Page 15 - Wings 5-22-15
P. 15
May 22, 2015 Desert Wings 15
ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 14 033OD\DZD\ Save money by purchasing an annual mem- lesson, per student. Call for available lesson
5RVHWWD6WRQH&'5206SDQLVKDQG bership! Our memberships run from April 1 days/times.
your “sea legs” in gear and get over to the Russian only through March 31 but you can join now with
,QIRUPDWLRQ7LFNHWV 7UDYHORI¿FHEHFDXVH New Items: Visit the library every Tues- these pro-rated rates: .LQGHU¿GGOHEHJLQQLQJYLROLQCost is
the prices are lower than ‘sea level’—call the day to be the first one to borrow new re- $28 per half hour lesson, per student. Call
,77RI¿FHWRGD\VRZHFDQVKRZ\RXWKDW leased books, DVDs, Blu-ray, TV series, E1-E4: $350 for available lesson days/times.
you don’t have to ‘sink to swim’! books on CD and more. We invite you to E5 and above/Retirees/DOD Civilians/
sign up for the Information Awareness Pro- Contractors: $475 Hula Lessons: Thursday, $20 per month
Armed Forces Vacation Club:/HWXV¿QG gram, to receive a weekly email containing Guests: $575 for beginners, $25 per month for intermedi-
your dream vacation rental! Forget cramped the complete list of new items. Call or email Family Memberships are available along ate and advanced.
quarters—get access to Space-A resort rent- the library for more information. with monthly payment plans. New rates ef-
als worldwide for one low weekly price! Universal Class Now Available: Get ac- fective April 1, 2015, and run through March Outdoor Recreation
Spread out in family-sized (two to eight cess to Universal Class today! This program 31, 2016. For more information, call MLGC
people) resort accommodations, many of offers more than 500 online courses on a at 661-275-7888. 1100 Kincheloe Ave., 661-275-CAMP
which include on-site recreational facilities, wide range of subjects/levels, available 24/7,
living rooms, kitchens, washer and dryer, instructor led, self-paced. Universal Class Oasis Community Center Luau at Muroc Pool: May 22, 4-8 p.m.,
kids’ activities, and on-site pools. Start your courses are informational and designed to at Club Muroc. Register by May 20 at Out-
search today—you’ve earned it! enhance student knowledge, increase skills 205 W. Popson Ave., 661-275-CNTR door Recreation. Cost is $10 and is open to
and stimulate interest in a subject. Visit the all children. Come out to the Muroc Pool
ITT Pricelist & Other Events: To see Library for more information. Lunch Hour Ping Pong Tournament: for a smashing good time with Hula dancers
the current ITT price list for events, parks, May 22, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Entry fee is and fun events (turtle rides, limbo dancing,
hotels and discount information, visit $2, and entry fees go to the overall winner. Pig Ball make a Lei, etc.). Bring your grass For the most up-to-date skirt! No outside food and drinks are permit-
information, press the F5 key to refresh page. ted. Food and beverages available at Club
Library Muroc Lake Golf Course Zumba
Monday and Wednesday: 11 a.m.-noon. Oasis Pool and Climbing Wall Closure:
5 W. Yeager Blvd., Bldg. 2665, 661-275- 111 Crest Dr., 661-275-PUTT Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays: 7–8 Due to roof renovations and upgrades the
BOOK p.m. Oasis Pool and climbing wall are closed with
Twilight Golf: Daily, 3:30 p.m.-sunset. Tuesdays: 4:30–5:30 p.m. an ECD in July 2015. The renovation and
IVVIVGOZRUNÀRZ#HGZDUGVDIPLO Had a long day at work? Take a little time Cost is $3 per person, per class, discount upgrade is an effort to improve the interior
to relax and enjoy some golf! Our ‘Twilight for advanced purchase a 10-classes. water and air temperature. The facility will
Memorial Day Story Time: May 22, 10 Special’ is a great way to end the day, get a reopen and resume normal hours of opera-
a.m. Toddlers and pre-school children are in- few holes in before dark and save money! Monthly Instructional Classes tion once the project has been completed.
vited to join for a wonderful story time and All classes are conducted at the Oasis Com-
create very unique craft projects. Volunteer E1-E4: $4.50 green fees Private Swimming Lessons: Cost is $10
readers are welcome. E5 and Above/DOD: $6.50 green fees munity Center. For more information, call for up to a 30-minute lesion. Let our expe-
Contractors and guests: $8.50 green fees (661) 275-2687. Use your PLAYpass here. rienced Water Safety Instructors teach your
the Library: Available for a loan period of Carts: $5 per seat children swimming and enjoyment of the
two weeks; each item may be renewed at the Golf carts need to be returned by 6 p.m. Classical Guitar Lessons: Cost is $28 per water. Call Outdoor Recreation after May 1
library only, if there are no pending requests and walkers can play until dark. half hour lesson, per student. Call for avail- to join the request list.
by other customers: Annual Membership: Are you a frequent able lesson days/times.
visitor to the Muroc Lake Golf Course? Group Swimming Lessons
%RRNV Basic/Beginning Drum Lessons: Cost is Monday-Friday, 9-1 a.m.
%RRNVDQG&'6HWV $28 per half hour lesson, per student. Call
for available lesson days/times. See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 16
Piano Lessons: Cost is $28 per half hour
Deployment Mary’s Place Menu
(Bldg. 1600)
Send-Off May 26-29
and Information Fair All Specials $7.89
Drink not included
June 9th, Tuesday Lunch Specials Dinner Specials
from 5pm to 7pm 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 5 p.m. to 8
The Airman & Family Readiness Center is hosting a deployment send-off and information Monday Monday
fair. Representatives from Legal, Finance, Medical Group, Chaplains, Information Security
Airmen and their families.
Tuesday Tuesday
This event will be held at the Food & pbreovveidraegdes
will be Fried chicken Stuffed pepper
Airman & Family
Readiness Center wCihllilbdereanv’saialacbtilveities Mashed potatoes w/ gravy And one side your choice
90 Farrell Drive Vegetables
Bldg 5620 Wednesday
for more information call Sweet ‘n sour chicken
Teriyaki chicken
MSgt Damian Spaits Fried rice & egg roll
(661) 277- 0723 Fried rice & egg Roll
Chicken dried ateak
Stuffed green pepper
Mashed potatoes w/ gravy
Any side Mixed vegetables
Friday Friday
Baked cod or fried catfish Fried catfish or baked fish
Macaroni and cheese Macaroni and Cheese
Mixed vegetables Mixed vegetables