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May 22, 2015 Community News Desert Wings 9
Timely advice focuses on motor vehicle collisions, couraging them to seek treatment helps
leading cause of military brain injuries preserve the health of the nation’s military
force, Hinds said. About A Head for the Future
As part of efforts to promote safe driv- if they are in a “no-helmet” state.
ing during Motorcycle Safety Awareness The A Head for the Future initiative of- “Moderate to severe brain injuries can be A Head for the Future, an initiative from
Month, experts from the Defense and Vet- easily diagnosed, but the signs and symp- the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury
erans Brain Injury Center’s A Head for the fers tips about how service members, vet- WRPVRIDFRQFXVVLRQFDQEHWKHPRVWGLI¿- Center, raises awareness of signs, symp-
Future initiative remind drivers to protect erans and their families can protect their cult TBIs to recognize,” said Dr. Scott Liv- toms and treatment of traumatic brain inju-
their heads while on the road. heads in daily activities. Tips for prevent- ingston, director of education for DVBIC. ries (TBIs) and educates the military com-
ing TBIs sustained in motorcycle collisions “It is vital to understand how to detect a munity about the importance of preventing
Motor vehicle collisions are the most include: brain injury to know when to seek help brain injuries in noncombat settings. Learn
common cause of brain injuries in the from a medical professional.” more at
military, according to a 2013 Department $OZD\V ZHDU \RXU KHOPHW DQG PDNH
of Defense Medical Surveillance Monthly V X U H L W ¿ W V S U R S H U O \ W L J K W H Q L Q J W K H V W U D S The most common signs and symptoms About DVBIC
Report. Fatal motor vehicle crashes tend VQXJWR¿W\RXUKHDG of brain injury include:
to peak in the warmer months of the year. Congress established Defense and Vet-
“More than 30 percent of brain injuries mets, too the head — the most common symptom ¿UVW*XOI:DULQUHVSRQVHWRWKHQHHGWR
in the military community come from mo- of TBI treat service members with traumatic brain
tor vehicle collisions,” said Army Col. Sid- 'ULYHVDIHO\DWRUXQGHUWKHGHVLJQDWHG injury. DVBIC’s staff serves as the De-
ney Hinds II, M.D., DVBIC’s national di- speed limit 'L]]LQHVVIHHOLQJRIIEDODQFHRUWKH fense Department’s primary TBI subject
rector. “Wearing personal protective gear, sensation of spinning matter experts. DVBIC is part of the U.S.
especially a helmet, and being responsible ,IWKHUHLVLQFOHPHQWZHDWKHUXVHRWKHU Military Health System and is the TBI op-
on the road can reduce instances of serious means of transportation 0HPRU\ORVV erational component of the Defense Cen-
injury—particularly to the rider’s head.” 6OHHSSUREOHPV ters of Excellence for Psychological Health
Motorcycle safety training is mandatory of alcohol, drugs or prescription medica- No one should return to vigorous physi- more about DVBIC at http://dvbic.dcoe.
for all DOD personnel. In addition, mili- tion cal activity after any type of brain injury, mil/.
tary personnel are required to wear per- even a concussion, without the evaluation
sonal protective equipment, such as long Raising awareness about the signs and of a trained medical professional, Livings-
sleeves, eye protection and helmets, even symptoms of brain injury, educating ser- ton said.
vice members and veterans about ways
to be safe during daily activities, and en- To access additional information about
brain injury prevention and recovery, visit
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