Page 5 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, May 28, 2021
P. 5
4 May 28, 2021 news Desert lightning news s. neVaDa MEMORIAL DAY
In-Person Flag-In and Memorial Day ceremonies CRAsh, from Page 1 _
Draken provides tacti-
cal aircraft, “adversarial
Memorial Day at the Southern support, electronic attack
Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery or customized rotary
wing training,” and pilots
including former U.S.
The Nevada Department of Veterans Services will be military personnel, for
hosting in-person Flag-In and Memorial Day events at the combat training at Nellis
end of this month as we begin to move past the pandemic. and other sites.
Because we will still be bound by COVID-19 protocols, “We train the next
as mandated by local jurisdictions, the events will be ab- generation of fighter pi-
breviated and look different than prior to the pandemic. lots which is a crucial
Flag-In this year falls on Saturday, May 29. As participants aspect of our national
arrive at either the Northern or Southern Nevada Veterans security,” Childs said in
Memorial Cemetery, they will be assigned to sections of the an email.
cemeteries for flag placement. Flag placement in the north, In August 2016, not
at the Fernley cemetery will begin at 9 a.m. Flag placement far from Nellis, a Drak-
in the south, at the Boulder City cemetery begins at 7 a.m. en pilot with more than
Memorial Day falls on Monday, May 31. The in-person two decades of expe-
ceremonies at both cemeteries will be abbreviated to en- rience received minor
sure COVID-19 protocols regarding large gatherings are injuries when he ejected
followed. before the Douglas A-4K
The ceremony at the Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Skyhawk he was flying
Cemetery in Fernley will begin at 11 a.m. In Boulder City, crashed in the desert
the ceremony at the Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial near the Las Vegas Motor
Cemetery will begin at 1 p.m. Speedway.
Attendees and participants are asked to be mindful of Investigators later said
social distancing and to wear a mask at both Flag-In and it appeared that debris
Memorial Day events. entered the engine of Far away
The southern cemetery is located at 1900 Veterans Me- the Vietnam War-era at-
morial Drive in Boulder City. For more information, call tack jet, causing a loss of
702-486-5920. Courtesy photo power. AP From all they knew,
With hearts of pride
And courage true,
Vowed to serve
As freedom’s light,
And through their strength
Our nation’s might,
They gave all
Our brave defenders,
Where poppies lie,
We will remember.
USAA means United Services Automobile Association and its affiliates. © 2021 USAA. 269282-0521