Page 19 - Wings 5-22-15
P. 19

DESERT WINGS CLASSIFIEDSMay22,2015                                                                                                                            Desert Wings 19

Employment Opportunities Employment Opportunities                     Employment Opportunities                                     NEW FOR
                                                                                                                             CLASSIFIED ADS
            Safety or                  NASA Armstrong                         WANTED                                                                             Experienced Safety and
 Environmental Positions                                                    NEWSPAPER                                             You can now                 Environmental Professionals
If you are interested in applying   Senior Environmental                                                                         get your Paid
                                                                              COURIER                                            Classified Ads                  MECX is seeking experienced safety
    for work on the upcoming                 Scientist                                                                        highlighted in                   professionals with Bachelor’s Degrees
 AFRC Safety & Environmental                                                   Weekly-Friday                                                                  RU&HUWL¿HG6DIHW\6SHFLDOLVWFHUWL¿FDWLRQ
                                   Education and Experience:              Early Morning AM Shift                                   Yellow!
   Contract, please send your         DBS in an environmental              Must Have Access to                                                                    DQGRU6SHFLDOL]HG6DIHW\WUDLQLQJ
              resume to:                                                  Edwards Air Force Base                                       Homes for Rent           and environmental professionals with
                                   UHODWHG¿HOGDQGD         Must Have Pick-Up Truck or                                                               experience and a Bachelor’s Degree              minimum 10-years of              Larger Vehicle/Mini-Van                             Beautiful and Spacious
   Davis Strategic Innovations           progressive                                                                          2 Master Bedrooms/2.5                WRVXSSRUWWKH1$6$$UPVWURQJ
                                         environmental                           Clean DMV                                                                       )OLJKW5HVHDUFK&HQWHU6DIHW\DQG
              Website is:                management experience             For More Information,                              SampleBaths/2 Car Garage. 1332       (QYLURQPHQWDO6XSSRUWFRQWUDFW
                                   DCollective experience                  Call 661-949-7293                                sq. ft. in Gate Community.             Please e-mail
    NASA Armstrong                       should be in waste                       or Email:                                   Appliances included. Fenced               to schedule an interview
   Senior Level Safety                   management, Resource                                                                 Yard, Community Pool.
                                         Conservation and                                  $995/mo.                           or to visit MECX DWRXURSHQKRXVH
        Professional                     Recovery Act (RCRA)                                                                                                                       (EOE)
                                         requirements, pollution         LOOKING for the                                          Homes for Rent
Education and Experience:                prevention assessments,        BEST APPLICANT?                                        Apartments for Rent
   DBS in Occupational Safety            analytical services,                                                                Employment Opportunities
      and Health, Fire                   environmental training, Air     *****************************
      protection engineering,            regulations and                       Place An Ad for                                      Cars & Trucks
      Industrial Hygiene                 permitting, Storage Tanks                                                           Furniture & Appliances
                                         and environmental                 Your Business Today!
D6-15 years of Safety &                compliance auditing,                  Aerotech News                                          Yard Sales
      Health experience to               Environmental                         877-247-9288                                            Services
      include areas of expertise         Management Systems,                                                                     and many more…
      in Fall Protection; Mishap         NEPA, Cultural/Natural             13 MILLION
      Investigation; Construction        Resources.                            ACRES…                                         For information,
      Safety; Electrical Safety;                                                                                                     call
      Life Safety (Life Safety     DExperience working with            AND COUNTING
      Code);Hazard                      and/or implementing                                                                        toll free
                                        ISO14001                                Since its founding in 1937,                     877-247-9288
,GHQWL¿FDWLRQDQG                                                Ducks Unlimited has conserved more
     Abatement                     DExperience managing and           than 13 million acres of habitat for North           Notice is hereby given that the undersigned intends to sell the
                                        mentoring mid-level and          America’s waterfowl and other wildlife.             personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed
DIndividual with at least 1           technical staff. Ability to                                                          on said property pursuant to Sections 21700-21716 of the
      year experience inspecting        assign tasks according to        For more information,                               Business & Professions Code, Section 2328 of the UCC.
      pressure vessels IAW              the customer needs.               go to                                Section 535 of the Penal Code and provisions of the Civil Code.
     ASME standards
                                   DAbility to interface with         1-800-45-DUCKS                                       The undersigned will sell at a public sale by competitive bidding
DFamiliarity with The                 internal and external                                                                on the 4th day of June, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. by American
      National Board of Boiler          customers, and senior              A CFC participant - provided as a public service  Auctioneers, 1 (800) 838-7653, Bond #FS8632014, on the
      and Pressure Vessel               management                                                                           premises where said property has been stored and which are
      systems in conjunction                                                                                                 located at:
      with aircraft considered a   DPrior military or
      plus                              experience working on a                                                              West Side Storage, 2061 West Avenue J-8
                                        military installation
DAbility to interface with            considered a plus but not                                                            County of Los Angeles, State of California, City of Lancaster,
      internal and external             required                                                                             the following:
      customers, and senior
      management                   DExperience with                                                                        La-Nay Batchelor: tubs, boxes, igloo cooler, luggage,
                                        SCQAMD and/or Kern                                                                   headboard. Aaron Nix: car jacks, gas can, mattress and
DPrior military or                    County APCD                                                                          box springs, furniture. Conrad Flynn: wicker chairs, boxes,
      experience working on a           experience considered                                                                furniture, household items, toys. Miguel Mauricio Ramirez: air
      military installation             a plus                                                                               compressor, tools, ladders, yard equipment, misc shop items,
      considered a plus but not                                                                                              shelving. Cornelle Urssery: boxes, misc. Jose Martinez:
      required                     DCEP, REP REM or other                                                                  RI¿FH FKDLU HOHFWURQLFV ER[HV VKHOYHV IDQ PLVF Breanna
                                        professionally recognized                                                            Perez: entertainment center, bed frame, kids toys, boxes, tubs.
     For More Information,              environmental                                                                        Stephany Washington: motorized scooter, bird baths, boxes,
         Please Contract:                                                                                                    tubs, furniture, household items. Daniel Hunt: mountain bikes,
                                   FHUWL¿FDWLRQOLFHQVHLVD                                                         entertainment center, boogie board, bags, boxes. Vaughn               plus or the ability to                                                               Nelson: speakers, furniture, book shelf, entertainment center,
   Davis Strategic Innovations          obtain one                                                                           trophies, boxes.

                                      For More Information,
                                         Please Contract:

                                   Davis Strategic Innovations


YOU JUST BLEW $10,000.

Buzzed. Busted. Broke.
Get caught, and you could be paying around $10,000 in fines,
legal fees and increased insurance rates.

Buzzed driving is drunk driving.
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