Page 15 - Wings 5-22-15
P. 15

May 22, 2015                                                                                                                                     Desert Wings 15

ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 14                             ‡033OD\DZD\                              Save money by purchasing an annual mem-         lesson, per student. Call for available lesson
                                                   ‡5RVHWWD6WRQH&'5206SDQLVKDQG          bership! Our memberships run from April 1       days/times.
your “sea legs” in gear and get over to the      Russian only                                    through March 31 but you can join now with
,QIRUPDWLRQ7LFNHWV	7UDYHORI¿FHEHFDXVH       New Items: Visit the library every Tues-      these pro-rated rates:                            .LQGHU¿GGOHEHJLQQLQJYLROLQCost is
the prices are lower than ‘sea level’—call the   day to be the first one to borrow new re-                                                       $28 per half hour lesson, per student. Call
,77RI¿FHWRGD\VRZHFDQVKRZ\RXWKDW         leased books, DVDs, Blu-ray, TV series,           E1-E4: $350                                   for available lesson days/times.
you don’t have to ‘sink to swim’!                books on CD and more. We invite you to            E5 and above/Retirees/DOD Civilians/
                                                 sign up for the Information Awareness Pro-      Contractors: $475                                 Hula Lessons: Thursday, $20 per month
  Armed Forces Vacation Club:/HWXV¿QG        gram, to receive a weekly email containing        Guests: $575                                  for beginners, $25 per month for intermedi-
your dream vacation rental! Forget cramped       the complete list of new items. Call or email     Family Memberships are available along        ate and advanced.
quarters—get access to Space-A resort rent-      the library for more information.               with monthly payment plans. New rates ef-
als worldwide for one low weekly price!            Universal Class Now Available: Get ac-        fective April 1, 2015, and run through March    Outdoor Recreation
Spread out in family-sized (two to eight         cess to Universal Class today! This program     31, 2016. For more information, call MLGC
people) resort accommodations, many of           offers more than 500 online courses on a        at 661-275-7888.                                  1100 Kincheloe Ave., 661-275-CAMP
which include on-site recreational facilities,   wide range of subjects/levels, available 24/7,
living rooms, kitchens, washer and dryer,        instructor led, self-paced. Universal Class     Oasis Community Center                            Luau at Muroc Pool: May 22, 4-8 p.m.,
kids’ activities, and on-site pools. Start your  courses are informational and designed to                                                       at Club Muroc. Register by May 20 at Out-
search today—you’ve earned it!                   enhance student knowledge, increase skills        205 W. Popson Ave., 661-275-CNTR              door Recreation. Cost is $10 and is open to
                                                 and stimulate interest in a subject. Visit the                                                  all children. Come out to the Muroc Pool
  ITT Pricelist & Other Events: To see           Library for more information.                     Lunch Hour Ping Pong Tournament:              for a smashing good time with Hula dancers
the current ITT price list for events, parks,                                                    May 22, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Entry fee is       and fun events (turtle rides, limbo dancing,
hotels and discount information, visit                                                           $2, and entry fees go to the overall winner.    Pig Ball make a Lei, etc.). Bring your grass For the most up-to-date                                                                                                          skirt! No outside food and drinks are permit-
information, press the F5 key to refresh page.                                                                                                   ted. Food and beverages available at Club
Library                                          Muroc Lake Golf Course                            Zumba
                                                                                                   Monday and Wednesday: 11 a.m.-noon.             Oasis Pool and Climbing Wall Closure:
  5 W. Yeager Blvd., Bldg. 2665, 661-275-          111 Crest Dr., 661-275-PUTT                     Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays: 7–8          Due to roof renovations and upgrades the
BOOK                                                                                             p.m.                                            Oasis Pool and climbing wall are closed with
                                                   Twilight Golf: Daily, 3:30 p.m.-sunset.         Tuesdays: 4:30–5:30 p.m.                      an ECD in July 2015. The renovation and
  IVVIVGOZRUNÀRZ#HGZDUGVDIPLO             Had a long day at work? Take a little time        Cost is $3 per person, per class, discount    upgrade is an effort to improve the interior
                                                 to relax and enjoy some golf! Our ‘Twilight     for advanced purchase a 10-classes.             water and air temperature. The facility will
  Memorial Day Story Time: May 22, 10            Special’ is a great way to end the day, get a                                                   reopen and resume normal hours of opera-
a.m. Toddlers and pre-school children are in-    few holes in before dark and save money!        Monthly Instructional Classes                   tion once the project has been completed.
vited to join for a wonderful story time and                                                       All classes are conducted at the Oasis Com-
create very unique craft projects. Volunteer       E1-E4: $4.50 green fees                                                                         Private Swimming Lessons: Cost is $10
readers are welcome.                               E5 and Above/DOD: $6.50 green fees            munity Center. For more information, call       for up to a 30-minute lesion. Let our expe-
                                                   Contractors and guests: $8.50 green fees      (661) 275-2687. Use your PLAYpass here.         rienced Water Safety Instructors teach your
  the Library: Available for a loan period of      Carts: $5 per seat                                                                            children swimming and enjoyment of the
two weeks; each item may be renewed at the         Golf carts need to be returned by 6 p.m.        Classical Guitar Lessons: Cost is $28 per     water. Call Outdoor Recreation after May 1
library only, if there are no pending requests   and walkers can play until dark.                half hour lesson, per student. Call for avail-  to join the request list.
by other customers:                                Annual Membership: Are you a frequent         able lesson days/times.
                                                 visitor to the Muroc Lake Golf Course?                                                            Group Swimming Lessons
  ‡%RRNV                                                                                          Basic/Beginning Drum Lessons: Cost is           Monday-Friday, 9-1 a.m.
  ‡%RRNVDQG&'6HWV                                                                            $28 per half hour lesson, per student. Call
                                                                                                 for available lesson days/times.                             See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 16

