he wanted to and desaturating by nursing staff. I dis- rounds. this past year. They are all truly heroes.
fight to the very end and see his family cussed my concern for a clot with my But, not all cases were completely I find comfort in knowing that we did
and friends again. He was willing to supervising physician, who agreed with morbid. I had success stories, as well. all that we could, but it has been a bitter
fight through the struggle of suffocation my recommendation for a bedside trans- A patient hospitalized with COVID- pill to swallow that we could not save
knowing the risks of the alternative. thoracic ultrasound, which showed a large induced Guillain Barre Syndrome who everyone. Medical professionals get into
He both inspires me and reminds me right ventricle thrombus. left the hospital by wheelchair and will this line of work to help others, not have
no matter how strong a person’s mind is We weighed the risky options of surgi- require a lengthy road to recovery, but that ability taken away.
there is also a limitation to how far the cal thrombectomy vs TPA, but ultimately miraculously survived. Also, a 20-year- This opportunity may have been
human body can be pushed. decided on therapeutic anticoagulation old with undiagnosed diabetes who a once-in-a-lifetime event, certainly
Chief Master Sgt. Alex Morgan, 99th Air Base Wing I suspect what ultimately led to this as it seemed to be the best option for her developed multi-organ failure and a an atypical experience for a new fam-
command chief, helps plant a Shoestring Acacia tree patient’s death was a common occur- survival. pneumothorax and trached who left the ily practice PA, but something I whole
during the Arbor Day celebration at Nellis Air Force Base, Air Force photographs by Tech. Sgt. Alexandre Montes rence for hospitalized COVID pa- The next morning, she was found hospital for subacute care. heartedly hope never occurs again.
Nev., April 30, 2021. Nellis was recognized by the Tree Cayenne Engel, Nevada Division of Forestry resource management officer, guides the roots of an Arizona Ash tree tients, throwing blood clots to develop unresponsive, not breathing, but with a In what seemed like a flash of time, but My deepest and most severe condo-
City USA foundation for 27 years of great stewardship being planted in the Maj. Gen. Billy McCoy Environmental Grove, during an Arbor Day celebration at Nellis Air Force a pulmonary embolism. Virchow’s pulse. I quickly called the code team, as I had only been about a month, the over- lences go out to all family, friends and
of the land and its trees. Base, Nev., April 30, 2021. triad, immobility causing circulatory was unsure if she had changed to DNR/ flow of patients decreased. For whatever loved ones that have been affected by
stasis and hypercoagulability second- no code or not. reason, infection rates requiring critical COVID-19 in some way.