Page 12 - Wings 5-22-15
P. 12

12 Desert Wings       Announcements                                                                                                                                                                                May 22, 2015

Force Support Squadron                                                  lowing:                                                                        CFI, CFII, and ATP. Aircraft rentals range from $131-$145
                                                                          ‡$HUR&OXE)O\LQJVXQULVHWRVXQVHWRI¿FHFORVHG                          per hour, instructor $45 per hour by appointment. Multi-
  5 N. Seller’s Ave., Bldg. 3000                                          ‡+LJK'HVHUW,QQRSHQGD\VDZHHNKRXUVDGD\                       Engine, Commercial, ATP, CFI, and CFII. Aircraft $300 per
                                                                          ‡-RVKXD7UHH'LQLQJ)DFLOLW\%UXQFKDPSP'LQ-                   hour, instructor $45 per hour by appointment.
Family Down Day Hours—May 22
  Hours of operation for all OPEN 412th FSS facilities:                 ner, 4:30 p.m.-7 p.m.; Midnight Meal, 11 p.m.-1 a.m.                             Rentals: Your Aero Club offers Cessna 172s, Cessna 182s,
  ‡$HUR&OXEDPSP                                              ‡0XURF/DNH*ROI&RXUVHDPSP6DQGEDJJHU                      and a Baron for rent. Contact the Aero Club for reservations
  ‡$UWV	&UDIWVDPSP                                                                                                                       and costs.
  ‡$XWR+REE\DPSP                                           Grill: 7 a.m.-2 p.m.
  ‡&KLOG'HYHORSPHQW&HQWHUDPSP                            ‡5RVEXUJ)LWQHVV&HQWHUDPSP                                        Learn to Fly: The sky is the limit at the Edwards AFB
  ‡+LJK'HVHUW,QQRSHQGD\VDZHHNKRXUVDGD\                                                                                                Aero Club. Experience the thrill of piloting an aircraft. Your
  ‡+LJK'HVHUW/DQHV%RZOLQJ&HQWHUDPPLGQLJKW               MPS Operating Hours                                                            ORFDO$HUR&OXESURYLGHVPDQ\VWDJHVRIÀLJKWWUDLQLQJIURP
  ‡,QIRUPDWLRQ7LFNHWV	7RXUVDPSP                           In order to stay aligned to new and existing personnel pro-                  \RXU¿UVWLQWURGXFWRU\ÀLJKWWKURXJKVRORWKHQRQWRSULYDWH
  ‡-RVKXD7UHH'LQLQJ)DFLOLW\%UXQFKDPSP'LQ-                                                                                           commercial and instructors’ ratings. The choice is yours.
                                                                        gram processes, the Military Personnel Section has changed                     Whether your aim is recreational or a career path, your Aero
ner, 4:30-7 p.m.; Midnight Meal, 11 p.m.-1 a.m.                         its customer service hours.                                                    Club will train you to the highest standard with safety always
  ‡/LEUDU\DPSP                                                                                                                             foremost.
  ‡0XURF/DNH*ROI&RXUVHDPSP6DQGEDJJHU                 The new hours are: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Thursday;
                                                                        DPQRRQ)ULGD\DQGFORVHGHYHU\¿UVW0RQGD\RIWKH                   Airman and Family Readiness
Grill: 7 a.m.-2 p.m.                                                    month for base training day.
  ‡2DVLV&RPPXQLW\&HQWHUDPSP                                                                                                               90 Farrell Drive, Bldg.5620, 661-277-0723
  ‡2XWGRRU5HFUHDWLRQDPSP                               Personnel experts will be on hand for emergency situations
  ‡3DQGD([SUHVVDPSP                                       from 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. CAC/DEERS, passports/visas, and                         Pre-Separation Counseling: May 27, 8:32-11 a.m. This
  ‡5RVEXUJ)LWQHVV&HQWHUDPSP                               awards and decorations customer service hours remain un-                       LVDSUHUHTXLVLWHIRUWKH¿YHGD\7UDQVLWLRQ$VVLVWDQFH3UR-
  ‡6FKRRO$JH$QQH[DPSP                                  FKDQJHG7KRVHRI¿FHVDUHRSHQDPSP0RQ-                       gram. Spouses are highly encouraged to attend. Sign up by
  ‡<RXWK7HHQ&HQWHUSPSP                                      day-Friday with the exception of federal holidays and AFMC                     calling the A&FRC at 661-277-0723 or Dean Murphree at
                                                                        Family Days.                                                                   661-277-0230.
  FSS facilities that will be CLOSED:
  WK)66)URQW2I¿FH                                                 By altering customer service hours, members of the MPS                         Moms, Pops, & Tots: Second and fourth Thursday of the
  ‡$LUPDQ	)DPLO\5HDGLQHVV                                           will have more time to train on the ever-changing personnel                    month. The A&FRC offers free playgroup sessions for par-
  ‡&OXE0XURF                                                          services, improve data base integrity, and conduct contingency                 ents and children to share in the development of their child’s
  ‡&LYLOLDQ3HUVRQQHO                                                  training to ensure customer needs are met.                                     early skills, abilities, social interactions, and individuality-all
  ‡(GXFDWLRQ2I¿FH                                                                                                                                   while having fun together and meet new friends. To sign up
  ‡)DPLO\&KLOG&DUH                                                     If you require emergency assistance related to Military Per-                 or for more information, call Maria Chapa at 661-277-0723.
  ‡0LOLWDU\3HUVRQQHO6HFWLRQ                                          sonnel, call 661-277-5290 or 661-277-4366.
  ‡1$))LQDQFH2I¿FH                                                                                                                                   4 Lenses™ Assessment: 4 Lenses™ is founded on the
  ‡1$)+52                                                             Aero Club                                                                      realization that each individual has unique strengths and mo-
                                                                                                                                                       tivations. The 4 Lenses™ assessment helps organizations
Memorial Day Hours—May 25                                                 320 Jones Road, South Base, Bldg. 320, 661-275-AERO                          build a solid understanding of the innate talent and potential
  All 412th FSS facilities will be CLOSED except the fol-                                                                                              of its individuals. The 4-Lenses™ instrument was created
                                                                          Poppy Field Flyover: 6HHWKH$QWHORSH9DOOH\DWLWV¿QHVW
                                                                        2ULHQWDWLRQÀLJKWSHUKRXURQHDGXOWDQGWZRFKLOGUHQ                                                   See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 13
                                                                        call the Aero Club at 661-275-AERO

                                                                          Flight Training: Private, Instrumment, Commercial, ATP,


Pastor Paul Chappell  Lancaster Baptist is an independent, Baptist         OUR SHEPHERD EVANGELICAL                                                    WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30 am                                      To advertise
                      church with a friendly, family atmosphere;                   LUTHERAN CHURCH                                                      SPANISH SERVICE 12:30 pm                                   in the Worship
                      compassionate vision; and strong commitment
                      to Bible truth. We offer classes specifically                Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod                                  Sunday School .....................................9:00 AM     Directory,
                      designed for military families and singles, Join                                                                                 Thursday Family Night ........................6:00 PM         please call
                      us this Sunday at 0830 or 1100                     Pastor Brian Diring                                                            !DULT
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