                                                                                                   Piano Lessons: Cost is $28 per half hour

Deployment                                                                                       Mary’s Place Menu
                                                                                                     (Bldg. 1600)
Send-Off                                                                                               May 26-29

and Information Fair                                                                                    All Specials $7.89
                                                                                                        Drink not included

June 9th, Tuesday                                                                                Lunch Specials                                  Dinner Specials
from 5pm to 7pm                                                                                  10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.                            5 p.m. to 8

The Airman & Family Readiness Center is hosting a deployment send-off and information            Monday                                          Monday
fair. Representatives from Legal, Finance, Medical Group, Chaplains, Information Security
and                                                                                              CLOSED                                          CLOSED
Airmen and their families.
                                                                                                 Tuesday                                         Tuesday
              This event will be held at the     Food &    pbreovveidraegdes
                                                  will be                                        Fried chicken                                   Stuffed pepper
              Airman & Family
              Readiness Center                   wCihllilbdereanv’saialacbtilveities             Mashed potatoes w/ gravy                        And one side your choice
              90 Farrell Drive                                                                   Vegetables
              Bldg 5620                                                                                                                          Wednesday
                                                 for more information call                                                                       Sweet ‘n sour chicken
                                                                                                 Teriyaki chicken
                                                 MSgt Damian Spaits                                                                              Fried rice & egg roll
                                                 (661) 277- 0723                                 Fried rice & egg Roll
                                                                                                                                                 Chicken dried ateak
                                                                                                 Stuffed green pepper
                                                                                                                                                 Mashed potatoes w/ gravy
                                                                                                 Any side                                        Mixed vegetables

                                                                                                 Friday                                          Friday

                                                                                                 Baked cod or fried catfish                      Fried catfish or baked fish

                                                                                                 Macaroni and cheese                             Macaroni and Cheese
                                                                                                 Mixed vegetables                                Mixed vegetables
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20