Page 6 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, May 28, 2021
P. 6
6 May 28, 2021 news Desert lightning news s. neVaDa
Thunderbirds accelerate change with first-ever F-16 conversion
The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds across the maintenance career field its traditional paint scheme by hand.
conducted the in-house conversion of including integrated avionics systems, Staff Sgt. Joshua Sacerio, a struc-
a traditional F-16 Fighting Falcon to a aircraft structural maintenance, elec- tural maintenance technician on the
Thunderbirds demonstration aircraft trical and environmental systems, and dedicated conversion team, had a vital
over the past seven months, and this general tactical aircraft maintenance. role in the conversion process. For his
newest addition to the fleet successfully Together, they pulled off a historical efforts, he was given the opportunity
took flight on May 5, 2021, at Nellis Air mission deemed too difficult to even to fly in the back seat on the aircraft’s
Force Base, Nev. attempt in past years. third training mission.
This transformation is the first time “Converting the F-16 locally is an “It was truly rewarding to see the
in Thunderbirds history the team has incredible testament to the capabilities conversion come full circle,” said Sace-
converted an aircraft. of our Thunderbird Airmen and team rio. “It was a very sentimental experi-
Traditionally, F-16 Fighting Falcon Nellis as a whole,” said Capt. Michael ence working on the aircraft day-in and
aircraft are sent to Hill Air Force Base Bell, Thunderbirds maintenance offi- day-out for the past seven months; and
in Utah to receive their patriotic red, cer. “Taking this innovative approach then to fly in the jet for my first-ever
white and blue makeover before joining and accelerating change within the flight was absolutely incredible.”
the Thunderbirds. While the timelines Thunderbirds squadron allowed our He added it was fulfilling to see the
have differed in the past, the squadron’s maintainers to gain a lot of institu- white smoke trail behind the jet while
recent in- house conversion reduced tional knowledge and enhance the performing aileron rolls during his
the completion time by more than 100 squadron’s capabilities by building it flight because it was a direct result of
days and saved the Air Force roughly themselves.” the time and effort he put in to fabricat-
1.5 million dollars. Transforming a combat-ready F-16 ing and installing the smoke system.
The conversion of the F-16, tail num- into a high-flying Thunderbirds jet Along with Sacerio, Master Sgt. Ty-
ber A91-0470, was led by a dedicated requires more than you’d probably ler Roberts, Tech. Sgt. Antwaun West- Courtesy photo
team of five Thunderbirds mainte- imagine. Not only did the Airmen have erfield, Staff Sgt. Jaimee Smith and
nance Airmen who worked around the to remove the aircraft’s 20MM Gatling Staff Sgt. Joshua Seda devoted count- effort, another traditional F-16 Fight-
clock since November 2020 to ensure gun and ammunition drum to make less hours toward the substantial task. ing Falcon has begun its conversion in
this two-seater aircraft was operation- way for a smoke oil system with inte- This new process proved to be ex- the Thunderbirds hangar with a new
ally ready for the 2021 show season. grated plumbing that works in concert tremely efficient and saved the Air team of dedicated maintenance profes-
This diverse group of Airmen special- with avionics systems and the engine; Force time, manpower and money. Due sionals. Its projected maiden flight is
ize in various air force career specialties but they also painted the entire jet with to the success of this transformative coming this winter.
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